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Everything posted by Jomarac5

  1. I think this is a very interesting type of cache -- and the resulting effort will make for a terrific final pictorial history. I'll follow the progress and I'm certainly my kids would find it interesting as well. Perhaps, if it's possible, place a physical cache on the way to or at the photo location and ask that the logbook be signed as well as a picture be submitted to the website. If anyone doesn't have a digital camera, they can use a disposable camera that you leave in the cache. If placing a cache large enough to contain a logbook and camera is not possible, do it as a virtual -- I'd bet that you'd get a lot of people watching and doing it with great interest. And regarding this silly argument about physical vs virtual caches... sometimes the view and creativity of the cache placer is the real treasure. I'd happily do this cache.
  2. If Lysa is into it, perhaps someone in the local area could contact the local newspapers -- they're always looking for positive human interest stories and would probably like to be there with a photographer for the presentation. This would make a great story.
  3. quote: Originally posted by mtn-man:Not answering a simple question from an admin about the cache when it is placed is not a good thing. Oooooh... that sounds like a threat.
  4. Still curious -- So how about it Jeremy, are you going to let us in on what great improvements we can expect in the upcoming version?
  5. Tahosa, you've got some very cool caches there! And it appears by the log entries that everyone has nothing but great things to say about them -- even the virtuals
  6. quote:Originally posted by expatriate:Ramon could himself, be a virtual cache... This would be against the ever important Rules. Perhaps if he were to wear a locket on a chain around his neck with a logbook in it... Hmmmmm.
  7. I came across his website a week or so ago -- what a great adventurer. Gotta like it.
  8. There's been a lot of talk in these forums lately about an updated geocaching.com coming soon. Just wondering what can we expect? Anyone else curious? Any comments Jeremy?
  9. I'm familiar with the area and agree that it's very high traffic area and even a micro could be plundered. You should be able to specify whatever kind of log system you want for this location. BTW: The rest of your False Creek series is great (even with one virtual).
  10. quote:Originally posted by mtn-man:Actually, the idea breaks one of the main guidelines for locationless submissions. quote:From the http://www.geocaching.com/articles/requirements.asp:Locationless caches must be semi-permanent to permanent. For example, nothing that is mobile can be a locationless cache. Examples (nonexclusive) are cars, buses, helicopters, boats, etc. A local carnival cache is another example of a cache that would not be approved. If I mark coordinates at a location it should be there tomorrow. The idea was submitted and was archived for that reason. This being the documented case, how did this locationless cache get approved?
  11. I think an infra red feature would be great. Especially if it could communicate with my Palm device as well.
  12. Robert -- perhaps a little caching this coming Saturday in Washington State is in order?
  13. In the Vancouver area we have 2 'transit' caches -- Vancouver Transit and Fraser Valley Regional Transport. These are caches that you find, do your trading if you want, and then re-hide in a new location. I'm wondering what other cities/areas have these types of caches.
  14. I would highly recommend GPS Made Easy: Using Global Positioning Systems in the Outdoors by Lawrence Letham. It's published by Rocky Mountain Books.
  15. When placing a waypoint you might find it beneficial to let your receiver 'settle out' first by leaving it in the same spot for ten minutes or so. This usually results in better accuracy.
  16. quote: Cool! Now all you need to do is insert my blue Garmin Legend into the picture and I can change my no find to a FIND. That would be breaking the rules, wouldn't it?
  17. I nearly had one but when I opened the photo I realized that it wasn't actually yellow. Gotta keep at it though and will try again in daylight.
  18. Nicely done, Kevin and Susan. Sounds like it was quite a worthwhile experience.
  19. In a nutshell, geocaching is whatever it means to you personally. It's fine to log a TNLN. It's fine to go after virtuals or locationless caches. It's fine to think that log numbers are a big deal. It's fine to log your own moving cache. The only thing that I can see that will turn someone off of this activity is taking these forum discussions to seriously. Enough already. Go find something.
  20. quote:Originally posted by JetSkier: Btw sbell111, why do you have 74 finds logged for the same cache, your own cache? This outta be interesting.
  21. Kayaking and hiking.
  22. I'm haven't recieved any watch list notifications for the past several days although there have been several logs on my watch list. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same of if this is just effecting me? I use a hotmail account for geocaching, but I don't see where this would have anything to do with it. I've received a few mail messages that have been e-mailed to me from other users through geocaching.com so it looks as though the hotmail account is working fine. Any ideas? -----
  23. quote:Bye now. See ya later, alligator.
  24. Chill out fizzymagic. And get your facts straight: quote:If you all could (a) learn to read English, (A) I do know how to read English. Very well. Both the Queen's version and the American version. quote:( quit trying to get people you disagree with kicked off of the site, ( I don't recall any instance where I tried to get anyone kicked off of the site (or anywhere else for that matter). quote:and © quite posting heads-up posts about every new KFWB cache that appears on ALL the regional boards © I don't recall posting anything regarding KFWB caches in ANY of the Regional boards. In addition: - I don't think that it's 'clear' that the introduction of money in caches has ruined caching in my neck of the woods. From what I've seen, most people caching here are enjoying themselves just fine. - I don't see anything to indicate that Team KFWB's financial resources have contributed to creating a stir. I think it's been a few individuals (local or otherwise) who have created this fuss. BTW: How much does creating a stir cost these days? - You must have some incredible network available to you to know that "the rest of the world" is weary. - I, for one, would appreciate it if you would stop whining in this forum. Personally, I think you owe a few of us here an apology. If that's too much to ask, it's OK. I'm sure we'll all forgive you anyway. Relax, it's supposed to be fun. Go find something. -----
  25. The oldest of Jomarac5 is currently 185 dog years. The next Jomarac5 member is 165 dog years. The next Jomarac5 member is 57 dog years. The next Jomarac5 member is 45 dog years. The youngest Jomarac5 member is 33 dog years. Conversions were made at this website.
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