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Posts posted by JABs

  1. Ok I started this topic and now sit at home with a new GC. WOW is so far I can say.


    Just can't wait for the next financial year which here in OZ starts in July. Could we be looking at the next in line or even a Touch screen.

  2. It would depend upon how it is done. There are many a cache hidden near farst food outlets. One I did up in Qld out side a pie shop talks about how nice they are and ask that you pop in to say hello to the owner.


    Best thing to do is write up the cache page for review add the words along the lines of 'This cache has been placed out side my favourite restaurant' and some other details in the reviewer information box.

    They will list cache or post a note for you with hints/tips or even questions to help them understand. Just work with them, it my be easier for them to understand what you are trying to do if they can see the prepaired cache page.


    Hope this helps you may like to look here- http://support.Groundspeak.com//index.php?....page&id=74

    And this will also help- http://support.Groundspeak.com//index.php?....page&id=78


  3. Only noticed this since the larst update. But logging in using a non prerium account, when looking at news caches list there was always two google adds in the list. But now they are gone. The second space has a strange spacing but no add.


    Will screen shot tonight when I get home.

  4. Sistema are great as there is a large range of sizes. Ammo Boxs are also very good. Film Containors are alright. Key lock micro's are ok in the right place. Eclips tins have a rolled lip in them that makes it hard to get log book out.


    I will find a link to a topic on suitable containors when we get back home.



  5. I have been able to get hold of a friend of Aaron and Zoe and am sad to announce that unfortunately Aaron's dad passed away.


    She mentioned that Zoe just noticed that she hasn't been receiving

    messages/emails from the store and is checking into it.

  6. Well back home now after 5 days and approx 1500 kms driven. Our thanks goes to The Riverina Geocaching Committee for the hard work done. It was perfect weather for the four days of the event that went off without a hitch (that we are awere of).

    Now the job of writing my log for the event and the 60 odd caches done while in the area.

    Jon aka JABs.

  7. If I attach the magnets directly to the underside of the tin with JB Weld (it has a recess) I'm afraid that they will pull off over time considering their strength. Has anyone had success with neodymium and JB Weld? I tried it before but I can't seem to remember where...



    I have used a hot glue gun to attach my earth magnetics with good results.

  8. Some more Committee updates with less than two days to go.The weather forecast is very good and a huge relief for all concerned and all geocachers.


    Most camping positions are almost finished. A one way roads system throughout will feature and each and every camping position is a rectangle 10m by 8m. Each of the 150 positions will have a temporary A4 size plaque fixed to your 4 corners .One side will have a road and the opposite side a walkway to taps spaced every 40m. Each site has a number and marked with road / walkway on the plaques.All camping positions are flat and you will be no more than 70m to toilets in any direction either within buildings or one of 24 arriving Thursday.


    Many volunteers and Committee will be assisting in all components on your arrival. A minimum of 30 upwards to 50 will all have orange fluro vests on ,all logo’d with “Oz Mega Wagga Wagga “ in large writing.The Riverina Geocaching Committee will have blue logo’d shirts on as well , for your questions and assistance.


    All information you require for many events will be within your “Registration Pack “. Programs, Camp Maps , City Maps, Meal Vouchers, Sponsors deals, and all game sheets, plus much ,much more. The disk for the main game is an optional extra to download and all games are supplied on A4 sheets.


    Within the pack will also be your logo’d name tag for every person.We request you wear this constantly for many reasons of which one includes the fact it will double up as your “Camp Pass “ to return back in through the main gate each day.The TB inventory has jumped from 400 to 566 in 2 days and building constantly.


    All is set for a great time and the Riverina Geocaching Committee looks forward to meeting and greeting all teams on arrival.

    Drive carefully and see you soon.




  9. You may find they have headed down to the Mega Event in Wagga. Will try another number I have. May also wish to post this on the GCA forums where more Ozzies visit and may get a farster responce.

  10. Hi I follow this posted by GeoBain several years ago. It works well to let you create a route you want and not the shortest way it decides.


    There is a trick you can use to automate this, but it's a little clumsy.


    The interesting part is that Google MAPS (not Google Earth) will let you modify the route interactively. If you generate directions in maps.google.com , you can then left-click anywhere on the route and drag that point somewhere else to modify the route. For example, just drag your Torreya route off of I-10 and onto Blountstown highway!


    The clumsy part is exporting the modified route as a KML file from Google MAPS. If you look at the top right of the map, you'll see a link called [Link to this Page]. The trick is


    * Left-click on [Link to this Page]

    * copy the text with the URL in the first field (called "Paste link in email or IM) with "Cntl-C"

    * paste that text somewhere (probably in a new browser window)

    * add the following to the end of the text: &output=kml

    * open a link to that new URL (with the &output=kml at the end of the address) and you should get options about either opening it with Google Earth, or saving it on your computer. From there, proceed to use the KML file of the modified route in the usual way to make a "Caches on a Route" query.



    Here's an example of a modified URL ending in &output=kml See what it does in your browser.


    The last bulleted step will be a little different on every computer, depending on the browser, the way you handle KML files, etc. But the point is that you can (1) modify the route in Google Maps and then (2) use the &output=kml trick to export the modified directions.


    I hope this makes sense...

  11. Thanks at least I not the only one having a good slow moment. Even the maps are playing funning games and showing only half the knowen caches in an area before slowly loading them.

  12. Some more information and updates from the Committee.

    The major sponsor ” Riverina Camping World” is fully aware that teams will be arriving from this weekend .They have decided to extend their generous offer to all teams from this Monday 29 th March till Saturday the 10 th April.The offer to all geocachers is a total of 20% off everything storewide .A voucher will be in the “Registration Pack”, but if you are in the store in days prior, they have a registration list and will honor their fantastic deal.


    The upcoming weather forecast is looking pretty good at this stage and looks like this :Monday: bit cloudy 20-25 Tuesday : bit cloudy 14 -26 Wednesday: bit cloudy -15-25

    Thursday Sunny 13-25 MEGA EVENT/ Good Friday : Sunny…..13 – 25 …Easter Saturday : Sunny ….12-25 Easter Sunday :Cloudy …13-26 Easter Monday: Cloudy 12-26.


    A reminder that online registrations close at 6pm this Monday 29 th March.As do Geocoin backorders.Meal orders will also close online this Monday.

    Don’t forget the CITO event planned for Easter Monday .

    A reminder that Camp Kurrajong is closed this week until 9 AM Good Friday .Most of the Committee are taking holidays and will be setting up infrastructure Monday through Thursday.

    The Committee decided to release details of one of the competitions.The mega competition will feature prizes for the first 15 correctly drawn winners.Over $3,500 in prizes will be on offer ,sponsored by Cubcampers .In excess of over 60 prizes will be up for grabs in many special events set up just for the Oz Mega.Our proud Sponsor of Cubcampers will also have an array of campervans on display with representatives for your enquiries.

    Last ,but not least.The Committee asks all teams to please drive carefully over the next 7 days.Many have left and arriving this weekend and many in the next 2 days,so please take your time on some of the long drives to Wagga Wagga.

  13. It says, "Seemless connection to Geeocaching.com."


    Doe that mean that mean that you can use the Send To GPS button on the cache page?


    To customize your geocaching experience with caches that meet your specific criteria, the eXplorist GC has seamless connection to geocaching.com. This allows you to search one millions caches worldwide. With a click of the mouse, you can transfer the information with the Send to GPS feature.

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