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DeerChaser & Company

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Everything posted by DeerChaser & Company

  1. Or here in Florida, this one was mine, now up in smoke. Where do you think I got the idea huh? Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  2. antifreeze treats Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  3. I would be pissed if my kids found something like that. It would be instant MIA. Took nothing, left new monkey ash TB. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 [This message was edited by DeerChaser & Poni on April 11, 2003 at 09:12 PM.]
  4. I'm thinking of getting one just for cache pages. I also have Mircosoft Pocket Streets and Trips but thats not a big deal. Which one do I get? I do want one that I can add memory too. Thanks Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  5. I did it to support the site. It's only $2.50 a month. I don't feel thats a whole lot to spend. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  6. I'm thinking 'Lunch Time!' Is that what you would call 'fast food'? LMAO Yes sir this would be fast food, over an open flame!!! Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  7. The one bad thing about setting the fire is you have to be very careful with the flaming critters running by you! I don't think they can see to well. You would be amazed at how fast a turtle can run. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  8. Do what I do when you can't find one. Set the place on fire, it will show up in time. This way your not pushing stumps over or breaking branches. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  9. i have 6 states loaded, 8 regions (8 to 16meg ea), 2 files. Still have 15meg left for waypoints Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  10. Do yourself a favor and take a look at the Magellan Meridian GPS at outpost. For $119 you get a lot more for the money (mapping). You can add all the memory you want. Both Garmin and Magellan are good units. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  11. Well a 45 min ride to the town. I got the at 12 noon, found 17, left the town at 5:30pm. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  12. lol oops Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  13. quote: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Like this? Ok who has the knife? Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  14. All the good stuff is missing Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  15. Suzuki Eiger 4x4, $5300.00 Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  16. Cuz you don't count roadster Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  17. Thats personal, geez some people!! Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  18. I leave all the trash I found on the trail TOIC, Trash out, In Cache J/K Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  19. Find your answer here. Rename the ini file. Also can rename the image file but you will need the card reader. I have 6 states worth, size is 125meg, 2 image files loaded in the meridian. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  20. nothing better to do lol sad isnt it Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  21. we all posted at the same time lol Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  22. 30 and 50 cal. I like the myself. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ctd/product.asp?sku=ZAA%2D094&mscssid=NV3X7N0K5BFT9MR3XQ8L6FAPQNEA1C4C Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  23. Just ordered the ultimate, thanks for the info... Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  24. I can help you with those nasty elk, mule deer, and moose. Lets rid the world of these horrible beasts (hogs and turkeys) on the side.... Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
  25. I even get rid of those nasty deer in the fall, crappin all over the place, tearing up the trees, geez. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
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