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  1. mething and leaving something, it's having a good reason to go to a new place and play with your GPS. A stake in the ground is: less noticable and probably isn't 'junk' in the NPS's view. Or perhaps it is. Nonetheless, we do need to talk to the rangers, NPS people, whoever and explain to them that: - We're using the park. That's why it was invented, right? - We'd like to pay for the use of the park. IE, we're not freeloaders. - We're probably more environmentally aware about what off-trail use does and thus it won't be as bad as someone else's off-trail use. - It's not a threat, but this is a popular sport that's only going to get more popular, so see the next point: - We'd like to work with you [NPS, et al.] to make this all legal, but you have to work with us, too. ...And other stuff I haven't thought of. It's in everyone's best interest to be reasonable about this, but to take it up with official-type people. If they shoot you down, regroup and try again with someone else, or try again later. It will probably take awhile to convince the NPS that Geocaching is benefitial to the parks, not detrimental. ------------------
  2. Guest

    Magellan or Garmin

    Yes, GPSs are 'dividendable' at REI (at least the one I bought was). A good internet source is http://www.tvnav.com . Darrel makes sure to upgrade each unit with the latest firmware before he ships it and he's willing to talk through any software compatibility or other issues with you over the phone or by email. (No connection other than as a customer.)
  3. Guest

    Corporate Cashe

    I'm in the same geographic area as you are. I've planted four caches, and only received 3 visitors in two months. Maybe you should wait until it really gets going here. This way you don't talk it up to a business and have them expecting a constant supply of people from your cache, then in reality have only me show up.
  4. Guest

    on the way....

    I recently stumbled upon some fellow geocachers and spooked them. They posted later that they stopped looking because the felt we were following them. We were just trying to stay back out of their way so that we could find the cache on our own. I would encourage everybody to talk to the people you run across while geocaching to avoid this sort of confusion. Maybe we need a secret handshake or a call and response. On a different occasion while signing the logbook we heard some geocachers approaching. (we could identify them by what they were saying , "it's 75 feet this way"). So as not to spoil their hunt we closed up the cache (minus the logbook, which we hadn't finished) and moved back about 25 feet. When they arrived we identified ourselves as fellow geocachers and told them they were close. Is there any offical geocaching etiquette we should follow in these situations.
  5. Guest

    on the way....

    I recently stumbled upon some fellow geocachers and spooked them. They posted later that they stopped looking because the felt we were following them. We were just trying to stay back out of their way so that we could find the cache on our own. I would encourage everybody to talk to the people you run across while geocaching to avoid this sort of confusion. Maybe we need a secret handshake or a call and response. On a different occasion while signing the logbook we heard some geocachers approaching. (we could identify them by what they were saying , "it's 75 feet this way"). So as not to spoil their hunt we closed up the cache (minus the logbook, which we hadn't finished) and moved back about 25 feet. When they arrived we identified ourselves as fellow geocachers and told them they were close. Is there any offical geocaching etiquette we should follow in these situations.
  6. Hi Markwell - If it was the Herrick Lake Stash, that was one of the 3 caches I placed. I would be all for you placing one next to it as a bonus cache. E-amil me at TCGGrafix@aol.com and we can "talk". (Plus I want the coordinates for the new cache without having to return to mine any time soon!) Let me know! Bryan
  7. Hi Markwell - If it was the Herrick Lake Stash, that was one of the 3 caches I placed. I would be all for you placing one next to it as a bonus cache. E-amil me at TCGGrafix@aol.com and we can "talk". (Plus I want the coordinates for the new cache without having to return to mine any time soon!) Let me know! Bryan
  8. In my global map 100manual they talk about the power save feature.They say it will affect the receivers performance,it also can loose its lock easier on satellites and changes update rate. So maybe this is whats also hapenning when youre units get low on power.
  9. ssion from the proper authorities? I mean actually talk to someone who understands the purpose of the cache and says it's okay to stash it. I read that LA Times article about a cache in a park and the rangers saying they didn't know about it but if they found it they would remove it. Obviously the stasher didn't get permission in advance. As this gets more popular, this kind of thing could really hurt the sport. Am I wrong, or are most cachers not bothering with permission?
  10. Guest

    Kansas City area Geocachers?

    So, you are Todd of Todd and Tracy! We finally meet (in cyberspace anyway). I must confess, I went out yesterday to Fort Scott deliberately to be the first to find the McGinnis caches. My dream was to get to a cache before you two did! (You've beaten me to every cache I've been to so far.) Now that my dream has been realized, I plan to get more casual about my drive. (Also, I was with the guy who has set out the Santa Fe Trail caches yesterday as he placed another one. Since I know where it is, I won't be looking for it. So you'll probably get there before anyone. Certainly before me.) Actually, I'm trying to convince the Star to let me write an article about geocaching. If you're interested, I'd probably like to talk to the two of you to get the view of two enthusiastic geocachers in the KC area. All sweetness and light, positive, upbeat quotes and perspectives about this healthy, wholesome, informative sport. That kind of thing. Look me up in the phone book and give me a call if you're interested. Paul of Paul and Libby
  11. Step 1 would be talk to you local council, there may already discussions going on at the national level. Step 2 might be to set up a Cache in the local Scout Camp. I teach Sailing Merit Badge, navigation on a pond is pretty limited, so I often bring Scouts out on a larger boat in a bay. I used to tell them about Loran, but that is over now. GPS is so common now, that I see no reason to teach about it. Maps or Charts are still used, and compass use is still part of the excersize. "Be Prepared!" (bring extra batteries !)
  12. Guest

    Kansas City area Geocachers?

