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Posts posted by ClayJar

  1. Unless this has become geotrashing.com, I'll just keep assuming that any bags left outside the container are to assist me in trashing out stuff. icon_wink.gif


    Seriously, though, I have only seen two caches that were *worse* than the bagged caches I've seen, and those were archived or replaced because of it. If you can't hide a cache without a trash bag, you can't hide a cache there. You have two options: look for a better spot or decorate your container better.


    If I were a land manager and I saw a plastic bagged cache, I'd ban caching faster than you can say NPS. Bagged caches should be as welcome as open peanut butter jars in caches. (And no, I'm not at all opinionated on this topic. icon_wink.gif)

  2. Unless this has become geotrashing.com, I'll just keep assuming that any bags left outside the container are to assist me in trashing out stuff. icon_wink.gif


    Seriously, though, I have only seen two caches that were *worse* than the bagged caches I've seen, and those were archived or replaced because of it. If you can't hide a cache without a trash bag, you can't hide a cache there. You have two options: look for a better spot or decorate your container better.


    If I were a land manager and I saw a plastic bagged cache, I'd ban caching faster than you can say NPS. Bagged caches should be as welcome as open peanut butter jars in caches. (And no, I'm not at all opinionated on this topic. icon_wink.gif)

  3. I greatly appreciate the fact that the e-mail uses marks itself as is appropriate for automatic, computer-generated mail. Now if only I controlled the whole Internet so I could start file suits against all the $REALLY_MEAN_WORD spammers. Can we just make them eat printed copies of all the spam they send? We can use organic inks and paper so it doesn't hurt them, but they could use a few kilos of fiber a day, IM-not-at-all-HO. icon_biggrin.gif


    Oh, and by the way, the "Importance:" header is a header. It's not an editorial about what anyone thinks about the notifications. (I'm assuming the poll was a joke, eh?)

  4. I greatly appreciate the fact that the e-mail uses marks itself as is appropriate for automatic, computer-generated mail. Now if only I controlled the whole Internet so I could start file suits against all the $REALLY_MEAN_WORD spammers. Can we just make them eat printed copies of all the spam they send? We can use organic inks and paper so it doesn't hurt them, but they could use a few kilos of fiber a day, IM-not-at-all-HO. icon_biggrin.gif


    Oh, and by the way, the "Importance:" header is a header. It's not an editorial about what anyone thinks about the notifications. (I'm assuming the poll was a joke, eh?)

  5. Is this for a single cache or a cache-a-thon? Also, is this cache-exclusive or cache-inclusive (i.e. can there be other things, or is it hunts for caches not counting business or whatever)?


    Finally, which time would you like?

    1. Driveway to driveway?

    2. Parking to parking?

    3. Parking to logging?

    4. Vicinity to discovery?


    For a single cache with nothing extra, my longest duration, driveway to driveway, is about 16.5 hours (including a 12-mile open-water paddle).

  6. Well, welcome to the game. It just so happens that you have a few cachers in the general vicinity, and one of them happens to be me. icon_biggrin.gif


    I won't be available next weekend (sometimes you just have to work overtime), but other than that, I'm around (except when I'm driving 1000 miles to go to a geobreakfast of something). Anyway, if you want to e-mail me, just send to GPS@C___J__.com (fill in the blanks with my nickname).


    Anyway, there are quite a few cachers in south Louisiana, and at least Beast_of_Traal, ninefruits, and I in Baton Rouge itself (I got ninefruits into the game myself).

  7. Well, welcome to the game. It just so happens that you have a few cachers in the general vicinity, and one of them happens to be me. icon_biggrin.gif


    I won't be available next weekend (sometimes you just have to work overtime), but other than that, I'm around (except when I'm driving 1000 miles to go to a geobreakfast of something). Anyway, if you want to e-mail me, just send to GPS@C___J__.com (fill in the blanks with my nickname).


    Anyway, there are quite a few cachers in south Louisiana, and at least Beast_of_Traal, ninefruits, and I in Baton Rouge itself (I got ninefruits into the game myself).

  8. ***BRING WATER!!!***


    Ever since I got severely dehydrated on a hunt gone wrong, I've been sure to have water with me on *every* hunt, and you know what? It sure makes you less sore the next day. icon_biggrin.gif


    Oh, and the "Golden Rule of Geocaching" is "Take something, leave something." I wouldn't think that's a good one to overlook, eh? (And no, you don't *have* to trade, but if you take something, leave something.)

