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Posts posted by fraggle69

  1. It's a bit bloody stupid to think that if your caches are activated before time that cachers are gonna wait till you want them to go find them. I alway give printouts at my events if I've hidden any caches, no complaints yet! I do it to irritate people who don't like putting the digits in their GPSr manually :unsure:

    Nah really I do it because its my way of saying ta for coming to the event, you can have first shot at FTF! I know that the moment I hide a cache round these parts, there isn't a herd of wild horses that would prevent the usual suspects grabbing it within 24hrs, well normally a hell of a lot faster than that.

    No big deal, it's just a game! Enjoy and celebrate your FTF's and kick yerself for not getting them all!


    You're right, they're wrong!


    Happy Caching!

  2. That'll be great to see you at the Rev up and Ride out EVENT the first bank holiday weekend in MAY :laughing:

    I might hold off on the round britain till next year, and perhaps we'll maybe have more time to get a geo team together for it.

    I may be tempted to join you for the Scottish rally, I'll need to look into it a bit more before I am convinced, or erm convince someone else it's a good idea lol, oh and convince work to give me the time off, but hey the latter has never been an issue for me :rolleyes:



  3. Fugawi doesn't work (properly) with the mio p350, it does show the map and accuratly plot your position, but you can't enter a waypoint either by manually entering co-ords or by loading .loc or .gpx files. In other words, its useless for caching :D

    Memorymap, on the other hand, is brill (once you have got it set up :D )


    I think you need to load the .gpx or .loc into fugawi then copy them to the relevent folder prior to sync. I Am surprised you can't manually enter coords on the fly, normally just hold down the stylus till the option to create new waypoint appears. Guess the mio works a bit differently to everything else!


    Wouldn't knock MM though, I can't wait for the day I can get me mits on that :laughing:

  4. You may say that but I couldn't attempt one WTF cache on my way around due to a PCSO at the cache site.


    I found myself in a graveyard looking shifty round a tomb near Paddington Green copshop. Next to the tomb in question were four PCSO's on bicycles who were more interested in what they doing when they knocked off, than they were about a muppet like me poking and proding a tomb right under their noses. They didn't mistake my yellow etrex for a gun, which given the metal capability of such peole is truly amazing. Looking back on it, they probably thought it was a banana and they wouldn't be the first. :anitongue:


    Suspicious -Moi?

  5. OTOH, Alan carries a mirror with him (begs the question why..? :blink:


    I carry a mirror. Apart from the obvious use of being able to admire my beauty at any time, I also use it as a periscope for looking into places where my head won't go, for looking behing railings, and for looking high up in trees.


    I use a mirror to reflect the sunshine into the eyes of any passing muggles. I also do it to cachers I want to annoy. If it's dark, a mirror is a good way of finding out if you have any vampires in your group!!

  6. Anyone told Cryptik Souls Crew yet? They are the only ones in the UK (I think, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong :wub: ) with all the icons found so far. They will need to get this one now. :wub:

    lol, I had a contact from him at 8am today, I guess he's gone for it lol. I let him know about it on messenger at 10:30am just incase he missed it.


    Shame I can't ever get a locaionless icon :blink:

  7. Ok, so I've been playing this game a wee while now. I am starting to see a lot of new cachers out in force with their TFTC 'stamps'. I don't have a problem with them, but I've noticed some logs don't have the date on them, just a massive fat stamp.


    What's the desired format for a log sign? I mean I always put the date and signed the log, I know other more accurate cachers often put the time as well as the date!!


    Does it say in the rules somewhere you 'must' put in a date on the log?



  8. I know what you're saying, that guy hates his LPC's. I am not sure there is an equivalent urban cache, our lamposts are far too efficient. I like to think we're a little more creative with our urban hides here in the UK.. I suppose you're talking about the urban item most used to hide a cache.

    I guess it would have to be a bench or similar seat. Not that I find these irritating, just fairly common :unsure:

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