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Everything posted by kawikaturn
Yes, I plan on the trip including some Palms to Pines caches. A bad weather day is better with a bunch of caches along the way! Either way, the weather will not be as bad as last weekend. I plan to leave early in the AM and get to the event around Noon. I am going solo, but always "room for one more"!
Maybe it wont be as bad this weekend....
Anyone planning a trip to the Ladder Canyon "LunchMeet" (Event Cache)? Hopefully it will not be another rain-out. Who wants to go to a desert sand wash when it is raining?!!
While on a cache hunt to "IT's 'D' SPOT" in Encinitas, I found this sign: I thought it was interesting and educational about our local plant life. Who has the job of counting endangered plants in San Diego County? The sign is correct! Center for Plant Conservation
It may also be helpful to bring forum printouts as well... lets see, can we dl them into cachemate?!!! I guess I could just add a note to the cache description myself with a quote of a quote!, then generate a new PQ. Or, the fun way, just follow the arrow! Nice forum, I feel like I have a new computer or something!
Congrats to TrailGators for his 100th Puzzle cache! WooHoo! Good job. Made # 100 on the epic Mississippi River Cache. Way to Go!
Probably wont get that far west. I had the larger photo first, but I cropped out the area I could not reach. That cache is calling me every pass on the 52 also!
I was considering a MTB ride on the North side of 52 @ MTRP. Gotta burn off those Super Bowl nachos and chili early!
I have not done the caches your refer to, but at least you would not be alone ... plenty of cache to keep you company! One thing I know (not by personal experience) FOR SURE - It is possible to do 100 caches in a day out there!
How about this one - Moun10Bike Ver 2 Geocoin - RARE Trackable Is that real? I guess there will never be one in a cache!
That is way cool also. Is there a limit to the number of waypoints one can add? (not that I would want to, but it would be handy for some caches I know of (Wild animal park) Figures RocketMan is 10 steps ahead! Thanks RocketMan. Too bad it is 815 miles away!
Could you do it on your puzzle caches as well?!!
Did anyone notice or mention the new GC option for additional waypoints on a cache listing? I just edited parking cordinates for Uno Dos Tres (Uno)! Very cool and useful feature recently added.
Today, at the Bikedog memorial wake, there were many cachers there, some that have never even seen Jerry before. We sure have a great group of people here. More BikeDog related news soon to come. And please, everybody be careful out there! Also, take lots of photos and videos along the way!
"currently have the logbook but plan on returning it within the month. Wanted to read all the entry's but didn't want to stand in the cold. " ... a good example of what not to do .. single digit finder.
And RocketMan will have had enough of Colorado and be back home in Carlsbad!
Delayed again ... How many does that make now? Hopefully this will be the last!
My little kids lift up lamp skirts at almost every parking lot we go to! What is the world coming to!
I remember my first year. I did 300 caches and was so proud of that! Congrats on the 460 in the first year. You will probably double that this year now that you know what you are doing!
Please keep us posted with any news. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jerry, his friends and family. Sunday, September 07, 2003
Does anybody like a FTF? I have a new cache that was released over 48 hours and still not found yet! Is Oceanside too far North? Maybe if I put it underground in a drain it would be found faster??? San Luis Rey Trail
Check out a new cache in the North County: Eternal Hills Cemetery to Calaveras Lake Multi It is quite a long and challenging trek. (another example of a long (11 WP) multi that could have actual caches instead of WP's along the way). FNX even used existing caches from other people for a couple of the WP's!!! You can find about 5 caches along the way! Highly recommended especially if you have never done Calaveras Lake before! (My $.02 for a new page)
I found this Blue Heron today up in Oceanside at close to home GCRPDQ cache. I tried to get closer, but he wanted to fly!:
Who says you have to go fast to have fun! ... if I could just get my Mom to take off these training wheels!
This is what Santa Claus got me: Apparently, he has some helpers at REI !!!