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Posts posted by JASTA 11

  1. My two five year olds love picking up trash as much as finding the cache itself. We drop off homemade 'CITO kits' at every cache they'll fit in. A friend puts 'souvenier' CITO kits in his cache to tempt cachers into doing a little clean up on the way out. He hasn't had much success. I suggested having a 'contest' or reward for doing CITO at his cache. Maybe a 'weigh in' would work. The most trash wins a prize or something. Any other ideas?

  2. I would avoid using an ammo can. The seals are just too unreliable over time being under the pressure from the water. All the suggestions for brake fluid and silicone grease are fine, but you'll be needing maintenance on the can frequently. You can totally forget it if it's going to be in salt or brackish water. Ammo cans are made of steel and will corrode. I found a cache in Florida that was hidden in ankle-deep water. The box was still water-tight, but the latch was rusted so much that it broke off.

  3. Looking at some of the cache totals I see, it makes me ask. If you revisit a cache (say four or five months after you first find it) do you, or can you log it as a find again?

    I have been back to a few that I have already logged as found, when revisiting I usually just log it as a note...not sure if this is correct or not.


    Yep, me too! There's one in particular that is a TB hotel. I stop by there every now and then either to drop off or pick up a TB to move to another spot.




    There should be something built into the website where you can only get credit once for finding a cache, no matter how often you try to log it as a find. In the end, I think it comes down to integrity. Sure, we all want impressive numbers, but really, who are you going to impress? I was thinking about this same subject last summer. I had been out in central Missouri and did some caching. As I was reading the logs online, I noticed that the OWNER would log his own cache as a find every time he did a TB drop or something. The same person logged multiple benchmarks that no longer existed. I love this sport as much as the next person, but I don't need to 'beef up' my numbers for some assumed glory.

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