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Berta Nick Zoey

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Everything posted by Berta Nick Zoey

  1. Im more than willing to set up another buy once the amount needed gets close to what an auction is for. So, for those of you who are just now learning of the availability of these, just let me know how many and I'll fill a list and when the list gets close to what an auction is for, I'll make the buy. Nick
  2. My wife and I are thinking about doing this cache machine but are cache machine rookies. I make a great navigator or driver so if theres anyone who wants to hook up for this with us, let me know. Thanks
  3. Wow, I think I may be already over 200 for another can purchase. If the interest gets better, theres an auction that starts next week for 600+ but thats alot of cans. I might hold off and see what comes up on the next auction. I think the guy at the base told me that these auctions come along every 2 weeks. Its just a matter as to whether they have cans in them or not. Still havent heard form a few people as to how many they want. Either that or I missed it. Frisbee Patudles Speeding Element
  4. Ive only used CIty Navigator to send maps to my GPS'r. Is there a way when using Mapsource to get the same level of detail on the computer screen as you would have on the screen of the GPS'r?
  5. Dont worry about getting me the money right now. I can wait til you get down to pick them up. I just wanted to make sure you still wanted them. Could you give me an idea as to when you may be coming to get them? Thanks Nick
  6. I apprecaite all of the words of thanks from everybody. As far as others who still want cans, Lets keep the list going and I will watch for auctions that may fit the needs. There has been a few people e-mailing or messaging me with their wish list. Somewhere along the ling I didnt get counts from everybody so indulge me while I list them here Frisbee - amount unknown Patudles - amount unknown Seeding Element - amount unknown GeoRoo - looks like 10-15 Blue Power Ranger 10 Landsharkz 100 Mensming 10-15 I will do what I can to keep this list current and see if there are others who want cans. I was out caching yesterday and was paying close attention to the cans that were out there and the conditions of them. Almost all of the cans we got at auction look to be "In New" condition. Once again, Thanks for the nice words! Nick
  7. I have a 60CSx and I would like to know how, using GSAK I can have the hints sent to the GPS. I was told that the 60CSx can handle this function.
  8. Well, The Ammo cans are flying out of my garage at a great clip. Out of the 522, I only have 134 left for pick-up. I havent heard from, or I missed it, Luckkoi yet. Other than that, everyone has contacted me or set a tentative date for pickup. Also, if there are any others who wanted cans and couldnt get in on the original shipment, by all means, shoot me a message or an email and I will look into another auction. Unfortunately, the current auctions are for rather large amounts of cans. 600+ and I dont think I can get rid of that many. I DO have about 150 or so requested that I cant provide so let me know if there are any others of you interested. Thanks Nick
  9. Blue Power Ranger, At the current time, there are no extra cans available. I had about 540 spoken for and the auction was for 522. I am putting together a list of those who still want cans. I'll give the people a few weeks to hook up with me to get their cans and if I havent heard from them I will go to the list of people wanting cans. I may also go after another auction of cans if the need for cans climbs to where it would be worth bidding again. I have a feeling that the 500 I just got may satusfy the needs for a while. As for those who did want cans, they are here at my home for pickup right now. Come and get em!! Thanks Nick
  10. Thanks Lizzy, I really didnt think it was going out on a limb. I figured they were pretty much all spoken for before the aution started. Heck, even once these are all gone, If I can see an interest in people wanting more, I would probably do it again. What I should do, but I dont have time, is mark each can and when I go out caching, check and see if any of them were cans that were obtained via the auction. Hmmmm, I might just do that with a sharpie or something. LOL. Or better yet, get a stencil made that says Official Cache. And charge 39 cents extra!!!! Just Kidding. Hmmm. Maybe, Ill buy a load of them and go to all the events and sell em outta the back of my pickup truck like the produce sellers along the side of the road. Cherries, Apples and Ammo Cans!!! Sort of has a ring to it. Theres still a bunch of ya that I havent heard from yet that had put thier order in before the auction. I'll give you some time to contact me, otherwise I will go to my waiting list for those who didnt get in on the first request list. Well, better get to bed, gotta get up and go to da Base and load Da cans!!!
