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Everything posted by Cymbaline
Heh, it's funny to have received a new cache publication notice, then later a log entry on a watchlist cache. I guess some people are getting lucky!
Has Anybody Used Any Of These Palm Pilots
Cymbaline replied to russell_53040's topic in GPS technology and devices
The i705 is what I use for geocaching. It's an older unit, but rugged. It's not color, which is fine with me. I use Cachemate, and I regularly load it up with all my "not found" caches in Georgia, which is currently around 1180 or so. This takes up just over 4.2MB - I use GSAK to save prior logs, and I upload up to 15 logs to Cachemate. I've never had a problem with the unit, even though it uses "non-removable" rechargable batteries. I've gone a few days without recharging it without a problem. The wireless feature has since been tossed out the window by Palm, so it doesn't work. No biggie - I have a blackberry for wireless access, though I don't use it often. Best bang for the buck for geocaching, IMHO. I'd recommend that whatever unit you get has at least 8MB of RAM. The i705 is not the fastest unit in the world (compared to today's newer units), but for Geocaching it can't be beat. -
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Cymbaline replied to ClydeE's topic in GPS technology and devices
Yes, Jeremy has said this is fixed. However, please note as of just a few hours ago I believe the problem is still there. I just ran a PQ of all my finds and this issue was still evident. Even when this is fixed, if you have loaded an "all founds" PQ into your GSAK database with some of these incorrect deleted logs you will still need to remove them from GSAK manually. You can do this by right mouse clicking on the cache that has the offending logs and select "Delete a log ..." . (Cymsnip) This is working for me - so far, for correcting my find counts - I was showing about 14 over what I should have, and sure enough some caches now have duplicate found logs. I'm doing as you described, and it's working. But - dunno how or why - the little "OK" box after deleting the log is popping under the rest of GSAK. I have to Ctrl-Tab once to bring it back to the front to click it, then continue... This has happened on each of the three that I've done so far. After the first one, I made sure that I did not press any other key or move the mouse, just in case. Still happened. Even more odd, I can't get the "Filter" screen to go 'way. After the first three, I re-ran the filter, and now it's stuck. I had to right-click GSAK on the task bar to close it, and GSAK asked me if I wanted to back up DB's, which I did. Very odd. I hope I can't recreate this. -
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Cymbaline replied to ClydeE's topic in GPS technology and devices
Yes, Jeremy has said this is fixed. However, please note as of just a few hours ago I believe the problem is still there. I just ran a PQ of all my finds and this issue was still evident. Even when this is fixed, if you have loaded an "all founds" PQ into your GSAK database with some of these incorrect deleted logs you will still need to remove them from GSAK manually. You can do this by right mouse clicking on the cache that has the offending logs and select "Delete a log ..." . (Cymsnip) This is working for me - so far, for correcting my find counts - I was showing about 14 over what I should have, and sure enough some caches now have duplicate found logs. I'm doing as you described, and it's working. But - dunno how or why - the little "OK" box after deleting the log is popping under the rest of GSAK. I have to Ctrl-Tab once to bring it back to the front to click it, then continue... This has happened on each of the three that I've done so far. After the first one, I made sure that I did not press any other key or move the mouse, just in case. Still happened. -
I have to fly out to Miami today on business all week - specifically, Miami Beach. I've been trying to read the latest news reports, looks like power is back in *some* areas, but not all. How'd you local cachers make out?
If you're using Garmin's Topo maps, I was under the impresstion that any map load would erase the previous set. Do you have Garmin Topo? If so, load it up, and "rebuild" a map set without anything, and "send" that to the unit. Should override it and blank it out. Don't have Garmin Topo, but are trying to load other map, probably Garmin City Select? Hmm.. that one's a bit harder. I would try master clearing the unit, but the Rino doesn't have a master reset, per se. It does have a "user data" clear. DISCLAIMER: I've never had to do this, so I've never tried it. It appears awkward to do. WARNING: You'll lose any waypoints you have in the unit currently. If you want those, save those first. Press in and hold the clickstick, press and hold the "page" key (the one below the "Talk" button on the side of the unit) and then hit the Power On button, then leggo all three. In other words, hold the first two, then hit the Power On, then let go all three. See if that works. I've never tried it, but that's how you do a user data reset. Worst case is you'll lose the waypoints in the unit. Or blow something up. If you don't want to try the user reset, call Garmin and see if they can help you.
