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Everything posted by D24G0N

  1. if this is the right size, it will be the last one... promise
  2. http://www.nalsofmichigan.org/images/Birth...ake%20March.jpg
  3. someone send me a message when somebody gets it right.
  4. Your name is Lerndish, which rhymes with Burnedfish
  5. Your name is Ned Byr and you're religious like Holly said
  6. Your name is Ned Byr and your favourite food is fish
  7. Your name is Ned Byr, and you love to fish
  8. It's a trick question... there is no particular reason why you chose 'Burnedfish'.
  9. Your last name is Byrnedflish, and you accidentally left out the 'L' when you made your profile
  10. Your last name is Byrne, and you have an odd compulsion to type "dfish" after your name whenever you spell it
  11. Your last name is Byrne but you pronounce it "Fish"
  12. Or your last name is Fish, and your significant other's name is Byrne
  13. Your last name is Byrne and your "significant other"'s name is Fish
  14. Or your last name is Byrne and your favourite tv show was Barney Miller (fav character was fish)
  15. Your last name is Byrne but your nickname is Fish
  16. oh, so noone's guessed the answer to Byrnedfish's question yet though?
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