    Wow! A reply!! Cool! Basic general stuff. There are no caches on the Kansas side of KC, something I hope to alleviate. We are in the MIssion area, and I went to the City hall and talked to the people there about places caches in the Mission parks, and at first I got the feeling I wished I hadn't asked. They mentioned going before the city council. EEK! No thanks, it's just for fun! I did end up talking to the Recs manager, and he seemed more cool with it, but was going to talk to a few people and "let me know". There are certainly a lot of places around here, in KC and towards Lawrence. We've found six at the time of this writing, hope to find more this weekend! We own an eTrex standard (yellow one) and it does us just fine.
  13. Guest

    Kansas City area Geocachers?

    So what did you want to talk about?
  14. Guest

    Arizona Caches

    or people in the valley (of the sun) In Utah, i only have to walk outside to find a tree and its green!! And you cant call a catus a tree! All of our water is spring feed, you guys have to buy your water from us. 15 minutes and I can Skiing in the snow or water (late spring of course). You know all this talk about how bad AZ is, makes me miss Tempe, I think Ill move back....
  15. Guest

    Erosion and you?

    What do you think you're doing to our environment spewing your verbal litter all over? Please respect our forums like you respect the outdoors. Both can get just as littered and be just as repulsive if not cared for properly. We are more than happy to talk with you as long as you "stay on *our* trails" and stop taking shortcuts. Follow the rules, learn the ettiquite and show some respect to the others and you *WILL* be heard.
  16. I'm a newbie, just found the site yesterday and like the idea. Having read all of the talk about environmental issues, perhaps those who establish a cache could include some plastic bin bags in the cache to help people take their/other's rubbish for proper disposal. Anything that makes it easier for people to clean up after themselves/others could only be a benefit. Erosion, though, is potentially a greater threat to this sport - at least around popular caches. That said, what is the average frequency of cache visits? As the sport grows, this will increase, but will it exceed the time taken for the region to recover? Just my $0.02.
  17. Guest

    Algonquin Park

    Nice place for a cache. Some friends of mine use to cut wood up in the park many moons ago.They talk of how the moose would follow them around different places earing the sound of chainsaws and eat the treetops as they bring down trees . Hopefully the cache seekers will see some moose .They also told me of a area where you where not allow to put your radio on or use your horn etc .I guess not to cause any interference ie:antennas
  18. Guest

    Geocacher Status

    I hadn't really paid much attn to the tag before so I thought I'd post just to see what I am and how many posts I've made. Might just mean I talk too much Well, this made 71 posts and I'm still a "Geocacher" so I guess "Trailguide" is equivelant to Moderator and I can't go any further Matt ------------------ www.gpscache.com 10 507069E 5038901N 45.50361N -122.90951W [This message has been edited by makaio (edited 03-01-2001).]
  19. Guest

    Geocacher Status

    I hadn't really paid much attn to the tag before so I thought I'd post just to see what I am and how many posts I've made. Might just mean I talk too much Well, this made 71 posts and I'm still a "Geocacher" so I guess "Trailguide" is equivelant to Moderator and I can't go any further Matt ------------------ www.gpscache.com 10 507069E 5038901N 45.50361N -122.90951W [This message has been edited by makaio (edited 03-01-2001).]
  20. Cap't Leno, I remember the 'bad old days' of Loran... A fishing Captain from IN ? we HAVE to talk ! I'm a 6-Packer, drive peoples boats to point 'B'. and former live-aboard capecache@hotmail.com
  21. Has anyone made one of these cables? Like to know it works before I spend any effort into trying to make one. Will the 2 units actually talk to one another? ------------------ Will Now where the hell am I?
  22. I've been thinking along the same lines for a while. I live in a tourist area, so I'm expecting alot of traffic in the summer. Password is good, but you should have to flash a GPS so the Bozo behind you in line doesn't get any nutty ideas !!! I think I might talk to the Chamber of Commerce and a few places nearby, a free ice cream or game of mini golf could be hip. I don't see any opposition to it from business owners, after all, I just delivered someone that will travel miles for a friggin superball and a key chain AFTER he/she spent at least $100 on a gadget ! GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!!! See ya after Memorial Day !
  23. Guest

    Forest Service

    I haven't heard of any problems yet. I was concerned at the beginning about the environmental impact as well. However, it seems that most (if not all) geocachers are very responsible people. Most are saying "take out more than you take in", i.e., pick up some garbage and carry it out with you when you go on a hunt. Forest Service people should actually be happy about that. As far as hiding caches go, as long as we don't hide anything dangerous, keep the caches relatively small, and use air/watertight containers, and don't hide food in them (food would attract animals, since they have a better sense of smell than humans do), I think we should be OK. If you've met Forest Service people who have concerns, my best advice would be to simply talk to them about it, and explain.
  24. We visited Dukes Creek Falls a week ago, and one of the clues we saw that led us to the cache was some torn-up vegetation and displaced soil from where someone climbed a steep embankment. We repaired it and made it look natural again. True, the tree fall caused far more erosion than any footsteps would, but in light of my recent discovery of how "sensitive" park rangers can be about stewardship of the land, the last thing we want to do is give them something to talk about. I don't think the cache is a problem, we just need to step lightly, and be ready to walk a little further if the bank looks too steep to climb without damage. --Scott
  25. e new features. The biggest difference between the Etrex and M315 seems to be the type of antenna that each has: Etrex = internal patch; M315 = quadrifilar. I have heard more than one owner talk about the superior lock (especially in forested areas) of the Magellan. But I haven't seen any comparison tests of the two. Anybody else have input on this?
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