Help, How To Put Waypoints Onto Rino 120
Cymbaline replied to knlcox's topic in GPS technology and devices
We're moving into the realm of "Identifying COM: ports on Windows now." Assuming you're using Windows, of course. If you're using an iMac/other Apple product, ignore all this. I don't have one of htose in front of me. I'm using XP, so you may have to do *slightly* differently, but hopefully you can follow along if using 98 or 2000 or "other". Key is getting into your systems' Device Manager settings. - Right click "My Computer" on your desktop. - Select "Properties" - Select "Hardware" tab. - Select "Device Manager" - Expand the "+" sign next to "Ports (COM and LPT)" You may have multiple COM entries here, one of which a default "Communications Port (COM1)." That's not it. Does one of them say something about "USB Serial Adapter" or something along those lines? Hopefully it does. What number is attached it's COM? I.E. COM5? COM11? Keep that one in mind. Load EasyGPS, and somewhere in it's configurations, you need to tell it what COM port to use. Set it to the com port you just made a note of, connect the GPS, turn it on, and then try sending. Hopefully, it'll work. (I'd tell you exactly where, but I don't have EasyGPS loaded on my system anymore.) If you don't see the extra USB Serial Port in your Device Manager settings, then you've got a different problem entirely. -
From the user-supported/generated FAQ for the 60CS and similiar units: "Hold ENTR and PAGE while powering up to master reset the unit. Details on doing a hard reset can be found in this post."
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Cymbaline replied to ClydeE's topic in GPS technology and devices
What Grampakim said. I have a few waypoints that I"ve manually created in my GSAK database. One of these is "home". So no, we're not talking about Centerpoint location. We're talking a line entry in GSAK for "Home", with coordinates, but no description. When loading a new query - especially if it's for your same area - do as Grandpakim said and don't do "Clear before loading." After it's loaded as he's described, you can go back and delete any waypoints you've previously found. This is simplified if you select to "reset user flag" as well. -
I haven't seen this on an eTrex myself, but I've had great success bonding different materials together using standard two-part epoxy over the years. Available at most all hardware stores/large borg-type stores (home depot, lowes, etc). I'd be a tad afraid of using superglue, might melt the plastic a bit before setting.
Help, How To Put Waypoints Onto Rino 120
Cymbaline replied to knlcox's topic in GPS technology and devices
As others have noted, give EasyGPS a shot. You can get by with the .loc files with EasyGPS. Since you've upgraded to a Premium Membership, go ahead and get GSAK from gsak.net as well. Yes, there's a learning curve, but with GSAK you can use the .GPX files and view your pocket queries off line. (You do know about pocket queries, right? That's the whole reason why you got a Premium Membership.) -
Unlock Help Needed With City Select V6
Cymbaline replied to capt caper's topic in GPS technology and devices
Did you check the packing slip/repair paperwork carefully? I got a brand-new-in-box replacement for my Rino 130 earlier this summer when I sent it in with bad radio problems. Included in the paperwork was a single page that had a new unlock code on it that matched the replacement's serial number. Worked like a champ. -
Strangely, I actually prefer the buttons (or lack thereof) on the Rino better than I do the 60CS. Owning both, I can manually enter waypoints and search for POIs faster on the Rino than I can on the 60CS. My fat fingers always have a problem with the rocker switch on the 60. The screen you can't do much with - it's a Rino form factor. I'm with you on the waypoints, though; should have been 1000, not 500, and form factor doesn't have anything to do with it. Just use a different (higher capacity) chip.
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Cymbaline replied to ClydeE's topic in GPS technology and devices
Edit: Removed, problem already addressed and solved by someone else. I really should read down the forums further. -
The article posted above notwithstanding, a friend of mine in a reserve unit used his Rino 110 (no maps, occasionally used the radio, but not often) quite often and quite well in Afghanistan for 9 months. He used it to mark positions of everything ranging from "potential threat points" to the local bazaar. It's precision was "good enough for government work", according to him. Quite a few members in his.. lets say "unit".. also carried civilian Garmin units, most often Rinos or Etrex Legends. As long as your son is not setting up target points or lines of fire, a civilian unit will do him just dandy.
