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Everything posted by susiemerlin1

  1. Woo Hoo Christmas (cant wait!!!) 1 - Participating - susiemerlin1 - 16.10.09 2 - Name received 3 - Mission complete 4 - Package received
  2. Aww have just woken up and turned on the computer and saw my big toe!!! Never mind great comp, even if some are real stinkers! Well done The Seekers Family (assuming that is my big toe).
  3. Is it The Finding Irish 4 ??
  4. Hi Opalsns I would love to join your 52 card pick up mission no 2. Missed out on no 1.
  5. Hmmm not sure what has happened there! and that has only taken me an hour to do. I am definitely a technophobe
  6. http://s665.photobucket.com/albums/vv20/su...nt=BILD0216.jpg As promised my photo of the flower mission Thank you Belfry Potters
  7. So sorry to hear about your loss , he will always be in your heart, as my sister is in mine. I am glad your mission arrived safely I was a bit worried the chocolates would be a bit squashed! but they look ok in photo.
  8. E mail sent: 30/04/09 Name rec'd: 06/05/09 Mission sent: 21/05/09 Mission rec'd: 22/05/09 Received my mission today from the Belfry Potters and got a pair of flowery socks, flower post its a maple bookmark, a carved flower pen, a Canada Micro Puck (really cute) and a beautiful Flower Geocoin (strange as I saw this coin and thought it would be good for the mission, but seeing as I would have to buy two (one for me as I always get myself a coin as well its a sneaky way of collecting them!) I decided to stick with my first choice). Thank you so much Picture on the way.
  9. E mail sent: 30/04/09 Name rec'd: 06/05/09 Mission sent: 21/05/09 Package winging its way hope you like it. Wasn't too keen on the postage though! Mission rec'd: Not yet
  10. Dandelion & Burdock I dont know if you get this on your side of the pond!
  11. I was really surprised when I saw we had 173 in 10 mile radius.
  12. How about Spinach Cauliflower Raspberries I assume it is ok to put all three guesses on one post?
  13. I think the odds are going to be pretty slim (for all of us)!
  14. Please dont anyone take this the wrong way but for a young man DJJ Rock has really put a lot of thought in sending out the witches mission. I feel a lot of people (both sexes) could learn something from him. Well done.
  15. Congratulations to the winners. I enjoyed this cointest and learnt something as well. Thank you
  16. Congratulations to the winners. I enjoyed this cointest and learnt something as well. Thank you
  17. E mail sent: 30/04/09 Name received: 06/05.09 Mission sent: Mission received:
  18. Email sent: 30/04/09 Name received: Mission sent: Mission received:
  19. Hee hee I'm in thankyou
  20. E mail sent Fingers crossed
  21. Crying in the rain - The Everley Brothers
  22. Great coin My long lost brother! (he's obviously related to my avatar)
  23. Laughter in the rain - Neil Sedaka As one has to when caching in the rain like we did last night - even our undies were soaked -
  24. 28.6 miles for 500 As we are on the North Cornwall Coast (Sea is only about 1 1/2 miles as the crow flies) there is a lot of nothing in that radius!
  25. Survey completed - Good Luck
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