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Posts posted by ClayJar

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by Quinbus:

    When I activate a filter for a particular direction the resulting list has records in it that show directions in the distance field that weren't included in the filter. Example: Suppose I request a filter for only Southward caches. Some of the records in the filtered list show locations that are North and Northwest of my center.

    Strange. Its working fine for me and my testers. You're going to the filters, clicking over to the bearing & distance tab, and unchecking the boxes for W, NW, N, NE, E, or something like that, eh? I left only S checked and it worked fine; then I checked SE and SW too, and it still works fine. I can change the center I'm using, and it refilters appropriately. (Can you give me any more specifics? You *are* using 0.1.38, right? IIRC, 0.1.37 had a little UI bug that hid some of the checkboxes.)


    Oh, and Quetzalteco, are you still having problems with the external links? Neither I nor my guys can replicate that problem description, and we've tried it with IE, default, and custom browser settings on the options menu. There was only a one-line change to the external links (if "Work Offline" is checked then stop); I can't see anything wrong, and we can't find anything. (The only time I've had that happen was when I was in dire need of a reboot, but that was obviously not a Watcher problem.) Anyway, e-mail if it's still not working for you.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  2. Watcher 0.1.38 (brdad *finally* gets his feature)


    Okay, so there was a little bug in the cache notes. That should be fixed... and... um... sorry? Anyway, there's also a little cache stats window for you, just in case you want to know about the breakdown of the cache list you're looking at.


    Get it at the usual site.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  3. Watcher 0.1.37 (The BruceS Signature Edition)


    Over 20,000 miles from the last update, and almost three months later, Watcher finally has come back to public life! Watcher 0.1.37 adds in a few oft-requested features for your geocaching pleasure.


    First: You can now keep notes about caches inside Watcher. If you want to keep the first half of that partially completely multi-cache hunt you started, you can tag it onto the cache right in Watcher. Whenever you load a GPX with that cache in it, your notes are automatically loaded and ready, and when you save a GPX, Watcher adds a log from itself ("WatcherGPX") with tomorrow's date and your notes. (Perfect for those of you using PDAs with your GPXes, Plucker, gpx2html, or whatever.)


    Feature number two: "Offline Mode" for those of you who use Watcher on laptops while not connected to the Internet. It makes an attempt to cut off all externally-loading graphics, and it disables the Watcher links to Geocaching.com. Perfect for the cacher on the go.


    And finally, the final feature: Yes, you may now filter by the little smiley faces. icon_biggrin.gif


    Get Watcher 0.1.37 at the (somewhat dusty but no longer stagnant) usual place.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by blazerfan:

    I enjoy caches that I have to solve puzzles and such to find, but there needs to be a way to filter these out when you just want to find regular caches.

    Cache attributes are one future feature that you will likely appreciate when they finally get here (don't start waiting just yet; they're not quite at the top of the list). Once CAs are implemented, I'll add them to Watcher's filters. *Then*, if you don't want to go for puzzle caches, you *will* be able to filter them out (assuming they have the attribute). Alternately, if you're *dying* to do a puzzle cache, you could just as easily filter to find caches with that CA.


    As it stands right now, though, there's really no simple way to filter out/in puzzle caches. (Alas, Jeremy, may your coding progress with the speed and cleanliness... We are *so* anticipating the first coming of CAs.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  5. My PQs are:

    • My home area (regularly)

    • Georgia's traditionals (when I'm headed there)

    • Georgia's non-traditionals (ditto)
    The only other PQs I do are special one-time queries and PQs that didn't load correctly in Watcher (of course, the latter come from whomever has the problem, and I only use them to track down the bugs).


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  6. Since there are at least two sets of coordinates, one could say that it was a multi. That would seem to be more of a stretch than calling it "unknown", but calling a simple traditional seems to be a bit less than completely true.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

    1. Subscribe. (Check.)

    2. Get a Pocket Query GPX sent to you. (Check.)

    3. Load it in Watcher. (Get it free from ClayJar.com)

    4. Filter by container (see graphic below).


    Note that I'm also filtering out those pesky virtual containers since my travel bug won't fit in them, either.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by Cruzin!:

    In perl (yes, I know they're using VB, but I refuse to learn a platform-proprietary language), it's this simple:

    Let all us join together in the mighty chorus of thhbbbttting...




    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  8. Well, since the voting isn't closed yet, I'll add one vote (for a write-in candidate, whether or not that's going a bit too Floridian) for the ClayJar and/or Watcher avatar/icon graphics. Does that get me at least an honorable mention? icon_biggrin.gif


    Hehe... all I need to do is to get you *really* into Watcher, and then I can trade a feature addition or two for a lovely stick. icon_wink.gif


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  9. The answer is Pocket Queries, which can return up to 500 cache pages worth of information in a single GPX file. For more information, you could search here or take a more direct route and ask on the geocaching chat, where just about everybody uses Pocket Queries and the many GPX-based applications. (And we're friendly, too. icon_biggrin.gif)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  10. quote:
    Originally posted by Frolickin:

    I believe the interrogative was written to sound colloquial, in which case it was written correctly, imo.

    Perhaps it would be more fitting to say that it was written "appropriately" rather than that it was written "correctly". icon_biggrin.gif


    (Incidentally, if you have noted that the sentence-ending period is not within the quotes, do not bother noting that aloud. Rather, I refer you to the Jargon File, Chapter 5. Hacker Writing Style. The relevant portion begins with the second paragraph and ends with the paragraph referring to Hart's Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors.)


