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Team Ginger

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Posts posted by Team Ginger

  1. Congratulations to CrystalFairy with the birth of their first child this morning just after 5am.

    Andrew reports that baby Ayden Reece is doing well and so is Mommy and Daddy.

  2. That looks very much like one of those caches placed for the Mazda Adventure Zone Event in the Magaliesberg area... I just don't remember the dam being so big..


    The cache was called HORNBILL - I see it had been archived already..


    My photo: 8ff809c7-c579-4b4c-ac1d-a149b6fe445b.jpg


    hmm - suddenly I'm not sure at all that this is it... :mad:

  3. Our apologies to Paidaines for not organising a caching trip... Unfortunately both of us had been out of it with flu the past three weekends. It's just been too cold to risk making it worse!

    I did notice some logs on caches (and on ours) - glad you were able to find a few nevertheless!

    Enjoy Durban!!

    I enjoyed these caches (though I haven't found too many in that area):

    GC16YJF - Reunion Park Mangroves

    GC17CG5 - Toti Bird Sanctuary II

    GC13NEP - Toti Bird Sanctuary

    GCNCQD - The Old Fort

  4. Hehehehe - we've tried (twice) to find the little surprise at King Athur's Abode.... but we will never be defeated - we will succeed!!...sometime... :)


    ...and yes - Danie Theron Memorial.... lots of Blackjacks!!!


    Hmm - I should visit this thread more often.... ;)

  5. Hi Paidaines


    We stay in Midrand. There are quite a few caches in the Midrand area to be found. I would not recommend you searching for any caches near Ellis Park unaccompanied by South Africans who know their way around Johannesburg City.


    Once we have decided on some caching trips, we can always get together for a caching day or two.

    We will probably attend the event on the 16th - that Wormgeo mentioned... but we'll confirm that soon as well.


    I'll be in contact on this thread once our arrangements are finalised.

  6. Dit maak sin... gee die clue van Savannah vir die ouens wat al die ander klaar gevind het.

    (en my TD se cue maar ook... totdat ek 'n oplossing het vir die monument dilemma)

  7. Ek stel voor mens skep 'n nuwe een.


    ...my td cache is op die oomblik disabled... daar is blykbaar 'n heining rondom gz gespan en mens kan nie daar inkom nie. ek het die heining gesien, maar nie gedink dis heeltemal ontoeganklik nie... so ek sal eers een naweek soontoe moet ry om te gaan kyk.


    ag tog! :-)

  8. Well I remember playing Alley Cat and Xonix and Digger and Duke Nukem an Police Quest.... and Blockout. They're old enough, but none of those would be cited 'Greatest'. Depend on which genre you like as well I guess. ;)

    ...and I would have put PacMan under 'Arcade games' and not a computer game - if you look at it's origins.. interesting stuff!

    So I would have had to say Tetris would have gotten my vote then as well! ;)

  9. I know what a Pascaline is.... and I knew what ASCII stands for..... if you were a computer science teacher ever, you would too!!! :-) ...and so should kids that had the subject in the last 10 years!


    Top game of all time? Phew!! That's tough - according to what rating?


    My guesses would be Call of Duty, World of Warcraft ... and Grand Theft Auto...


    ...like I said - it would totally depend on what you measure this by.

  10. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,etc.



    0 + 1 = 1

    1 + 1 = 2

    1 + 2 = 3

    2 + 3 = 5

    3 + 5 = 8 etc...


    I used to ask my Grade 11 learners to write a Delphi Function that could be repeatedly called in a loop, demonstrating the Fibonacci sequence... :grin:


    Darn... wish I was online earlier!

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