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Aiden's Cachers

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Posts posted by Aiden's Cachers

  1. 5 Geocoins activated under my account

    5 of those have not been moved in 2007

    0 are confirmed missing

    The highest mileage of any one coin is 0.

    5 coins sit in an individuals inventory

    0 are in a unknown state

    0 are listed as in caches

    Total mileage of all geocoins regardless of state 0.


    Ok I guess I need a new line to express my astonishment . . . .

    Or you could mint an "I think I pee'd myself a little." geocoin!

  2. @UOTrackers,

    Did you get my last email? I seem to have on and off problems with my email... :D




    I really wanted to get in on this but I guess I'll have to pass because I can Not come up with any art work or any idea for that matter :D

    Here's an idea I got, but since I don't know you, it might not like it. :anitongue:



    Wonder how it would look with a nurse hat instead of that pointy one. :anibad:

  3. Definitely!


    Count me in..... now what are the deadlines for submitting artwork and the like? Is there an upper limit on participation? Metal finish types -- are we limited to one finish, or can we branch out and make copper, gold, etc?

    The finishes are nickel and brass. If we get past 1000 I'll see if I can get additional but the cost of the other finishes is usually more.


    Thanks for joining the crowd.


    We got past 1000, will we be able to get other finishes at an additional cost?

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