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Aiden's Cachers

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Posts posted by Aiden's Cachers

  1. Finaly found the wire to conect my digital camera to the computer. That sneaky Aiden hid it on me!! So here are a couple Secret Agent pictures!!


    This one is Our Agent and the Georgia 2007 we traded for it along with our Sig item.



    And this is Aiden with the coin(that you can hardly see!)


  2. If you have a small child and you don't already own one...

    ;);):anicute: I had visions of a rent-a-kid type service to allow cachers without small children to grab micros at the neighborhood park in the daytime!

    I read that the same way. :unsure:


    I am sure I could rent out Aiden for a small fee. :(

  3. C: And being herded into endless Hotel Miramars and Bellevueses

    and Bontinentals with their International luxury roomettes

    and draught Red Barrel and swimming pools full of fat German

    businessmen pretending to be acrobats forming pyramids and

    frightening the children and barging into the queues. And if

    you're not at the table spot on 7 you miss your bowl of

    Campbells Cream of Mushroom soup - the first item on the menu

    of Internaional cuisine.


    (guess 1977)

  4. C: Yes, you're quite right, whats the point of going abroad if

    you're just another tourist carted around in buses surrounded

    by sweaty (miners sons???) from Kettering and Boventry with their

    bloth baps and their bardigans and their transistor radios

    complaining about the tea, ooh they dont make it properly here

    do they - and stopping at endless Majorcan bodegas selling fish

    and chips and Watneys Red Barrel and calamares and two veg and

    sitting in their cotton sunfrocks squirting Timothy Whites sun

    cream all over their puffy raw swollen purulent flesh cos they

    overdid it on the first day.

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