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Berta Nick Zoey

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Everything posted by Berta Nick Zoey

  1. This may have been talked about earlier in this thread, but I didnt want to have to read everything. There has been talk about the transparency of NW trails on the units themself, which I can see on my 60CSx. My question is whether or not there is something that can be done with Mapsource so that both CN and NW trails can both show at the same time. If not Mapsource, are there other map programs that will allow both to be seen overlaying each other? Thanks
  2. I have geocaching.com added to my list of sites to allow cookies on. Every time I sign in to geocaching.com, I check the box to keep me signed in. However, I have to and have always had to sign in each time I want to log caches or view premium caches, etc. What else can I do?
  3. Congratulations Prying Pandora on your milestone!!!! Now on you go towards your next 10000
  4. The price that these closed at was a fairly good price. As the clock ticked down I pondered, should I or shouldnt I bid. What decided it for me was that I didnt have commitments for nearly enough to risk the cash. Plus, I wasnt sure if people would be willing to pay as much as 10 for a 30 cal can. From what I have seen at Bear Arms and other outlets, $10 would be a competative price. What I would like to do is have ANYONE that is interested in cans email me. I will build a list with name and amount wanted. When an auction comes along, I will mass mail that list, get a yea or nay at a prticular price and bid accordingly. Hopefully some lots of less than 1000 cans will come up. So if you want cans please email me!!!
  5. Its probably retailers who have stores OR they frequent the Washington Arms Collectors shows and sell them there. When I had the 1800 cans, I think I sold 75% of them to shooters. I really dont think it wold be 2 cachers bidding against one another. I know most of the cachers in the northwest who would want 100+ cans. But since I'm not getting any firm commitments from anyone, I'm going to step aside and watch this one. Heck, If I knew I could get $10 a piece, now THAT would be a different story all together. Someone will buy them and charge that price, but I personally dont think 30 cals are worth that much.
  6. 7000 1,476 $4.74 119% $5.64 $8,330.00 The next bid would need to be 6942. So you can see that the cans are $5.64 a piece. It has been my experience that the hard bidding doesnt normally start until close to the end. Based on that, these cans are going ot be pretty costly.
  7. So, I took the plunge and decided what the heck. I'll upgrade to Version 8 of GSAK, if it saves me time from having to run a PQ, then download it to my machine and then import it into GSAK and then manipulate it in GSAK and then send it to my GPS. Well, What do you know, the download using GSAK to get 1000 caches from Groundspeak took over 5 minutes. So, that was a quick $20 lesson. (Cost to upgrade to version 8)
  8. Can some one explain the enhancements to GSAK in detail? The one thing I saw someone say was that now we can log caches without coming to GS. Not interested!! Other than that theres something to do with PQ's. What would that be?
  9. And the bidding commences.
  10. So, I go to the website, and I see that it is down for maint. BUT!! Theres a link to a video of some cute little hampsters. I watch that video, and then some more video links show up. Theres this one where a guy decides to microwave a cockroach for 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds goes by, he takes the cockroach from the microwave, places it on a paper towel and remarks "this looks better than a womans _____ Groundspeak, Im shocked.
  11. This auction starts on Wednesday and ends on Friday. Is anyone going to commit to any cans? It would be nice to have a number in mind as to how many of these would move right off the bat. Like I mentioned, I am willing to make the purchase, but it would be nice to have a fair amount of them already spoken for.
  12. Heres what we need to figure out. What is the top dollar PER CAN that everyone wants to pay. Plus, what is the total amount of cans that can be guarenteed to be bought and paid for. I dont have a problem with making the purchase. However, I need to be able to pay for my time and for the fronting the money. If we know the bottom line as to what people are willing to pay, then we know the upper limit as to what we can go to as far as bidding. I really dont think these 30 cal's can be had for less than $7-8 per can. Is that what everyone wants to pay? 4500 1,476 $3.05 119% $3.63 $5,355.00 5000 1,476 $3.39 119% $4.03 $5,950.00 5500 1,476 $3.73 119% $4.43 $6,545.00 6000 1,476 $4.07 119% $4.84 $7,140.00 6500 1,476 $4.40 119% $5.24 $7,735.00 7000 1,476 $4.74 119% $5.64 $8,330.00 7500 1,476 $5.08 119% $6.05 $8,925.00 If you look at the table above, the first column represents the bid, second column is the total cans. The 3rd column would be the price per can, the 4th is the price per can after the 10% site charge and the 9% sales tax. The last column is the final price out the door. So, as you can see, a bid of 7500 dollars would bring the cost of the cans to $6.05. Add the cost of renting a truck, and fuel, and you need to charge "x" amount. Like I said, if I can see that I have firm commitments for a certain amount of cans at a specific price, I will make the purchase. Also, from my experience with two prior purchases from Ft Lewis, there will be a 1 to 2% of the cans that are too damaged to sell.
  13. When I first started buying the 30 cal cans way back, I found that I could get around 500 of them in a 6' by 12' u-haul trailer. If you pulled that trailer with a full sized pick-up you could get about another 200 in the bed of the truck. Keep in mind that if you get so many that you need to rent a U-haul truck, you will end up having to take the cans off the pallets individually to bedload them in the truck.
