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Everything posted by idl0r

  1. So then let's call this record as "I found 600+ powerline towers"-record and not a record in geocaching for I absolutely don't see the point of geocaching here. idl0r PS: did I miss an update of the guidelines or is 200ft distance from cache 2 cache now possible?
  2. I can support this ... If people here would only use simple maths and physics plus some basic assumptions they would see that this "record" is nearly impossible. My rough calculations pointed out that they had less than 90 seconds from jumping out of their car and finding+opening any of these caches under very optimal circumstances. The rest of the time in my calculation is used for short logging (date + name), hiding the cache again, driving from cache to cache respecting speed limits and jumping back into the car. All this calculation was made according to the assumption that the average distance from cache to cache is less than 200m (650 ft) (as I already said ... veeeeery optimal circumstances). 90seconds average find time ... well that's only possible (if at all) with D1/T1 drive-in caches If they really made it ... R.E.S.P.E.C.T. A very sceptical idl0r
  3. I really doubt that this is possible. The description parser filters out not allowed tags and I believe "<embed>" and "<object>" are within that filter list. Nevertheless, anybody with an idea to accomplish his request to include youtube-data in listings?
  4. Do you also have problems when style sheets are used in listings? Looks to me, like Webserver is filtering CSS-Code now ...
  5. Anybody also concerning problems when CSS is used in listings? Looks to me, like Webserver is filtering CSS-Code
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