There's not any - at least, not anything like Cachemate. I've had a 7520 since January (long time Nextel user) and have been loving it - especially the browser. Use the browser if you need to look up a cache online, carry a cheap palm for Cachemate.
I've seen this once, maybe twice myself on my own unit. I solved it by turning the compass off and switching to the map screen. Switching back a minute later and turning the compass back on and the problem went away. I chalked it up to electric gremlins or some sort of magnetic anomoly nearby. Haven't seen it since.
Hmm, hadn't visited that page in awhile, so pfranc isn't actually making the cable due to lack of interest. You can get the plug from him though, and includes links on how to make the cable. See; http://www.pfranc.com/projects/rPlug/index.htm Anyways, good luck with it. GPSGeek is another good option as others have pointed out.
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Cymbaline replied to ClydeE's topic in GPS technology and devices
The waypoint grabber, is not just from the clipboard. GSAK supports grabbing from details of a single cache in your database, or a filter, of the whole database. This way you can automatically generate waypoints for all the parking cooridinates, POIs, etc ,directly into your database. <Cymsnip - lots of stuff Clyde is adding> Not a fully incusive list by any means, but hopefully enough to wet the appetite <end Cymsnip> Edit: Not a great example as it was for testing purposes, but you can check out the new change log here (be sure to also check out the very end of the log) Good stuff Clyde. I sit corrected - you HAVE managed to get a few major things in there. I'm sure the Lowrance users are gonna love you in particular. And if that 2nd user column is what I think it is, added bonus! Keep up the good work - fantastic job! -
If you're looking for on-the-cheap or roll-your-own, what you seek is: http://www.pfranc.com/ Me and soldering irons don't get along too well, so I have the Garmin one.
You're right - garmin's default clip does tend to let it out of the unit pretty quick. Quick solution (and good belt clip replacement - i break them a lot) is to pop into a local emporium that deals in AT&T/Cingular cellphones. They have similiar clips, and usually cheaper.. and the GPS doesn't come out of them as fast.
This is not the best answer, but it'll cut your clicks down quite a bit. As Clyde said, you're seeing the default Windows "Open.." dialog, and yes by default it opens by "List". Here's what you can do instead of the whole "Details" thing: Pick an open area in the file list, as in where the red dot is here (and I would recommend to click where the red dot is - trying to get inbetween the file names is tricky) and RIGHT click: On the resulting menu, left click "Arrange Icons By", then "Modified", as shown above. It'll resort itself. Grab the horizontal slide bar and slam it all the way to the right. The last file you see is the latest one in that folder. This is not permanent, but should work. Hope it helps.
Right-click the Norton icon in your taskbar. Is "Enable Autoprotect" checked? If so, left-click it to uncheck it. Try GSAK again. Work now? Fantastic. If not, post again or contact me via my gc.com profile. (Norton Enterprise user, unfortunately, & GSAK user on my work laptop at the moment.)
You gotta hold the 60CS d*mn near flat if you want the compass to work correctly. There's no other way to do it. It does not have a triaxial compass (a la Magellan). Garmin doesn't offer one in any of their handheld units - it's on a lot of wishlists. Having said that, if you hold it *reasonably* flat you should find that it points you generally in the right direction, +/- 10-20 degrees. "Go that way" will work. For short distances (less than 5 miles) this should do you ok. Moreso, then use the handheld compass you also carry. You do carry one, right? Seriously, I use the compass in both the 60CS and Rino 130, and often end up turning them off in the interests of battery life and using my pocket Silva instead. I hold the units flat enough until I see the "Hold LeveL" indicator flicker off/on, and approximate from there. If I want superaccurate, I stand still and let it *really* level out. Close enough is close enough. Plus, I have the units set to True north, whereas the Silva is (obviously) magnetic, so there's declination to deal with there as well.
Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Cymbaline replied to ClydeE's topic in GPS technology and devices
Not to jump the gun or set up a lynch mob for ya Clyde, but.. Outside of the "waypoint grabber" thing from the clipboard, any other "major" new features coming in the *next* release that you'd like to share? Of course, you won't be held to anything. Just asking out of idle curiousity, 'cos I'm not sure what more you could add to it "major" wise. Minor tweaks are always expected.