  14. Actually, I dont think the ammo being fired overseas has anything to do with the ammo can surplus. The cost to bring them back would be way more than they are worth. I know that when I bought the 1800 50 cal cans a few years back the people who staff the ammo depot told me that all of the empty cans were from the firing range. One of the questions I asked was why not take the empty ammo cans and re-spray paint the new lot numbers on them and reuse them. They said it was too expensive. I noticed that on this current auction they arent showing the Acquired cost. In previous auctions the military was paying around $17 per can. When I bought the 50's I went ahead and fronted the money ($7500) knowing it would all come back to me with some profit. When I was tracking them last year, one lot of 1040 cans was $4700 out the door. The 150 dollar starting price is always that way. Another thing I learned the hard way was this auction isnt like E-bay. Even though it says that it ends at 2PM our time, thats not entirely correct. If someone places a bid within 15 minutes of 2PM, then there is 15 or 20 minutes added to the auction. So, if someone bid at 1:59PM the auction wouldnt be over for another 15-20 minutes (I dont remember whether its 15 or 20 minutes) Also, for the longest time, I would track all of the auctions and I would bid up to a certain point. It seems like the last 18 months the price has gotten out of hand. When the final price for a 30 is 5 dollars or more, by the time you add in 10% fee to Govt Liquidators plus 9% sales tax, that 5 dollar can is now close to 6 dollars. Then figure in the cost of going to get them you end up having to charge $7 or higher to make it worth it. It still brings a smile to my face when I recall my double car garage, wall to wall with 16 pallets of 50 cal cans. It only took a year to get them all sold.
  15. Darn, posted this in the wrong thread. This was spossed to go in the Milestones. ooops
  16. In case you are loosing track of the caches in Washington who have 1000+ caches...I believe the list is now nine. Moun10Bike (2k) Evergreenhiker! Wienerdog LucyandRickie Team SuperGenius Hazard Medic One MasterPuzzler Puppers This list needs to be updated (just kidding) I was looking through the first severl pages of posts for this thread and came across this one. How time flies when you are having fun!!
  17. In case you are loosing track of the caches in Washington who have 1000+ caches...I believe the list is now nine. Moun10Bike (2k) Evergreenhiker! Wienerdog LucyandRickie Team SuperGenius Hazard Medic One MasterPuzzler Puppers This list needs to be updated (just kidding) I was looking through the first severl pages of posts for this thread and came across this one. How time flies when you are having fun!!
  18. I have an older Nuvi 260W that takes quite a while to boot up. Im curious if the newer units boot any faster. I'm looking at units around the 150 dollar price range. 1390, etc
  19. We pay for a "service". How would you react if you buy a pack of smokes that is empty or your favorite tv channel is 1 day out of order? Would you be happy? No. Indeed, Groundspeak is doing a great job, BUT after every upgrade there are major issues and the "service" is not working properly anymore. It seems that "lessons learned" is not on Groundspeak's priority list... Groundspeak, keep your customers and listen to them, they pay your lunch every day! My point is that for 30 dollars we are getting tons of things. Pocket Queries, maps, premium only caches, the list goes on. Patience is something that not enough people use. Empty pack of smokes? I'd compare what we ARENT getting from GS (right now) to opening a pack of smokes to find maybe one, that is bent a bit.
  20. 30 dollars a year. Hmmmm between 7 and 8 gallons of gas is about 30 bucks. A below average meal out is about 30 bucks. Oh yea how many packs of smokes do you get for 30 bucks, a weeks worth? For those who insist of whinning about the site, Please!!! The Groundspeak group is doing an awesome job with trying to keep the site running smoothly. Sure, there are times when we can't do what we want to do. But, to think the world will stop turning because the site is slow? OR even down? Here's a great idea. When you cant get caches to your GPS, go for a walk, play with the kids/dog. Watch a baseball/football/soccer game.
  21. Well since the other upgrade forums are locked I will post this in an open forum. I had an ongoing problem with the app now hiding my finds. I was told by one of the 'lackeys' that it was being looked at. It has been fixed and Im almost positive that this was a problem that what peculiar to only my account or anyone else who has a comma in their username. I wanted to give my thanks to those who took care of this. Jon, you rock. Thank You again Nick
  22. Interesting observation. Non-Premium Members complaining about the site being slow. Perhaps a measly $30 a year would help with getting things working better.
  23. Interesting!! Do you think there is a quick fix for this? Or should I perhaps request that I change my user name to remove the comma?
  24. Hi Jon, I didnt see the email but thanks. Wow, Im special. Or is it the dog "Zoey" Maybe the site doesnt allow dogs to carry phones. Anyway, thanks for the update. I did upgrade to 2.0.4 with no success but that would stand to reason if the dev's are pinpointing the problem.
  25. I guess its time to try 2.0.4. I did the cache clearing that you mentioned. It didnt change anything. After I cleared the cache and the app data and told it to find nearby caches, it took at least 45 seconds for it to return the list that still shows my finds. Oh well.
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