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Aiden's Cachers

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Posts posted by Aiden's Cachers

  1. 1 regular size, and 1 multi out of 93 found (we did go back and find them later) The regular the coords were way off, the multi we just had a hard time on stage 1 and had a PO encounter durring the search. Knowing me I would probably DNF most on 5 gallon buckets :D

  2. Don't make me feel bad. I honestly wish I could give a hiking staff to everyone that wanted one. In reality I can't even sell them to everyone that wants one. I turn down 90% of the people that want to buy one.


    Wow I am honored that I am in that 10% :laughing:

  3. Getting an error when I try to submit :(


    I see three orders from you. Did you mean to only have one?




    Oh... I guess it did go through.. it kept bringing me to an error page. It should be 1 order of 2 coins.




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