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Everything posted by JABs

  1. The latest updates on numbers are about 430 individuals,173 teams and of the 430 ,there are about 122 kids. Plenty of progress is happening each day building to an absolute thrilling release probaly in May. For those thinking of booking a motel in Wagga ,now would be a good time to think about it and probaly book,as regulars to most cities in Australia tend to book Easter to Easter.There are 1,100 available beds of all descriptions in Wagga. Those who asked about camping prior to the big 4 days,this will be all good with camping on site for 7 days prior and 7 days after for a very small nominal fee.For those who asked any power on site.This is a Scout Camp .No powered sites are avaiable.But i am sure those with generators will bring them.The location has everything else we need and much more than other scout camps ,that is why it has won awards.Plenty of room,flat and ideal for the Mega Event.For those who asked about Dogs.They have been given approval by Camp Kurrajong.But they will come under one of many of the rules set out in the event "Code of Conduct". We have all been studying World Mega Events past and upcoming and this will be a unique Australian version unlike anything seen around the world.There will be plenty to be involved in if you dont leave the camp and go caching at all.The event of a lifetime for kids.Many prizes,competitions ,sports , activities,events ,will be on offer,day and night. We are not releasing any details just yet on prices,the exact itinery or the event name ,the geocoin or event logo until release day.We can tell you anything that isnt free is at a family friendly price. With announcements made in recent weeks at events in Tassie,Wollongong,Melbourne and many others ,we know many more teams will nominate.At this stage if you are reading this and havent nominated,this forum is only for intent to help "The Ump" and us.The official online entry will be from May.So,even if you are a "maybe",please place an intent to assist all .We will be giving regular updates from now.Congratulations on all the positive replies so far ,for what will be one of the greatest gatherings of all those fantastic geocaching teams from around Australia and beyond. Cheers...Greg....President Riverina Geocaching Committee.
  2. This page now also shows a great map and gives two sizes to choose from. That is a great looking print friendly page. Unless you try and print a standard cache page and all you get is a square box where the map is ment to be.
  3. To revisit a cache two or three times is OK. (or more). I offen stop by a TB motel to drop off bugs or pick up. The question is to log or post note. I always post a note just to let others know that bugs are in or out.
  4. Found this one on a recient bushwalking trip.
  5. Bumping this one back up the list so any international visitors or caches who use only the GC forums will see it.
  6. Hi bones1 and welcome ta Oz. If you try posting on this forum you will get a quicker response. http://forum.geocaching.com.au/index.php It belongs to the geocaching australia site and it is where you will find most Ozzies hang out. There is an international section you can post in that does not require an account or if you registor you can post in the Victoria section of the forums.
  7. Ok everyone here it is. The owner of the store where the coins are avalible is having trouble posting logging into the forums. Here is a link to his store where he is now taking pre-orders. http://geocachestore.com.au/2009-vic-bushfire-geocoin.html
  8. Ok am posting this for another cacher who is unable to log onto the forums. He sent me this- I'm a premium member, I log in, click forums... It asks me to Log In or Register.. If I log in with my username / pw, it says its incorrect.. If I click register, it tries to go to another page and brings me back to the home page Here is his profile page http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=64...e5-9edf31708f8a could some one help him to gain access to the forums.
  9. We now have pre-approval from DSE to use the image. Preorder will open officially this weekend, so I'll be contacting everyone who made a pledge and asking them to come good! This coin is really happening (It looks like it anyway!) Stay posted. Here's the final artwork (Until the manufacturers says otherwise, or if DSE pre-approval falls through). I'm going to try and have the coin minted in Gold and Nickel, and initially we'll be perchasing half and half of each. (Unless there are too many compaints.) Details of where to send orders will be listed here soon. Thanks for all who showen an interest in this coin.
  10. Just keeping this one alive, waiting on DSE to approve the use of the pic.
  11. DSE are taking care of copyright for the photograph, they've even set up a special email address to review each request on a case by case basis. On the plus side, Oak coins have come back to me and given a huge discount and so have the manufacturer. Oak are contacting GS on our behalf to have the tracking fees lowered/dropped. This is still going ahead, with or without Sam on the front.. er.. can I mention Sam, or is that against copyright. Contact for more details.
  12. This was posted larst year.
  13. That is a great idear. Would be more then happy to do that.
  14. A quick update is the person who has designed the coin is awaiting final permission to use Sam the koala on the coin.
  15. That would be Australian $
  16. Just an update on design. Yes fire is spelt wrong.
  17. You can use Google Maps and place the track route over any road you wish to take. Will find the link to show you how it works.
  18. This is the proposed coin.
  19. Teamgotcha is looking to raise some money for the victims of the bushfires in Victoria. If we could gain enough interest, we could get a geocoin minted with all proceeds going the bushfire appeal or directly to areas of need. If anyone else is doing this, then please message me and I'll help move the coins through the store. I'd need to pre-sell 250 coins to get the ball rolling on this one. Coins would be priced at $16.95 with all proceeds (minus the manufacturing cost) going to the appeal. I'm hoping to get some sponsorship from the manufacturer on this one to minimise the costs. The coins would of course be trackable, and artwork is open to discussion, but the sooner we get this out the better. Any interest out there? Please reply in this post.
  20. Happy Birthday Liz and thanks for showing me part of your speical world.
  21. About 65 % of all my caching is done at night with a higher find rate then during the day. Less muggles, closer parking. As for the law and carring a card the few run ins have all been a Hi how are you going. No what are you doing. Do have a card somewhere that I stopped carrying some time ago. But offering the truth straight up I believe is the best way to avoid trouble later.
  22. Be aware of bikes around you! I am interested in adopting one on behalf of my Daughter JabsKid 1 as a good lesson to be taught early in life.
  23. JABs


    Hi cockney, Welcome to the forums. You may try posting on the Australian forums which can be found at http://forum.geocaching.com.au/index.php . This is where you will find most Australians hang out and you will be able to post in the Queensland section.
  24. Hi guys from Down under, We to found that this was an issue but also found a way around. By typing not only the postcode but also the state we found that the search worked. EG. by typing 2777 NSW, we got Springwood in New South Wales, which is the correct location. I hope this finds a way to help you guys out.
  25. Hi guys from Down under, We to found that this was an issue but also found a way around. By typing not only the postcode but also the state we found that the search worked. EG. by typing 2777 NSW, we got Springwood in New South Wales, which is the correct location. I hope this finds a way to help you guys out.
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