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Posts posted by JABs
Hate to say I found a problem but when you go to a cache page and click on Make this page print-friendly (no logs), it brings up a very simple cache page for printing.
But the map on the bottem of the page does not show up. all you get is a grey square.
Quote from Davidmac-At the same time, now the results list has a horizontal scrollbar at certain (smaller) window resolutions. Shouldn't the size of the list be static? Not everybody browses in a window that is 1024 pixels wide.
I to have found that some of the longer GC numbers the 5 didget is hidden behind the scrollbar.
But otherwise like the new maps on the cache pages.
Thanks for fixing this problem.
Both maps on cache page are now showing.
Love the improvment to them as well.
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Hi from the JABs.
Try posting your message on these forums- http://forum.geocaching.com.au/index.php as this is where you will find most Australians hang out.
There is a place for International visitors to post without having to open an account.
What ever you do I hope you enjoy your stay in OZ.
Ok the start of a new month and still the Yahoo Maps on every cache page still fail to show,
I use these to help quickly locate the general direction of a cache.
Are there not anybody else out there that also uses these and if not why do we have this feature.
Please let us know that this bug is or will be looked into so we know that it hasn't been forgoten about.
Hi If you don't recieve a reply try this forum site
You find most Australians hang out in there.
There is a section for international visitors that does not require then to log in / open an account.
Hi TeamPEZ have sent PM,
Hope it helps.
Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Just seeing how this map problem is going.
Do you ever wonder what muggles are thinking when they spot us?
Think about it they see you pull over on the side of the road run off into the bush then walk back out a couple of minutes later with a smile on your face.
Then you drive drive down the road a couple of Kilometers and do it all over again.
To me it looks like we all have a weak bladder as we hide behind trees and bushes.
Thanks for the feed back re progress.
What is the best way to conduct meetings for a state-wideassociation?
Have you looked into have a representative from different regions of the state? eg Central Coast, Wollongong, Red Ochre Region that could attend these meetings. Just a surgestion.
Oh that's right you use the GC site to cache and the GCA site to whinge and whine and hope the someone from the GC site will read your problems and fix them.
So lets set up another site for an Association. Lets see, cache log on 1, talk/chat on 2 and then join a third to benefit from what you might achieve.
Ok so if I have a problem with the GC site do I post a comment in the GCA forums and hope that someone from the Assocition reads it then they post a note to GC. Boy this is confusing. Think I'll stick to caching.
Please note that I may of been missguided in my previous posting re the forming of an Association.
In light of some new infornation I hope that we will be more informed on the progress of any such
Association and that my conments may of been off the cuff with out a full understanding of the facts.
Power trip caching is a real buzz. Personal best was a 36 hour trip which netted 72 caches.
4 hours sleep and a 10 mintue rule. Each trip will have approx 150 caches on it and alot are missed due to there final location.
I do a persoal trip once every two months and a family trip usally during the month between.
Most weekend trips out we find between 4 and 10 over 6 hours.
Don't want to sound pushy but how are we going OpinioNate with this bug?
What I'm saying is please don't forget about us.
flickr link is working fine.
If having trouble try find a cache and use this GC no.GC1899C
The association is being registered this week, with the website to follow soon after.
So good of you to let us all know.
So in other words yourself and a group of unknown cachers have concluded that NSW needs an association by an online debate that appears to have only taken place on another website. By your own admission no one website covers all geocachers and even this debate failed to reach a consensus.Oh that's right you use the GC site to cache and the GCA site to whinge and whine and hope the someone from the GC site will read your problems and fix them.
So lets set up another site for an Association. Lets see, cache log on 1, talk/chat on 2 and then join a third to benefit from what you might achieve.
Ok so if I have a problem with the GC site do I post a comment in the GCA forums and hope that someone from the Assocition reads it then they post a note to GC. Boy this is confusing. Think I'll stick to caching.
Have spoken to two other caches who both have said the same thing re the maps not showing only grey area.
This is a great idea for I have young kids who want there own name and to list the caches they have found.
This way I can keep an eye on them.
I would even pay the difference if there was a Family or Single Preium membership fee.
I would be careful as the larst person to ask that got banned for two days.
Hi Derrick and Kendra, Jon from the JABs here. You may have to try posting in the Geocaching Australia Forums for anyone to see as they use on these forums- http://forum.geocaching.com.au/index.php as this is where you will find most Australians hang out. There is a place for International visitors to post without having to open an account.
Secondly you can contact Team Webguy GC profile http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=6c...8e5d60&ds=2
As he does have a collection of Home Videos.
Hope this helps.
recieved this email from Geocaching Subject [GEO] Notify:theUMP published VEIWS TO PULPIT (Tradittional Cache)
This is an automated message from Geocaching
For GC1AWEC: VIEWS TO PULPIT (Traditional Cache)
Location: New South Wales, Australia
27.5mi E (44.3km E)
theUMP published VIEWS TO PULPIT (Traditional Cache) at 4/3/2008
Log Date: 4/3/2008
Visit this log entry at the below address:
Visit Traditional Cache
Profile for theUMP:
Notification: New Notification
Here is the problem when one goes to the cache page via link or Search Options- List newest in New South Wales
All I get is an error message.
Your Operating System: Windows XP.
Your Browser with Version number: IE 7.0, Firefox 2.01
I think the above is correct.
When ever I open any cache listing page there use two be two maps on the page one on the RHS small bewteen NAV and Attributes, the other at the bottem next to FIND and FOR ONLINE MAPS both now come up as a greg shaded area without any thing in them.
Have tried two different browsers and lots of cache pages without any differance.
Hi Jabs from down under here. look at the archived page and read all the parst logs to see if there muggle problems before.
Also look at how long ago was the cache muggled? How busy is the area and are most the poeple local or passing? If local that could become the problem.
A trick we try around here sometimes is we hide the container with a small amount of money in it and wait several weeks (this works from small micros up to Ammo) and if after a period of time it stays in place you know that a real cache has a good chance of survival.
Any why good luck.
Just do what one local team does and have an account for the team with all there finds and all there hides under that account.
Even if the team has over a 1000 finds each menber my only of been to 3/4 of those finds.
But they get to claim the team finds/hides.
NEW GOOGLE maps on cache pages
in Website
Due to several reasons I'm unable to always go paperless and therefore use this secondary page print option which helps save ink.
These maps help when you are sorting out pages later, as it gives you a rough guide as to where the cache is located.
Again thanks for continuing to improve the overall features of the GC site.