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Everything posted by JASTA 11
Bushes, huh? Was it within throwing distance of the nearest road or parking lot?
First off, film canisters make lousy cache containers. They all leak, in Florida and any place else where they're placed outdoors. We log NM's and appreciate it when our caches get NM's. Haven't had a 'false' one yet. I think most CO's take pride in their hides and would want to know if their cache has issues. Then again, there are those who put a log and a pencil into a 35mm canister and heave it into a bush from a moving car and call it a hide. Keep logging the NM's and DNF's. You're helping the CO, and the next cacher. BTW-There's someone around here who has the slogan "Every time you hide a film canister, a fairy dies" I'll buy that.
Lots of helpers here! January 11 by lendahand (67 found) Part of the extraordinaire hide team. January 11 by gladtohep (429 found) Helped hide this one too. January 11 by showdemhow (1853 found) We were all there as the "hide" team to teach cacheowner how to hide caches now that he's not a newbie anymore. Anybody out there need some help placing caches? I need to pad my numbers a bit.
June 9 by helpmemabell (382 found) It was a nice walk out here on this sunny day,but nothin' to show for it. I spoke with 2 previous finders on the phone while at GZ and I still never spotted it. My latest idea for an icon, the phone smiley.
Another helper: March 24 by happy2help (501 found) I helped cacheowner place this cache, now that its been found I'm logging it. E-z, P-z, Lemon Squeezie!
May 24 by iwasthere (756 found) Logging in as co hider and creator of this one. You can log a find on a cache you helped place? Wow! This is getting really easy!!!!!
This was a great cache with moderate difficulty that somehow went missing. Six cachers logged DNF's: DNF October 18, 2008 by HonestCacher1 (1978 found) Lots of bush whacking with at least 3 different kinds of thorny bushes. It looks like the trail is being allowed to revert to its natural state. When we arrived at GZ we had no luck finding the cache. We spread out and still no luck. DNF January 18, 2009 by HonestCacher2 (67 found) I could not find cache just like those before me. The trail is being cleared by a couple of local boys. I spoke to them and one had seen cache and the other was a nebe(sp) but interested in geocaching. Nice walk in ! DNFJanuary 29, 2009 by HonestCacher3 (276 found) Very cool trail, and yeah, it could use some brush hogging. On my next try I might carry a machete and try to help clear it a bit. Found the remains of the tree but no ammo box. Given I'm the third consecutive DNF I suggest a check for mugglin'. Thanks - I'll watch the site, but will probably return just to complete the trail! DNFApril 19, 2009 by HonestCacher4 (156 found) Very cool walk with the boys. Cache not to be found DNF April 19, 2009 by HonestCacher5 (83 found) Nice walk with the family, saw some little crabs. Luckily the bugs didn't find us. Somebody dug a trap in the middle of the path, WEIRD! Is the cache gone? NOTE May 17, 2009 by ConcernedCacher (1454 found) I know this is a very special cache for those of you who knew XX; however, it has been over a year since it has been found and a look-see is certainly warranted. Perhaps one of the local hardcore group can check this one out. I would be glad to go with anyone who has already been there to provide some company along the way, but I'm reluctant to go on my own with the recent string of DNFs. Will be in Florida for the next few weeks then back to Mn. and return in the fall. BTW, I spent almost 40 years in Pittsburgh and can still speak "Pittsburghese". Thanks. DNF January 30 by HonestCacher6 (7 found) Interesting location and huge annual neighborhood yard sale going on just outside the cache coordinates. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate this cache with a team of four and a thorough search. Mosquitoes were vicious, so wear your repellant and spiders plenty, so look out for webs lol I think this cache may have blown away in Wilma? Good luck and happy caching! These cachers didn't follow the example of those who posted before them: March 7 by I'mEntitledToIt (223 found) I am claiming I found it even though it was not there, because my kids and I got very muddy feet, mosquito bites and cuts from the bushes. Nice area but disappointed in no cache NM March 11 by I'mEntitledToIt (223 found) It is not there Prompting this retort from a local: NOTE March 11 by ConcernedCacher2 (667 found) That is an interesting, new reason to log a cache as a find. I owe myself a few in that case. Not sure who is taking care of this cache for CO1 and CO2. Maybe YYYYY and I can try to replace this next week. That's the earliest we could try to replace it. Perhaps you shouldn't have to seek a cache to get a find? Maybe you could just walk around outside and get your feet dirty? This game gets easier all the time!
What is the worst cache you've seached for?
JASTA 11 replied to TheGrey's topic in General geocaching topics
We're a lot better at avoiding lame caches than we used to be. But sometimes we fall into the trap, especially if there's not a whole lot of info on the cache page. Some of our worst finds would have to include: -One in Texas that was located inside a church's abandoned outhouse. We DNF'd that one without going inside. -In Florida, where the CO lists the trailhead into the woods, but doesn't mention the homeless camp you have to pass through along the way. -A cache in New York, located about ten feet off a jogging trail 'rest stop'. The CO could have posted a hint of 'follow the urine smell, GZ marked by soiled tissues'. -For the worst one it's back to Texas, I had a TB that I needed to drop off. As it turned out it was near a polluted stream behind a low-rent housing district. At first I thought the stench was from the stream, but the little brown piles hinted to a different source. It was my last day there and I had to drop that TB off. The things I do sometimes. -
This is for a lengthy paddle-multi with multiple DNF's and no finds in two years: February 13 by closeenuffcacher (35 found) Jusa came back from Ice Fishing and while looking for deadwood to burn in the campfire I found a geocache. Not sure what stage it is, but next time im gonna bring my gps!!! Maybe we ought to log a smiley for each stage we find?