  9. ***BRING WATER!!!***


    Ever since I got severely dehydrated on a hunt gone wrong, I've been sure to have water with me on *every* hunt, and you know what? It sure makes you less sore the next day. icon_biggrin.gif


    Oh, and the "Golden Rule of Geocaching" is "Take something, leave something." I wouldn't think that's a good one to overlook, eh? (And no, you don't *have* to trade, but if you take something, leave something.)

  10. Their apps look like Swiss cheese, and then they put in a misfeature that does approximately zero good (and disables a lot of sites)... I'd say, "At least they're trying," but I don't know if I believe that. icon_wink.gif

  11. Their apps look like Swiss cheese, and then they put in a misfeature that does approximately zero good (and disables a lot of sites)... I'd say, "At least they're trying," but I don't know if I believe that. icon_wink.gif

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by Cheesehead Dave:

    I actually discovered Geocaching through Slashdot. I can't imagine that I'm the only one...

    Hehe... I discovered geocaching through Slashdot... and then since I had no money for a GPS receiver, I promptly forgot all about it. When I finally rediscovered geocaching, I had a MAP 330 that very evening. (And I even, eventually, remembered that I had seen it all before a long time ago. icon_biggrin.gif)

  13. quote:
    Originally posted by Cheesehead Dave:

    I actually discovered Geocaching through Slashdot. I can't imagine that I'm the only one...

    Hehe... I discovered geocaching through Slashdot... and then since I had no money for a GPS receiver, I promptly forgot all about it. When I finally rediscovered geocaching, I had a MAP 330 that very evening. (And I even, eventually, remembered that I had seen it all before a long time ago. icon_biggrin.gif)

  14. All the Magellan mapping receivers work approximately the same way, so while I only have a MAP 330 and a MeriGold, it shouldn't be any different for yours. When you upload a detail map region (or regions), it replaces whatever what in the receiver. If you want to add another region to the existing ones, you just have to choose all the regions you want to have in the receiver and upload them together.

  15. quote:
    Originally posted by Ozarktroutbum:

    Nice bit of prose! Only you forgot to mention that all your non-cacheing friends think you've lost your mind.

    Hehe... as most of the "old-timers" around here have figured out, I've always been eccentric. icon_biggrin.gif (About the only thing that changed in the eyes of my non-caching friends was that I now go on even more insanely long hikes and paddles than I used to... hehe.)


    Actually, considering I've gotten at least several of my friends into caching, next thing I know they'll think I'm normal! icon_eek.gif

  16. quote:
    Originally posted by Ozarktroutbum:

    Nice bit of prose! Only you forgot to mention that all your non-cacheing friends think you've lost your mind.

    Hehe... as most of the "old-timers" around here have figured out, I've always been eccentric. icon_biggrin.gif (About the only thing that changed in the eyes of my non-caching friends was that I now go on even more insanely long hikes and paddles than I used to... hehe.)


    Actually, considering I've gotten at least several of my friends into caching, next thing I know they'll think I'm normal! icon_eek.gif

  17. quote:
    Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

    Hmm ... there must be a word missing there, but that is not now, nor ever was "the middle ground." That would be called "acquiesing to one polarized position."


    Incidentally, there is no standoff. "We" are only the inmates.

    Actually, although I hate to jump in the line of fire, Z. was *not* the one who originally posted the middle ground quote you included; rather, it was I.


    If you don't believe there is any middle ground, though, I can do nothing more than request that you refrain from this discussion for the duration. You can offer no constructive input. Of course, if you want to keep posting, I'll definitely read your posts, as will others, but if you are saying from the top that there is no way you will concede anything, then it is a waste of both your time and ours to argue the same position ad nauseum.


    The point here is to have a discussion and to try to come to a consensus as to what we as the Geocaching.com community would like to happen with Geocaching.com. Of course, our discussions are only to aid Jeremy in making decisions, as the decisions are his to make; still, there have been many times when discussions on these forums have assisted in the continued development of Geocaching.com.


    If you do not wish to participate in discussing alternatives and merely with to make your position known (that position being that you think this is a bad idea any way you slice it), then I congratulate you on having made your position known. If, on the other hand, you would like to consider alternatives -- even ones which involve compromises -- we'd be happy to hear your ideas. There's no need to turn this into yet another Israel/Palestine, India/Pakistan, or whatever-else political debate. Those get nowhere and only serve to incite bad feelings among the participants.


    I for one do not believe that blocking the coordinates from non-logged-in viewers will do half a diddly in keeping caches from being plundered, and yet, I am willing to listen to those people who believe the converse in the hopes that we may be able to come to a reasonable compromise that can become a consensus, even if it is something that is not completely what I personally care for.

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