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Everything posted by geoStrider

  1. There was a coyote that seemed to keep watch over a cache down here south of Tucson. As far as I know, it didn't use a web cam. p.s. - Erwast, nice seeing some more of the ancient script in your signature. It's been a long time since I had my Latin, but shouldn't "ets" really be "est"? Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  2. I bought a cover for my Legend and it is working great. It is a non-Garmin brand made specifically for the eTrex series (I removed the label, so I don't know who makes it, but they are sold on eBay for around $12 to $14). It is mostly neoprene, has a zipper for closure, a plastic swivel belt clip, and a velcro loop on the back for attaching to handle bars. The problem was that the clear vinyl front window covered the click stick and was not pliant enough to consistently use the stick. I used a hole punch to place a clean hole in the vinyl window over the click stick area and it works great now. There are also clear vinyl windows for the side buttons and they work fine without modification. It provides all the protection I was looking for in case of drops and scratches and keeps out the dust. I found I could undo the velcro loop and attach the GPSr to my dash board cover right in front of the steering wheel while driving. Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  3. bigger geodude Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  4. Here you go. Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  5. Thought the signature would be bold & italics by now. Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  6. Once more for the gipper. Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  7. geoStrider


    test Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  8. geoStrider


    Having fun now. Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  9. geoStrider


    I'm thinking ... Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  10. geoStrider


    In the name of God and everything that's holy ... Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  11. geoStrider


    Cross my fingers. Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  12. geoStrider


    Newbie's avatar test Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...
  13. Thanks Greg, that does it. This will come in handy when the clues or directions for a geocache provide a bearing in portions of a degree. I haven't seen it happen many times, but last weekend I had one. Thanks again.
  14. My Garmin Legend appears to only allow the entry of a bearing in whole degrees, not portions of a degree, when projecting a waypoint. The "error" can be substantial depending on the rounding of the bearing and the distance over which it is projected. While I can work out corrections to compensate for the problem or just calclate the new point directly, I was wondering if this unit provides a means to enter non-integer bearings? I thought mils might be an option, but I do not believe the Legend has this capability. Any suggestions
  15. I had Garmin email me the prior version (Version 2.5) of the software for my Legend. It installed properly over the 3.1. I hope the fix comes soon as I'd like the additional waypoint storage. Hopefully, in the interim, they will put 2.5 back on their site as a download option for others experiencing this same problem. aztextor@aol.com
  16. Not sure about your specific problem, but other bugs have been confirmed by Garmin and they are looking at a new update soon. See prior postings.
  17. Legend users beware that the newest software version 3.1 has a bug that, under certain circumstances, will cause your waypoint coordinates to change. I have observed this with my Legend set to UTM and WGS (it might occur under other conditions as well). The problem that can arise happens in two cases I have seen: 1)manually entering a waypoint's coordinates; 2) revising an existing waypoint's coordinates. What happens is as follows, in the Waypoint screen after entering (or editing) the waypoint coords and selecting "OK" to finalize the entry, the Northing coord will decrease by one digit. This will occur even if the existing coords are selected for editing, but not changed (i.e., clicking "OK" to exit the field still causes the Northing coord to decrease by one. Garmin has confirmed this in a conversation I had with one of their techs. They are working out the bug and hope to have a fix soon
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