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Everything posted by scoobydooers
That would be so awsome. We did 4 caches yesterday and are planning to hit 12 nuns, and gorge out II this morning, then head over to UB around 11 we will park at the normal parking area and the placecard on our window has our cell phone number on it. scoobydooers
I am quickly approching my 100th milestone. I have earmarked this cache for the honors. I am currently at 93 and should reach this goal Sunday 2-29 anyone interested in a group hunt Sunday 2/29/04 at about 11am? Orange? Green? I have a Cachers Deal for you scoobydooers
This is Lucy, part of Team Scoobydooers, We are all saddened to hear of your loss. there are no words that will make the hurt go away be conforted in knowing that your beloved partner will be waiting for you at the bridge. Scoobydooers
I need as much notice as possible. 7/31 is still good for me
Note to all who are following this thread from way back. the TB that was placed back in circulation has arrived at the appointed destination within the timeframe. The Be Mine TB was picked up by KBer and moved to PA where Retphoto picked it up and placed it in the final cache location. For the whole story read this discussion and then have a look at the TB sheet Be Mine TB Also be sure to check out the Greetings page that was included with the TB Greeting page Wally
New York City And Metro Area Geocacher's Gathering
scoobydooers replied to dboggny's topic in Northeast
New York City And Metro Area Geocacher's Gathering
scoobydooers replied to dboggny's topic in Northeast
Im not fat.... Im Big Boned <G> No kidding... many of us were done eating and were chatting when Hart, Brian and Harrald moved over to our side of the table in order to fool the waiters into thinking they just arrived ... The waiters brought new plates and thats how the 2nd seating began.... Now ill admit, Im no slouch when it comes to eating ...but man, I was nearly out of my leage -
New York City And Metro Area Geocacher's Gathering
scoobydooers replied to dboggny's topic in Northeast
This was by far the greatest bunch of folks to hang out and eat steak with. Weve never been to an geocache event before, but for now on we will try hard not to miss them. The food was great and it never stopped comming. The stories were great. I learned a lot about the thought that goes into planning a cache, and the reason why some caches are placed in certain ways. Mr Ddoggny (and wife), Thanks so much for pulling this all together and for the welcomeing committee. Hart, Brian, Harrald, IV Warrior, Bldebabe,Rattlehead, and Team Shibby it was great to finally meet you all and to put a face with a name. while I have seen almost each one of your photos before.... I still did not reconize anyone when they walked into the room. (you guys look much bigger in real life than on tv) -
I also wish to extend my condolences on your recent addition. I offer for your consideration some ideas you may find appealing. play with your gps and learn how to use it, BEFORE you go out to the trails dont touch the map datum or cord system untill you have had the gps for over 6 months and are used to seeing what its supposed to look like before you changed it. (dont laugh, it happened) check these fourms as well as the local fourms for cache events or get togethers, and take advantage of them, you can learn a LOT about geocacheing when you are cacheing with someone else who knows what they are doing. Like any sport you can get by with little or with a lot of extras. some just get the GPS and the subscription so they can take advantage of the Pq's, others go for the extras that make it so much fun, things like a backpack, a spare GPS, ammo boxes, plastic zip loc baggies, small notebooks, pencles and pens, trade items, Mc toys. then you have to get the flashlights, hip waders, hikeing boots, hikeing stick, snow shoes, ATV's, and SUV, the offical decals, Hats, pins, t shirts, Travel Bug tags, and Geocoins. The best thing about this sport is you can go as little or as loaded as you like.
7/31/04 looks good for us
Congratulations Brian! even thou I have yet to have the honor of meeting you, I feel like Ive known you for a long time. besides I was able to find Fast Cache Twice as many times as you did <G> Wally
New York City And Metro Area Geocacher's Gathering
scoobydooers replied to dboggny's topic in Northeast
theres a pre cocktail cocktail hour? that starts at what.... 1:00pm? a little too early for me, but Ill be there with the wife in time for the main course at 7 what do you do... push a bunch of tables together? wally -
We did night sweats last night, and at the same time we attempted to do Unfinished business but I fell through the Ice. today we tried to tackle the rest of the BLOP series. but we ran into a minor problem... I will email the owner and seek his advice, in the meantime if anyone is interested in a group hunt to bag the unfinished, or the BLOB caches let me know scoobydooers.
New York City And Metro Area Geocacher's Gathering
scoobydooers replied to dboggny's topic in Northeast
If I get done work early enough Ill be there as well scoobydooers -
would post a message (notice the bold letters in my orignal post, ) in this way only those in the know will know. I think Bassoon used the first DPM when he posted this log September 6, 2003 by BassoonPilot (1022 found) Find #1013. Drove over here promptly after snagging BrianSnat's brand-new multicache. Didn't park at the nearest spot, but the car-to-car time was still only 6 minutes. Cache was found in the first spot I examined; I traded the ''Where's George'' dollar. Then it was time for my morning cup of coffee. Thanks! Click here for the actual DMP discussion
depending on the date, We would really like to go
You didnt just spend 4 hours at the DMV did you? I know exactly how those DMV lines can get to a person makes you say things that you dont normally say stayfloopy is right, next time, use the secret handshake and clue your fellow cachers with a DPM. its easy, you would post a message like any other but include the secret message
Humble Pie
so what your saying is that special equipment may not nessessary be actual equipment but rather a state of mind. an hint to think outside the box. much like one person of a group hunt going for coffee in order to allow the others to continue the frustrations of the find. not that the person is thirsty and craves java in so much as they are being considerate enough to withhold doing a rendition of the happy dance
I did not get to read it, but I am guilty of whatever it said. I had a really bad day yesterday, and I am guilty of not keeping my feelings or my mouth in check. I spent over 4 hours at the DMV tring to get our new 4x4 regestered, I was in a angry frame of mind, certainly not in the right frame of mind to enjoy a cache seek. sometimes when a person is in a angry frame of mind they get kind of a tunnel vision and are not able to think clearly this no doubt contrubited to my not being successful during the hunt/ and most certainly was a factor in my discription of the event in the log. Now that I have had some time to cool off, and think I realize how much of a fool I am. Words are like a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun, once they are out you can never get them back. I promise you Mr Hart, this lesson will not be forgotten. Please accept my humble and public applogy. with the understanding that it will NEVER happen again. Wally
I just got a new Jeep Grand Cherikee 4x4, is that considered special equipment ? The stuff Im talking about is like Mulder's Mean Cache #1 (GCHA5A) I mean in the back of my mind Im visioning Brian with a metal dector as special equipment.
What's amazing about that is the special equipment I brought from the car was the WRONG special equipment! But success is success, no matter how it's done... It seems that lately some special equipment is being used while geocacheing. I would like to get some special equipment . the problem is I dont know what makes equipment special. What does it mean when someone notes in a log that they used special equipment flashlight? coathanger? hip waders? Boat?
Im pretty new.... can I sneek up behind you and yell "HI!" too? scoobydooers
The bug has been placed in the bat cave I figured there were enough caches in the area to make it worth the trip for anyone who wanted to pick it up. besides all of the caches in that area are above the high water mark, (although I did get a little wet placeing the cache) good luck to the bug and to the bug owner, ... glad I could help scoobydooers
I think you ought to pack up your counsins and show them geocacheing I put the TB in a cache that has many other caches nearby, so it will be worth your while to make a road trip from PA. scoobydooers