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Everything posted by IkbenMamma

  1. Too bad I life in The Netherlands , great idea a Garage Sale....
  2. Holland 2009 Yesterday I saw one of the topics at our dutch forum, just in time . I never joined a race before and today I am happy to announce Mum's first racecoin is indeed ready for take off ... together with about 45 other racers! I won a coin with Delta123's Chirstmas Puzzle last year, so activated it just now and as from today it's in the running for the TB/Coin contest : Holland 2009 *** I am wondering if maybe, just maybe some of our racecoins or bugs will end up across the ocean somewhere
  3. Just poste a note in the other TOPIC The Netherlands will follow as well at 14th of June ...
  4. Just poste a note in the other TOPIC The Netherlands will follow as well at 14th of June ...
  5. Ours in The Netherlands will be held at the 14 of June too (GC1R2DF) - Not published yet, but in review very soon... Very busy at the moment, making new caches and organising all this in such a sort notice, but very nice indeed to do so ! With my almost four year old daughter we have a lot of fun allready. Greetz from IkbenMamma (meaning : I am a Mum )!!! *** And ofcourse a lot of fun on your TAKG event !!!
  6. Hello, IkbenMamma from the Netherlands here . (Nice emotcons over here )... *** I was wondering - are there any plans for a geocoin for the coming FlashMob WWFM IV ? This is really a nice coin and in The Netherlands we are planning to have four WWFM's, so I may not be the only one, who would love to have a nice memory for this short event.... Anyone ?
  7. That's a nice way to live together and practice your hobbie @ home . In our old home, I used to hide a micro container in the garden at the playground, in the sand, for my two year old !! When she found it, she really logs her found. I kept the micro for later on in her life to show her how early she starts geocaching on her own
  8. Both possibilities where unknown ! NEW as well ?? THNX
  9. One SMALL other thing I would like to be added ... If I am on my own page ... http://www.geocaching.com/my/ .... and I would like to see the pictures in my gallery, the way I do it now is as follows: I open Geocaches (Mine) I click of one of my cache(listings) I click on my name at : a cache made by ikbenmamma Then I see my profile, the way other people see my profile... Last step; I click om GALLERY !!!! *** I would love to see a DIRECT link from the http://www.geocaching.com/my/ Maybe there is some space to create at this line ... Quick View | Watchlist | Geocaches (Mine) | Travel Bugs (Mine) | Benchmarks | Member Features | My Friends Excually ?? I think QUICK VIEW is NOT nesscesarry ?? up there (Do not know how to spell these), because the MY ACCOUNT on your left is ALWAYS THERE !!!! So it IS possible for exemple to change Quick View in Gallery.... ****
  10. Very good idea indeed ! Good luck with finding your data back...
  11. One BIG remark to the people who deal with our remarks : What I really would LOVE TO SEE : A LINK TO A LIST OF THE WATCHERS OF MY CACHE(S). At least for the cache OWNERS, it is not a big secret is it, if you watch the cache, you have nothing to HIDE is it, if you watch a cache !!!! I THINK WHEN COINS ARE RIPPED, IT MUST HAVE BEEN ONE OF US !!!! SOMEONE WHO ALLREADY DID THE CACHE AND PUT IT ON THE WATCHLIST ! SO WHEN A CACHER LOGS AND MAKES THE REMARK OF A COIN DROP, SOMEONE CAN GET TO THE CACHE ASAP !!! I will not believe it goes like this, but unfortunately it has to be this way in many cases... Maybe when the list is public (again : at least for the owner), they will not watch a cache that soon ?? I don't know, I just think it would be nice if such a link would be provided to the cache-owners, or for everybody... *** So for a new release please consider a link by : You are 1 of 9 user(s) watching this cache. -or- 6 User(s) are watching this cache. Thanx, IkbenMamma
  12. TO ALL THE ABOVE : Here oversees - up in the Netherlands - I always click on MAKE THIS PAGE PRINT FRIENDLY ! THEN : !!!!! --> If you are a premium member - typ behind existing tekst in URL &pf=y&decrypt=y&numlogs=5 ... you can change the number of logs to show ! ... If you are NOT a premium member - typ behind existing tekst in URL &pf=y&decrypt=y !!! It will be printed correctly !! At least here it does .... ((( I SEE IT IS 6:08 YOUR TIME, THANK GOD HERE IT IS 04:05, SO I WISH EVERYBODY GOOD NIGHT , AT LEAST I'M GOING... )))
  13. TO ALL THE ABOVE : Here oversees - up in the Netherlands - I always click on MAKE THIS PAGE PRINT FRIENDLY ! THEN : !!!!! --> If you are a premium member - typ behind existing tekst in URL &pf=y&decrypt=y&numlogs=5 ... you can change the number of logs to show ! ... If you are NOT a premium member - typ behind existing tekst in URL &pf=y&decrypt=y !!! It will be printed correctly !! At least here it does ....
  14. Hallo allemaal, Ik heb zojuist mijn nieuwe Traveling Cacher Geopatch - die ik gisteren op het Poffertjes Event bij de Prof heb aangeschaft - geactiveerd. Nu wil ik hem o.a. in de door mij bezochte caches gaan droppen en retrieven, om bij te houden waar ik geweest ben en hoeveel kilometers ik zoal maak etc. Dus... ... maar meteen in het Event gedropped ! *** Maar nu komt het !!! *** Als je het Poffertjes event opent zie je hem er niet tussen staan, terwijl op de Traveling Cacher Geopatch pagina zelf hij duidelijk IN het Event zit ?! Is dit "Traveling Cacher Geopatch" eigen en IS HIJ NU EENMAAL NIET ZICHTBAAR in een lijst van inventory?! WIE HEEFT HIER AL ERVARING MEE ? -- Ik kan hem natuurlijk gewoon via de "Traveling Cacher Geopatch" pagina zelf weer retrieven, dat snap ik ook wel , maar vraag me gewoon af hoe het komt dat hij dus NIET zichtbaar is in de inventory op een cachepagina ... -- Wel leuk hoor, een apart icoontje erbij .
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