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Team Ginger

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Everything posted by Team Ginger

  1. hehehe Cincol, it is believed that the Chupacabra hops like a kangaroo... but does not look anything like it though. ..and I haven't read anything about sightings in Aus. Hmm - I think q&a about womens' undies may be answered too easily LOL A chupacabra is a legendary hairless dog-like creature, reported to attack and drink all the blood of livestock - making one or more small holes in the animal. It is supposedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear – stands and hops like a kangaroo. It has a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail, dog- or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue, and large fangs. Sightings reported early in 1990 in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile. So, well done trevorh7000!! You're it!! this was fun!!!
  2. hehehe - I cannot stand ginger beer!
  3. Aha!! Finally, after 26 pages I know something!!! hehe OK, I wanted to ask what a rhinotillexomaniac is - then thought - maybe that's not so nice a thing... hehe So here goes: What is a 'Chupacabra'?
  4. N.P.van Wyk Louw (en sy jonger boetie W.E.G. Louw) Serenade vir ‘n Sutherlander: Deur: Nerine Potgieter; Nataly Rabe; Lucinda van Rooyen; Vicki Henning (2002) Meneer? Mevrou? Kan U hom nog onthou? Wyle digter en skrywer mnr. N.P. van Wyk Louw? Op 11Junie 1906 op Sutherland gebore, Saam met jonger broer vir die digkuns beskore. Op Sutherland gewoon en geskool tot ouderdom dertien, Tot die gesin groener weivelde in Kaapstad sien. Vanaf 1923 gestudeer vir die grade MA en BEd, Wat hy aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad behaal het. Na slegs ‘n jaar in die onderwys, met skud op die blad, Aangestel as lektor in die dept. Opv. aan Universiteit Kaapstad. In 1950 aanvaar hy ‘n professoraat in Amsterdam, 1958 neem hy dieselfde pos by Universiteit Witwatersrand aan. Maar mnr. N.P. van Wyk Louw, waar lê jou sterkte? Dit lê in al my wonderlike werke: Hy was een van die mede-stigters van die lit. tydskrif Standpunte En reeds met sy eerste bundel : Aleenspraak as beste van die 30’s bevinde O, en hy was tog so bly, Om die Hertzogprys 5 keer te kry. Hy skryf ook opstelle oor sy opvattings in sy vrye tyd Omtrent kuns, kultuur en nasionale bewustheid. Dankie vir Internet en biblioteke, Hier lê digtersskatte versteke, Pragstukke soos in sy laaste bundel Tristia is iets van die verlede Hy is op 18 Junie 1970 in Johannesburg oorlede.
  5. Geocachers organise events to do it together. Geocachers bring their kids to do it too.
  6. Team Ginger is always ready to go caching (well, um - just after October please! hehe). I am a competitive person by default, I love the adrenalin, but I don't care much about the final positions. Yes, quality is much more important than the quantity. I would therefore attend any event organised, whether competitive or not. We've been in the top 5 and bottom 5 at events - depending on the team and the mood on the day. hehe I was part of the organising of the Midrand Event too - so could assist if there are questions. It takes a lot of time and planning - especially if you want to place sensible caches that could last after the event. Be careful about the area you select and good luck!! If it's happening after October - we're definately interested!
  7. That's the way to do it!!
  8. Congrats Geo!!! 200 so quickly! :-) Congratulations to Woody Walker on his 50th find!! :-) Great also to see all the milestones - keep going all!!
  9. Very innovative CH.... ;-) I think we'll pass!! hehehehe
  10. Thank you so much for all the congratulations on our engagement - on and off the forums. We've been blessed with love and with many friends to share in our happiness. Ginger will be wearing a white dress one of these days and then Team Ginger will enjoy many more hikes and cache finds thereafter. Cheers!
  11. Thanks to Geo936 - I owe you!! :-D
  12. Um, well, there goes my plan of taking my TB to the zoo before placing it... no fair!!!! My plan was to get a good start by posting many photos of my racer with different animals. The rules didn't say how many initially... but ok, ok - I'll let it go.... Guys, my life is a bit too hectic at the moment. Is anyone close to Roodepoort/Midrand/Woodmead who is prepared to take the 3 poor disadvantaged TBs I have with me and let them loose? Pleeease guys - help. I'm sorry that I am letting those racers down (mine also in the process). At the moment, I'm just 'planning' to cache and is just not working out as planned every time. Give us some time to finish house building and get the wedding over with - if we survive this all - hehehe of course we wil (and enjoying it much!!!!) - we'll be back with a vengeance!! Thanks for understanding! Ging'
  13. Will there be TB tags for sale on Sunday?? I need to buy one before I can enter my bug. :-) Sorry Damhuis for not responding to you e-mail... I've been a little offline this week. :-)
  14. Will there be TB tags for sale on Sunday?? I need to buy one before I can enter my bug. :-) Sorry Damhuis for not responding to you e-mail... I've been a little offline this week. :-)
  15. Congrats on those beeeg ones at the CITO event!!! Redglobe - 1000 Urban Hunters - 1100 :-)
  16. Love it!!!! hehehehehehehehehe
  17. I laaik!!! Thx!
  18. Ditto!!! Hopefully only one more for us as well. Good idea!!
  19. aw give us one that is on ginger's level now... she keeps looking at the questions - and then wait patiently for the next question and the next.. hehehe
  20. Aha!! A question I know something about... I can tell you a lot about the area, the house, the yard and so forth - but alas - the name you are looking for is not known to me. Look out for an earthcache I am planning to publish in this area soon!! :-)
  21. I know about such a 'union jack' park close to where I live - in Fairland - but alas no fountain there...
  22. Hi Besem I will see if I have another dogtag at home.. :-) I'll contact you soon. Ginger
  23. hmm sounds great!!!
  24. Sien, ek sê mos dis voor my tyd.... Springbok Radio... wie's hulle? My ma het ook 'n plaat met 'Springbok Hits' of so iets.. Ek het maar gaan Google... ek sien nou wat aangaan. Oulike vraag, maar julle diskrimineer teen ons 'jonges' met sulke 'Golden Oldies' hehehehehehehe no hard feelings!
  25. Ek dink dis voor my tyd...
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