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Odyssey Voyager

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Everything posted by Odyssey Voyager

  1. And Tsun was nestled all snug in her bed While visions of shiny-coins danced in her head But I heard her exclaim as she drove out of sight "Happy Caching to all, and to all a good-night!" (sorry, but it seems someone had an early Christmas...lol...thanks for the laughs)
  2. FDE, do you have the geocoin in your possession right now? or is the geocoin in a geocache? thanks for clarifying.
  3. where is the geocoin now?
  4. i was thinking the same thing! for driving past the location, you get a "did not find" unhappy smiley face!
  5. rumour has it the colonel was seen all dapper and dashing representing the Queen the sighting was reported at the GeoCoinFest can anyone verify, testify, or attest? if the rumour is true, then colonel please tell of your adventure to Salt Lake and please tell it well did you encounter a beast or a monster or dragon?! and treasures galore to fill up your wagon? i await the tale, your story, your yarn as i envy the journey you've made...oh darn! i wish i could be there to live out that story but for now i'll just read it and imagine the glory can you post a picture or an image or two to enhance the tale and more vividly view the riches the colors the shine and the sheen within this venue where last the colonel was seen?!
  6. enough there to fill a pirates treasure chest! arrrrg... .
  7. Hope you gave it at least a full 6 weeks from the date you sent it. Sometimes, especially with mailers containing more than 4 coins, customs will hang onto them for weeks and weeks. Thanks for this, AtlantaGal. It has only been 3 weeks, so perhaps my panic is premature. This is the first intl package with that many coins, other than missions which are in larger boxes and required the larger customs paper (that allows for tracking). At this point I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst! recently, it took 10 weeks for me to receive a trade geocoin from the netherlands. i also thought the package was lost. the sender even offered to replace the geocoin, but i didn't feel it was their resposibility as i had assumed the risk when trading internationally. the package finally arrived after being held by customs for whatever reason. ask the person you are trading with, to be patient a few more weeks. hopefully...alls well that ends well.
  8. good luck to everyone and have fun! i wish i were there. take some pics and post them here for all to see!
  9. nice picture. looks like it was pretty cold that day! have fun at the geocoin fest, and take a few more pictures of the event so you can post them here at the forum. .
  10. cool! you have created a very "tort-ganic" design. i like it. however, although the turtle may be cute, there is more to this little reptile than meets the eye. see for yourself:
  11. i like it too! any production numbers yet? thanks for all the updates and information.
  12. I hope you don't take offense, because none was meant. I just feel that if we want to showcase these coins, we want to show them in the best light possible. Once they are edited and posted on a video, they just lose so much of what makes them beautiful. no offense taken at all! if anyone knows that pictures don't do a geocoin justice, its me! trust me, i've seen enough bad pictures to know...lol...i'll keep working on my new projects and on ways to spread the word and share what i like to call little pieces of geocoin "art". by the way, i've got a couple of "geocoin" videos uploaded at youtube (my own geocoin designs) if anyone would like to check them out, feel free!
  13. i'm getting the impression that this project would just create too many issues and controversy. thats not my intention, and nobody needs those headaches, so its probably not worth the effort involved. i think i'll just scrap the idea, and keep the 999 geocoin pictures in my personal picture file collection. thank you to all for the feedback and the geocoin trades. i still love these 999 geocoins! .
  14. thanks for the feedback.
  15. thanks for the reply
  16. thanks for the reply.
  17. thanks for the reply
  18. thanks for the reply!
  19. i know you must be dissapointed that your only geocoin isn't traveling as you hoped it would. don't get discouraged. it seems the geocacher that has your geocoin has not been doing any geocaching in many months, although they still log onto the website as recently as a month ago. sadly, there isn't much you can do about the situation. you have already emailed them. you could write a note on the geocoin page, but if the geocacher does not reply to your direct emails, they probably won't, or can't, reply to the geocoin update emails. i wouldn't assume that the geocoin has been "stolen" since a thief doesn't usually leave a calling card. there may be other reasons why this person or persons cannot cache. illness, injury, technical internet issues, loss of interest in the sport, there could be many reasons. you are not the 1st person with this situation, and it must seem like placing a geocoin in a cache is pointless, but keep hope alive. you just never know what can happen with a geocoin or travel bug.
  20. ...do you all feel it would be acceptable to create and upload a youtube video of all the 999 geocoin images i have collected and edited?... after further consideration: i'm getting the impression that this project would just create too many issues and controversy. thats not my intention, and nobody needs those headaches, so its probably not worth the effort involved. i think i'll just scrap the idea, and keep the 999 geocoin pictures in my personal picture file collection. thank you to all for the feedback and the geocoin trades. i still love these 999 geocoins! .
  21. hmmm...thats pretty weird because i've heard postal clerks at my local post office ask customers NOT to place tape on regular envelopes several times. maybe its just a regional thing. who knows...lol...
  22. the U.S. Postal Service does not approve of any tape on the outside of standard sized envelopes, i'm not exactly sure of the reason, but it might have something to do with the possibility of snags or binding the automated postal sorting machines. there was a thread some time ago here at the forum about the high speed that envelopes go through the sorting machines, and why it's not a very good idea to send geocoins at the "regular envelope" rate. perhaps a postal employee can add more accurate information here, but i believe "large envelope" and "package" rates are a little higher because these items are sorted "by hand" to reduce loss or damage, all while bypassing the automated sorting machines. i wouldn't suggest saving a few pennies on postage while risking the loss of valuable geocoins. 2 or 3 geocoins lost in the mail will easily exceed any savings on postage, not to mention the aggravation and headache of recouping the mail insurance (if the item was even insured). anyone that has gone through the postal service insurance claim process will agree that its a major hassle you want to avoid at all cost...repeat...AT ALL COST!...lol...pay a little more, pack it securely, don't cut corners, and you'll be much much happier in the long run.
  23. would it be possible to upload a picture of the item so we can all see it here, too?! You gotta admit, OV, that uploading a pic to the Forums is a lot tougher than figuring out if a wooden nickel is trackable or not. Now there's a topic for Eartha's toolkit - how to upload pics with maybe a couple of pointers on best resolutions and sizes for the screen. huh? huh? i have been coming to the forums, on and off, for about 3 years now, and only just recently figured out how to post pictures and how to use the private messager here (thanks to ladybee4t)...lol...it seems there's always something new to learn about computers and geocoins!
  24. would it be possible to upload a picture of the item so we can all see it here, too?!
  25. i just have a couple of things to add. the biggest issue when shipping is securing the item so it does not shift or move within the container or envelope. shifting can cause a breach or break in the container, and there goes your expensive geocoin into post office oblivion! shipping tape will work to keep items from moving, but as noted earlier, it leaves a residue to anything it is stuck to, and many do not like having to wrestle with the tape to get their coin out of the package. i like to use inexpensive card stock that is folded and cut to about the size of the interior of the bubble wrap package. i then center the coin or coins within the folded stock, staple the sides to prevent movement and scotch tape or staple the top as well. the card stock helps keep everyything from moving around within the envelope, and also gives some stiffness or rigidity to the package, without adding too much weight. over the years, through trial and error, and a few lost geocoins, this method has seemed to work best for me. one other thing i'd like to add. if you do many trades, and even if you do only a few, keeping track of your trades is important. its very easy to forget who you have sent items to, and who you have received items from. so, good notes and records are important. it also is a good idea to let the people you've traded with know when their package has arrived safely. it's just a nice courtesy so others can check that trade item off their list or records.
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