    ((Even more incidentally, it would seem that special-casing short or "irrelevant" words in titles for non-capitalization is another kludge of classic language. Citing Oxford above as the Oxford Dictionary For Writers And Editors would seem much more logical to the rigid, logical programmer's mind.))


    (((Most incidentally, the act of using multiple parentheses to delineate ever more parenthetical thoughts, even when not nested, is distinctly programmese and will not likely enter either Hart's or Oxford within the near or moderately near future.)))


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  11. Before a bunch of people jump on you for unwittingly beating a dead horse, let me just answer your question as simply and concisely as possible.


    If you are a premium (i.e. subscribing) member, you can use Pocket Queries to get GPX files of up to 500 caches at a time. (Those files are, basically, the entire cache pages of all the caches in them.) You can then take those and load them into a PDA, or use Watcher (yipee!) to do cool things with them, or even... use Spinner of gpsbabel to change the waypoint names, icons, or what-have-you based on the type of cache (or any of a number of other things).


    Best thing since the removal of Selective Availability? It just might be. icon_wink.gif


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by Frolickin:

    We will be adding more features for premium users every month . . .

    To the best of my knowledge, that has not been the case.

    Do you limit "more features" to discrete, premium-only features, or do features added to existing features or features that are visible to non-premium users also count?


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  13. quote:
    Originally posted by southdeltan:

    2. Premium members can search for caches from a location based on directions (S, SE, etc)

    Once you're a subscribing member, you can use Pocket Queries to get sets of up to 500 caches e-mailed to you. You just take the Pocket Query data and open it with Watcher, and you can do that very thing already (among a great many other things).


    (I added it to Watcher at the express request of quite a few people, actually, and from what I see and have heard, it works quite nicely... filter by direction and sort by distance and you have it all right there, but if you find something missing in Watcher, just ask and it might end up near the top of the TODO list that will be shrinking again soon, since I'll be at home more.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  14. If you do some googling, you'll find some reviews and such. About all I can remember is that the Mosquito Deleto ranked as the absolute bottom of the barrel. The Mosquito Magnet and the other one (I can't remember the name) both caught quite a few more skeeters than the Mosquito Deleto.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  15. Okay, you have likely encountered "Hello, my name is Internet Ex... um... Who am I?" syndrome. Although Microsoft was the creator of the scheme by which your shortcuts had pretty icons, they are pitiful when it comes to actually *keeping* the icons set. No worries, though, we can use the knowledge of IE iconnery to permanently stamp the icon on the shortcuts.

    Right-click this URL: http://www.geocaching.com/favicon.ico

    Choose "Save target as..."

    Save that icon as whatever you want, say, "C:WindowsGeocaching.ico"

    Right-click your shortcut and choose "Properties"

    Click the "Change Icon" button

    Select your Geocaching.com icon (either type the full path or just browse to the icon file)

    Click OK all the way out

    Enjoy! icon_wink.gif


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  16. Hehe... if you're wondering about the somewhat snide remarks, it's just because the question's been asked many, many times in the more than a year and a half since the weekly official chats started. (You're not the report-writing guy from the GGA meeting, are you?)


    The chat's always open, but the official weekly chat is 8:30pm Central (9:30pm Georgia). It usually goes for about an hour and a half, but sometimes it can be a lot longer if there's a lot of geocaching discussion going on. Even when it's not official, though, there are cachers in there almost 24/7 (and certainly in the evenings).


    The "easiest" way to get there is to just click over to http://gcchat.clayjar.com/, or if you're versed in IRC, you can just join #Geocache on Slashnet (irc.slashnet.org).


    (Incidentally, Jeremy is in there sometimes, but as far as I know, it's not actually linked to from Geocaching.com itself.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  17. You may have to look a little closely to read it, but my license plate should be self-explanatory. (Oh, and if you ever see me on the road, pick up your FRS radio and say hi... I usually keep one on just in case a cacher finds me.)


    9713_500.jpg(Click for large version.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  18. My Meridian can hold up to... um... *millions* of waypoints! I think we should be able to have the entire site downloaded in one PQ... oh, wait, that'd run it into the ground.


    How about precompiled daily states? Well, actually, there are a couple important PQ GPX enhancements that I'll discuss in another thread once it's time, but that's not this thread.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  19. You should also be able to change the URL like so if you want to specify a server:




    This is if I remember correctly. This library doesn't allow chat, so I *can't* test it. Oh, and incidentally, could someone please tell mtn-man that... (drumroll)... I *really* left my detail maps this time! icon_biggrin.gif


    (I was going up to DC, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont, with an option for North Dakota... Well, let's just say that I've now visited 47 states, now including Utah, and I'm about to leave here to hit number 48 -- Nevada. Well, back on the road again.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  20. Because of the way the network on which we normally chat was taken down, it may be a while before service is completely restored (some people may be able to connect, but others may not).


    For the time being, the alternate network will be used, and if it turns out to be a decent network, we may just cut the losses and migrate over permanently. Anyway, stay tuned for any updates, but for now, at least, you can access the chat via the following:



    - or -

    #Geocache on irc.slashnet.org (not irc.freenode.net... at least for now)


    (Incidentally, have you ever considered a little couple-channel IRC server, Jeremy? icon_wink.gif Sorry, I just *had* to...)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

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