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Posts posted by kawikaturn

  1. Thanks for the update, Tom. Yes, I have over a dozen on hand. Different sizes and colors. I even have a pink pair!




    I sell them for and average amount of $55.00 on ebay. Click on the photos for more info on my ebay product page. I sell the exact same product as snakeguards.com sells for $63.


    Please contact me directly if you are interested and save $ on shipping and ebay fees.


    Dave "kawikaturn" Turner

    aka kawikaturn on ebay also!

  2. CONFESSION and NEED SOME HELP to make this right!!!!!


    Back in 2005, I travelled from SD to NJ, where I found a TB named Panda Paul ,TBK7VN, placed by Photobug6570. His mission was to visit the baby panda at the San Diego zoo. With great intentions, I took the bug planning to get it to the zoo when I got home to SD. Well, job, transportation, health problems and you name it stopped me from caching and then I lost the little guy before I could at least hand him off to someone. Five years later, I'm getting ready to move to Indiana, and while packing, what do I come across? Little Panda Paul. We are scrambling to move on Wednesday and it would be a shame to have this guy sit in a dark corner of a closet for 5 years and not get to see the zoo.


    I won't have time to find a local cache to place him and would hate to have to have him go all the way back to Indiana with me after travelling so far! I live in Carlsbad and would really appreciate it if a local cacher would agree to grab this guy from me to either place in a local cache or even take him to the zoo!


    We are leaving on Wednesday, so time is important-- please help Paul and help me clear my conscience :))




    Kama Raga


    I am just the guy for you. shoot me an email and we can hook up.

  3. Then it has to be in the criteria you chose somehow. Because when I tighten up the route and request 1000 - I get caches along the whole of the path with zero criteria chosen.


    Ok, then I removed ALL filters and allowed all cache types. Notice some of my previous founds in this screenshot:


  4. My guess would be that you exceeded the maximum number of caches that you specified for that route. I did similar route and there is a clear hole where I exceeded the max 1000 caches.


    No, the image above has 251 caches. I used 500 and 1000 when testing the route PQ. When I opened up the distance on each side and removed all filters, it still showed the partial route, but a wider swath.


    Here is a PQ with 995 caches:


  5. I created a route along US RT66 from San Bernardino to Santa Monica. The route looks good, but when I made a PQ from it, part of the route produced NO caches. Yes, there are caches that should be included with the PQ along this route. The route is saved as CA WEST Rt66. I tested with 2 browers and checked the PQ output as well. I removed terrain/difficulty filters in the PQ with no change to the gap in the output. See screenshot photos below:








    I have created hundreds of routes over the years and have never had this issue. This is day 30-31 of our trip planned this summer. All my other routes of this trip worked perfectly.

  6. this-sign-has-sharp-edges1.jpg


    I have no idea where this sign is, but it would be a good location for a cache. I thought you would get a kick out of this one. The sign was probably paid for with tax dollars so you might as well enjoy it!

  7. This was spotted on the roads in Oklahoma today! Must be a loose red herring! I wonder if there is a jellybelly one also?




    Notice the Gas price of $379.9 !! The lowest I have seen on my trip is $3.65. See - it Pays to travel to areas where gas prices are less! ... or does it?

  8. I saw a new name publishing local caches today...


    Kosh Naranek


    I noticed that too. After Babylon 5 was cancelled, the acting jobs must not have come through so he had to become a volunteer cache reviewer.

    I don't know why, he's a good looking guy...


    Or is it a woman? :) :)

  9. kawikaturn posted a note for The snail resting place!! (Traditional Cache)


    My sister linbo&kam found this cache today, but lost her keys (8-10 keys) between the dirt road and the cache. Anyone have a metal detector? If so, you would be a hero if you found them!


    Her log:

    This took me a while to find. I actually started looking on a whim, when I had dressy shoes on and not a lot of time. Couldn't find it for quite a while. All of a sudden I realized I didn't have my keys with me & ran back to the car to see. They weren't in sight so I went back and found the cache, wrote in it and continued to look for my keys. It's a huge set of 2-3 rings and a silver small cylinder with a fish etched on it. I must have put them down when I was checking through the dense bushes and grass. If you can help me find them I'd really appreciate it. Linbo&Kam

    I live only 1.17 miles from this cache and decided to try to find those missing keys but with a hiking stick, bitter resolve and 1 1/4 hrs. all I could do was come home smelling of that darned licorice plant. If the wife liked licorice then it would have been worthwhile but alas I have come up empty on two fronts. Most of the loose trash is now at ground zero but I think that the metal detector idea or more folks with rakes out there and we might eventually find them. If anyone else wants to try then I will join them.

    Hmm, a lostguy looking for lostkeys, how would that work out? Nice try anyway.

    Well, thanks for trying. I plan to visit it tomorrow with my magnetic rake!

  10. kawikaturn posted a note for The snail resting place!! (Traditional Cache)


    My sister linbo&kam found this cache today, but lost her keys (8-10 keys) between the dirt road and the cache. Anyone have a metal detector? If so, you would be a hero if you found them!


    Her log:

    This took me a while to find. I actually started looking on a whim, when I had dressy shoes on and not a lot of time. Couldn't find it for quite a while. All of a sudden I realized I didn't have my keys with me & ran back to the car to see. They weren't in sight so I went back and found the cache, wrote in it and continued to look for my keys. It's a huge set of 2-3 rings and a silver small cylinder with a fish etched on it. I must have put them down when I was checking through the dense bushes and grass. If you can help me find them I'd really appreciate it. Linbo&Kam

  11. Buy GSAK! I've been using it for a year now and I have yet to master it.


    Do you have the mono-chorme Legend? Or C or Cx or HCx?


    If you have an "x" model, get the free POILoader from garmin and check out the thread named something like Silly POI Tricks. It downloads customized POIs into your GPS. This and GSAK work great together to customized the info attached to each POI. Also helps going paperless.


    MapSource also comes in handy.


    Google Earth. It's a free aerial map program, but you have to be connected to the net. If you use MapSource, it will interface with G-E by transferring all your waypoints into G-E. This is very useful for the hiking-to caches so you can locate trails and and likely parking spots.


    Last but not least, GPS Visualizer. I use it primarily to convert the tracks I make in G-E into MapSource tracks which I can then download into my Vista HCx.


    If you have a Palm PDA, cachers like Cachemate. I have a Pocket PC and use GPSView. I used to use GPXSonar but it does not work well with Windows Mobile 6. Cachemate is also available but it's not free. GPSView is free and does exactly what I need. But now that I use customized POIs in my GPS, I rarely resort to the PDA.

    GSAK.NET !!

  12. So I'm getting ready to get an new cell phone and have still yet to get a GPS to use for caching is there a cell phone that I can use just like a gps but it be both a cell phone and a gps??? If you know or have any ideas for me that would be great :laughing:

    absolutely. geocache navigator. I use it for a backup and it works great all over the country. screen a bit too small to read text, but all you need is there! just $6.99 / mo.

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