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The Artful Dodger

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Posts posted by The Artful Dodger

  1. Hi Guys :huh:


    Decided to check out the forums here for the first time in ages :laughing:


    Hey Brian.. saw your log on my cache! Sorry you didnt get to it, bud. Yikes, you must be crazy camping out in this colddd... A true diehard backpacker, you are!


    I hope you guys make it out on the next trip out there. This is a spectacular place to see and a nice place for the cache. You will not regret visiting this place. The views are..awesome!


    Stay cool ! (figuratively, that is)



  2. Sorry, shameless promotion here.. :)


    I have 4 geomonkey travel bugs that were released into the wild over 2 years ago. Their goal? To reach a little girl in AUckland, New Zealand.


    Having being released from New York, one of them has finally made it...


    Here is the original post: Original Forum post








    Shambock ----- GOAL ATTAINED !


    Moral of the story? Hang in there....your TB will accomplish its goal, sooner or later... :)

  3. I have this original mapsource product available.


    Used once for a recent trip to France.


    It is very extensive! It has all streets, Points of interest, Restaurants, intersections etc


    It can also do address lookup as well..


    ...all this from your trusty GPS.


    Used once. Any decent offer takes it.


    Feel free to email me if you are interested. :rolleyes:


    Artful Dodger



  4. AAARGH!!!


    My beautiful cache pages - destroyed!


    Jeremy...can you PUH-LEASE reactivate the <OBECT> tags back into the HTML process, please?


    I have spent a considerable amount of time and creativity designing my cache pages to be totally unique from everyone elses.


    All my webcam cache pages had the actual interactive webcams embedded into the cache page. Not any more!!


    See here:

    Washington DC LIVE


    Edinburgh LIVE


    Mission Beach


    etc, etc.


    I have also made some excellent cache pages with some cool interactive features for the cacher. Have a look at my New York Internation Travel Bug Hotel and Casino or my Halloween PHANTASMAGORIA My other cool cache pages are no longer....cool sad.gif


    Bottom line is that the majority of my caches use the <OBJECT> tag to create this unique view of cache pages.


    I sincerely hope that it will be restored as it was a large part of my overall enjoyment of geocaching.


    Thank you


  5. quote:
    Originally posted by Ttepee:

    I just happened across an ad in the Trail Conference newsletter... did anyone know there's camping on the ridge now too? Well there's a campground that charges a hefty fee but if you've got the bucks it sounds pretty cool. The grand opening for the campground is Aug 1st according to the newsletter but their webpage says Fall 2003 so I don't know what's right. It's called http://www.maloufsmountain.com/ if anyone's interested.


    Wow! You can access this campground from the Breakneck Ridge trail - argumentably one of the best hikes on the Hudson.


    Hmmm...might be worth looking into this as a camping area after doing this hike - which they say is about 6 1/2 hours away!! If you select the Chow box option - everything is provided - even the tent, if need be.


    Thanks for the tip Ttepee. icon_smile.gif

  6. quote:
    Originally posted by BrianSnat:

    OK, you threw down the gauntlet. Any other NJ geocachers up for the challenge? Another group hunt might be fun. Mopar? Hartclimbs? Etoast? Anybody?


    _"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"_


    I FINALLY have a free weekend this summer ( 8/9 & 8/10)!! I'd love to bag a few good caches with some fellow geocachers. I'd be keen to go, Brian. I need to get into shape again so bring on the great hiking caches! icon_biggrin.gif

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