I love the logs where they come right out and say they didn't find it: March 28 by Itried,really! (5 found) The trip in was super muddy. I think this one has been muggled. I found the location where I think it should be but it was empty. Bummer :-( It's a fantastic location. I think it's also a popular hang out for locals. We gathered as much trash as we could. I'm almost positive we found the original location and will check with the owner to double check. Maybe there should be a 'ghost smiley' icon for finding the location where you think it should have been ?
Mine would have to be an alligator while wading across a gator hole in about two and a half feet of water. Never did see him, but was sure he was in there. Other than that, some of the transients you sometimes encounter while caching down in Florida can be pretty unnerving.
Getting back on track..... This cache is about to be archived because it's been missing, but that didn't stop this person from logging a find: January 31 by Ilielikeadog (1980 found) Spent awhile looking. Think it has taken a walk. With almost 2000 finds, you'd think they'd know what a DNF was by now.
Came across these entries while researching some caches to do down in southern Oklahoma. They are all virtuals with a question to answer as a logging requirement: December 27, 2009 by Idontreadcachepages (133 found) was third person to the top after the blizzard. i cant answer the questions, because i didn't know them when i got there. the view was great. December 15, 2009 by fluffndacacheowner (67 found) Found it but due to most of Park closed for Elk hunt so couldn't get closer for answer And the most honest of the three: May 8, 2009 by Icachefromhome (0 found) well i tryed to find it by searching info about it on the web but couldnt find any information about it =(
I came across this today. Seems to be like what you're looking for.
We paddled out of Collier Seminole State Park near Naples last year to do GC1BTX6. We used Saltwater Sports on the Tamiami Trail (Route 41) as an outfitter. The rate was fair, no deposit required, and the guys were helpful. You can probably find someplace closer to Chockoloskee, but this place did right by us. Enjoy your trip!
I just read on one of our local caching organization websites of cachers logging 140 caches in a 12 hour period. How do you figure? Here's a clue: http://www.geocaching.com/map/default.aspx...p;lng=-67.86657 If that link doesn't work, paste this: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...7e-04d451aceb17 and hit the GC.com google map link. Now, I know that Groundspeaks rules can be interpreted differently among reviewers, but isn't this the most extreme power trail ever? What do you think.....
Anyone ever find Cremated Ashes?
JASTA 11 replied to HarmonicaHead's topic in General geocaching topics
We came across what appeared to be creamated remains of someone's grandfather. Found it to be slightly creepy, but highly disrespectful. We left it in the TB Hotel, it's still in circulation today. -
Three finds on one of your own caches? September 23, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found) Coin drop! November 4, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found) Coin drop December 7, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found) Coin drop. Every visit is a find? June 29, 2006 by Cache owner (1076 found) Showing some new cachers the area and a cache of mine. And then there's this one: April 30, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found) Found it. Cache-owner "Found it"? I would hope so, you placed it there!
Animal encounters while hiking
JASTA 11 replied to thinairmagic's topic in General geocaching topics
Walked right past this bison while out in Oklahoma. Didn't even know it was there until it stood up after I passed by. -
Southeastern Massachusetts Hillsborough County, Florida Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri
We have a 12' fiberglass Chief canoe. Absolutely love it, can't stand aluminum boats. When there's three of us we pop in another seat, but it does just fine for the Pooch and I and all our gear. Though I've always been a canoe person, I recently took a couple kayaking lessons and now I'm hooked. I've been looking at doing a some three to four day trips down in the Everglades and I'll definetly be using a kayak.
This may be an example of the "not always". The cache owner describes it as a 'park-and-sign'. This finder seems to have turned into a downright adventure. The names have been changed to protect the long-winded. N 99° 99.999 W 099° 99.999 While XXXX and I tend to do most of our geocaching around Cape Cod in Massachusetts, we were in Orlando/Tampa for the National Cheerleading Competition and we're now visiting family in Pinellas Park/Seminole. We had some free time this afternoon so we decided to take advantage of the geomuggle-repelling weather and search for the two caches in Lake Seminole Park. We got to the general area of the cache and were dismayed to see a car parked directly in line of the area we wanted to search. We pulled in, parked a few parking spaces down, then got out to sit at the nearby picnic table with hopes that our presence would silently encourage the others in the parked car to leave. After fifteen minutes of waiting, we returned to the car to drive further into the park in search of an alternate cache. Returning from successfully locating the alternate cache, we returned and found the other vehicle to have departed. We got out of the car and started searching the general area. I was walking around in a semi-circle with the GPS to gain a focused search area when XXXX called out that she had located the cache. We were both very impressed by the cache container and though we've seen some creative caches in New England, this was the first that either of us have seen using this concept. Great work on the hide. We signed the log using the back of the last page as others have started doing where the front pages of the log are all full. Re-hid the cache container as found. Commander McBragg would be proud.
I can sympathize about your van. I was caching alone in Cedar Hills Park in Dallas (TX) county last January. I left my car in the parking lot, right next to a busy road, in daylight. The only people I came across on the trail heading in was a man with his young son (I assume). When I came back to my rental car about two hours later, I found the passenger window smashed out. I made the mistake of leaving my briefcase on the passenger seat. They must have assumed there was a laptop in it. There wasn't. Just a bunch of crap and a couple memory sticks with work stuff on them. They missed my wallet which was in the center console. Chalk it all up as a lesson learned.
We haven't had a lot of 'milestone' caches, but I admit we try to save the most difficult (and hopefully more memorable) ones for milestones. For instance, number 200 for us was Think Twice, M^3 was number 250. As someone else said, sometimes you just can't know. #251.
Excellent! There aren't enough paddle caches around in my book.