  11. Heres a list of those I havent heard from as far as when they might want to pick up their cans. It IS possible that I missed an e-mail for note on here. but here goes anyway ruck GrnXnham RecDiver AndrewRJ Luckloi Terrible T's Silent NW alciato Someone may be picking up for these people and I may have missed it, so set me straight!! Nick
  12. Instead of me having to look through all of the posts here more than once, I would like for everyone who I havent e-mailed today to e-mail me with their plans on pickup. So far, I have made arrangements to be available Monday afternoon and evening. I also, can me available next friday, the 10th or Sunday the 12th. So far I have made arrangments with the following, Wild Wiggly Beanz Jcar Allanon Wrastro Doodlecat & MisterKirk Prying Pandora Jolandy. I have also been contacted by 4 other people who want cans who werent part of the original request list. I know that several of you have said on this thread who you are picking up for, would you please e-mail me with that information so I can update my list easier. nickpasich@msn.com Thanks Nick
  13. Ok, all you ammo can-aholics!!! Im baaack in town. 6 days of 95+ degree campoing/caching. Yesterday I was tromping through the sagebrush and the thermometer in the truck said 100 degrees and my wife said' You're nuts!!!!!" And I tend to agree with her. As far as those who have inquired as to how the pickup of the cans will be going. I need to sit down and go through the e-mails AND the posts on here to see who is grabbing wo's cans. I will be available Monday afternoon and evening of next week for sure. Then I will be available Friday and Saturday of next week as long as someone calls me and lets me know when they will be coming. If you want my cell number drop me an email at nickpasich@msn.com For those who have inquired about payment, cash, paypal, or money order.
  14. Just let me know when you will be coming down and Ill be here. I'll e-mail you my home coords when i get back next weekend
  15. Directions? Who needs directions? Dont you mean Coordinates? I'll email them to you soon! LOL Nick
  16. Readin back through the areas where people are coming from, I see that Wrastro, Jolandy are close and the Allanon works near Totem Lake. Any chance the three of you could combine into one pickup? 35 cans total Thanks
  17. Looks like I better make another list as to who is coming when and who's they are picking up. As far as payment, cash is best. But I also have a paypal account. Other than that, Money Orders will work. And of course, for every puzzle cache that you can provide me the answer to, Ill give you one of your cans for half price. Just Kidding!!!! I will be gone starting tomorrow for about 5-6 days, so any e-mails or posts on here wont be answered until I get back. Gonna go camping over in Eastern Washington and see how many caches we can get without seeing any snakes!!!
  18. Im want $3 per can. With renting the U-haul and Gas down there I will be incurring a few costs. As far as people picking up for others, keep working on that and I trying to track who is grabbing who's cans. I have had 3 people who were not on the origianl list who are now wanting cans so those who originally showed interest will need to let me know before Aug 19th whether Im to save cans for them. If not, I will contact those who are on the "waiting list" Thanks. Nick
  19. Im in Maple Valley. 15 minutes from the I-5 and hiway 18 interchange in Federal Way.
  20. Ok, I finished making arrangments to pick up the cans. Im going to rent a U-haul trailer and between the trailer and my truck bed, I can haul all of them. If anyone is interested in going along for the ride and to help load them, Im more than happy for the company. I will be going to Fort Lewis on Aug 6th around 10AM. Im currently making a list of who is wanting to pick up what, plus those who want to pick up someone elses cans too. Id like to hear from DoodleCat & MisterKirk if you are out there in cyberland, drop me a note. Most of my Saturdays for the month of August are booked. Got a son getting married!!! But if you give me a heads up, i might be available for pickup. Other than that, Sundays offer more flexabilty for me to be available. Thanks
  21. To all, I plan on making an appointment to pick the cans up during the week of Aug 6th - 10th. (vacation week). Any weekend after that, the cans will be available. Thats the best I can tell you until I get in touch with the contact person at the base to set up an appointment, which I will do tomorrow. Im out of town all next week so thats out.
  22. Sorry for the multiple posts but Groundspeak slowed to a crawl and I wanted to fix a typo and it wigged out on me.
  23. Thanks for the offer Lizzy, I will keep you in mind. Im compiling a list by location and theres several who dont list their location in their profile. Will the following people e-mail me with their location so I can see if we can combine some trips to save time and money. Half Candian WRASTRO Recdiver Luckkoi DoodleCat & MisterKirk Sassy and Gordy Hydnsek Silent NW jolandy alciato and mount10bike Also, Lizzy, I dont know if they allow pickups on weekends or not. I have still yet to be invoiced for these. I will call and get some questions answered and post them here.
  24. Thanks for the offer Lizzty, I will keep you in mind. Im compiling a list by location and theres several who dont list their location in their profile. Will the following people e-mail me with their location so I can see if we can combine some trips to save time and money. Half Candian WRASTRO Recdiver Luckkoi DoodleCat & MisterKirk Sassy and Gordy Hydnsek Silent NW jolandy alciato and mount10bike Also, Lizzy, I dont know if they allow pickups on weekends or not. I have still yet to be invoiced for these. I will call and get some questions answered and post them here.
  25. Thanks for the offer Lizzy, I will keep you in mind. Im compiling a list by location and theres several who dont list their location in their profile. Will the following people e-mail me with their location so I can see if we can combine some trips to save time and money. Half Candian WRASTRO Recdiver Luckkoi DoodleCat & MisterKirk Sassy and Gordy Hydnsek Silent NW jolandy alciato and mount10bike Also, Lizzy, I dont know if they allow pickups on weekends or not. I have still yet to be invoiced for these. I will call and get some questions answered and post them here.
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