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Posts posted by JASTA 11
Found it!
What a bad new, we rent a small boat to a old man (no engine) we explain him what we wanna do, and he say (you frenchy's are crazy) so, arrive there with the kid, and....Nothing, it seems everything were flooted. Special message to the owner: you have a nice idea, just need a maintenance. We flought home tomorrow so, we cant come back again. Thanks for the work on the cache
On a six-stage multi:
Found it 12/28/2014
Holy crap! Found stage #1. Attempting stage #2 another day. [cachers]. Dezember 2014 3:38 PM
Found it 12/28/2014
Haha! Found it... Took a lot of looking around and were about to give up, but found it based on unique place marker. Coords for #2 in bottle hardly legible, so not sure we'll find #2...
Write note 12/28/2014 (previous finder)
Um, that means ya didn't
Haha and holy crap!
Found it 09/14/2014
No actual cache but the spot was found.
Found it 06/28/2014
Found this while on Skype helping my dad. TNLNSL Thanks!!
Found it 06/28/2014
Found this while on Skype helping my dad. What a cool history lesson. TNLNSL Thanks!!
Skype and Log?? (S+L)
"Why isn't geocaching organised by a non profit organisation?"
There are non-profit caching websites out there. You'll have to look elsewhere to find them.
What is the point of this?
Posting a cluster of pointless caches out in some blank area of the wilds so geocachers can see some silly logo portrayed?
Why would I want to visit such lame locations?
Ridiculous, and actually pathetic in reality.
A lame and uninspiring power trail that creates a virtual shape on a map.
Place them along a road on utility poles and have the shape appear in some farmers field, or other location you'll never visit.
Woo Hoo.
Some call them 'trailhead bonus' caches.
'Cause just one smiley just isn't worth the trip.
Or the ever popular "I was driving by this parking lot/guardrail/dead end/etc. and it just had to have a cache LBH !".
Didn't mean to offend anyone up there by talking about my wide open spaces in the middle of the country.
??? Wide open spaces are cool, no matter where they are....
In our area, one can place a cache with 'Boy Scouts' or 'Girl Scouts' or 'Cache to Eagle' in the name without issue.
Mention 'Honoring Veterans' however, then there's an agenda issue.
If you found it prior to adopting it - keep the smiley.
If you didn't find it prior to adopting - don't claim a find.
If you were to adopt out a cache that you were the original CO of - don't go and claim a find afterwards. That's lame too.
I see the game evolving, at least on this site.
Many who no longer feel an obligation to sign the paper log, or answer the questions for an earthcache or virtual. No interest in hiding or finding something away from a paved surface. This is what is becoming the norm.
One day soon we'll see something like this:
No need to get out of your car. Powertrails can be completed in a fraction of the time. It can even log caches you didn't even know are there.
But you were there, right? You're entitled to a smiley for being there, aren't you? Who cares if you found anything?
(edited for spelling)
Since Benchmarks have no "log", the only way to demonstrate a find is to post a photo. If you are the first to log it, posting 3 photos (a closeup, GZ and a general setting view) is also helpful. Even fewer folks post dnfs for benchmarks though far more of them are missing...Since many benchmarks are also "off coords" adding the observed coords and/or the distance and direction they are "off" adds credence to a find claim. If website log contains none of this, I don't put much faith in a find claim. They may have found something, but no way to tell what...
There are also those who claim a benchmark find based on a photo from someone else.
I'd rather see this, where some effort was made into finding the cache, after spending hours getting there and back, than to see people claiming finds on caches that weren't there by signing a throw down, or doing the container swap game.
Accepting the lesser of two evils?
Both examples are wrong.
PencilPoker (750 Finds) Found It!
Found the site with a pencil sticking out of a hole and nothing else around. Me thinks this one has been muggled.
Bigger... perhaps. I'll just stop there.
Groundspeak gets to define what Geocaching is. What the rest f us think is irrelevant.
It has changed from a hike in the woods for an ammo can filled with trade items and caches placed in interesting locations to micros placed every 528 feet called geoart. It's all about the numbers, and phone cachers that have no use for a GPS unit have came up with new games to play.
Geocaching is becoming less popular, but not dead.
and yes again.
Found it! 11,000+ Finds
When i got here and read that this tree is over 700 years old, i couldn't bring myself to climb it. I saw what previous cachers were referring to hanging from a pink string up above, but seeing as how it isn't a proper container anyhow, i opted to not retrieve the cache. As i had offered to help maintain the cache in an earlier email to the cache owner, i did place a bison tube at this location to highlight the tree, but it does not require the cachers to climb this magnificent oak. Will email the cache owner with info soon.
Thanks for bringing me to this amazing tree.
Thanks so much for the cache !
Justifying the throw-down, or in this case maybe it's a 'throw-up'?
We once left a $25 gift card for Bass Pro Shops. Other times a $5.00 card for Dunkin's. Left an Andrew Jackson once as an FTF as a prize on a difficult to get to cache.
Have never seen anything more than a few coins in a cache. Then again, it's exceptionally rare for us to be FTF.
Another power trail of uninspired hides that make a virtual geometric shape on a map, published under a sock-puppet account.
Oh boy!
(Squeezing fifty-one more listings into the ignore list)
Found it!
First find for me and my 4 year old son.Well we found the rock not the cache
Sorry Dad, you still need another find to get to 'first'.
I'd rather see this, where some effort was made into finding the cache, after spending hours getting there and back, than to see people claiming finds on caches that weren't there by signing a throw down, or doing the container swap game.
In both cases it's wrong.
Its no loss.
This thread is for all those smiley-faced logs that admit that the hunters did not really find the cache.
Let's not start a debate, or accuse people of cheating or any of that. No names, no links, just the log.
Reminder, no debates. Just logs.
Found it! 800+ Finds
We knew exactly were it should be, but its gone too.
Most of the hides are less than 50 feet from the pavement.
Giving the people what they want!
Here's what being placed in Southeast Massachusetts in 2015: 60 caches have been placed so far, with 25 micros, 23 small, 11 regulars and an earthcache.
Six of the caches are puzzles with unknown coordinates, leaving 54 where the location is evident. Of these, two thirds(36) are within 100 yards of pavement, including nine within ten feet of it, and you should be able to spot your car from about half the caches. Only a dozen caches send you more than quarter mile into the woods. Average d/t is 1.7/1.7 Hides predominate over woods walks.
It seems that more and more folks are employing the 'drive along and throw a micro out the window' method of placing caches these days.
Players who hide caches in the woods or at other interesting places are in the minority now.
Found It = Didn't Find It
in General geocaching topics
Trackables are fair game too....
'Long Missing TB' on your watchlist has a new log:
Seen on the Photo Gallery.
Thank you very much for sharing.
The game must be going totally virtual.