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Everything posted by pantadeusz

  1. Sorry, I think there is some confusion here that I don't understand. I don't really know what field notes are (but would be happy to find out). I logged the TB first, finding it by its code. Then I logged the geocache. The two were separate logs.
  2. ...then you use grass, leaves or dirt, combined with key or fingernail or stick or stone. I've done it more than once. I've written about it and attached photos in different threads more than once. There's *never* a reason not to sign the log if the log is in your hands. Some people think "sign" means a full signature. Not needed. Tiny sheet, almost full, in a micro? Pull out, say, a red pen. Put a red dot to the right of cacher "John Doe's" signature. In the log say "I signed by putting a red dot next to John Doe's signature." But again, grass or leaves work wonderfully when there's no pen. What if you find yourself caching naked in the middle of a non-green-friendly area of a city and you've just cut your nails? More seriously, I used to sometimes not sign the log and expect owners to be understanding. Then I realised every once in a while someone will think about this in a different way than I do, so now I always sign it. However, I don't mind it if people prefer not to sign the log but they have in fact found the cache. What really annoys me is when the cache is gone (or, worse, suspected to be gone) but someone logs a find anyway and attaches "a photolog" or just an excuse.
  3. +1 from me. It was never helpful to me but is often annoying
  4. I don't think it is so simple. I say that because I have just logged a trackable and, a few minutes later, a cache, both using the app. Interestingly, the trackable, logged earlier, comes with todays date, but the cache, logged later, comes with yesterdays date. So whatever the system is for the trackables, it is different from the system for caches, and different in a way which I would prefer to use for caches as well. Is there any way to actually look at the actual algorithm which assigns dates to logs in the app? It looks like there is an inconsistency there and in any case, the system for caches should be improved to assign correct dates in all timezones, not just in America.
  5. I am trying to find up-to-date numbers on this statistic. There is a post from 2013 with these data, but I would like to know the stats as of November 2016. Is there anywhere I can look this up?
  6. There were many posts over the past couple weeks about issues with time/date when posting from the site, app and field notes. It might be resolved now so test it with a new cache tomorrow and see if it's working as you expect. Another option to consider is purchasing a 3rd party app that allows the log date to be select in the app. All good, but this is a separate point and it's not related to my question. I want to know how this app works exactly.
  7. Jak Ci to przeszkadza, to poproś Groundspeaka, żeby wprowadził oficjalny znacznik FTF-a. Albo Project-GC, żeby dodał trochę inteligencji do swoich algorytmów. Podobno bawimy się dla siebie i jak oszukujemy to oszukujemy samych siebie. Kolega NIE oszukuje, a i tak dostaje cięgi za to że nic złego nie robi. Przykre. Pomijam już fakt, że te wszystkie rankingi FTF-ów są o kant d... potłuc. Czy jest ktokolwiek w czołówce tego pseudorankingu, kto nie ma setek FTF-ów nabitych na gwarantowanych seriach eventowych, często jeszcze ze współrzędnymi otrzymanymi przed publikacją, że z litości o casusie Zabrza nie wspomnę? A wiesz, że są osoby, które mają setki prawdziwych FTF-ów, ale nie logują tego w sposób widzialny przez Projekt-GC? Może te osoby - które przecież też psują ranking - też byś dla równowagi personalnie wskazał i napiętnował? jaki jest casus Zabrza?
  8. Hey, I got used to the fact that the IPhone app, which I use to log the vast majority of my caches, works on American time and therefore, if I want to log a cache with today's date, I need to do it after 7am Irish time (before the change to winter time it used to be 8am). Or so I thought. Because today I logged a cache at around 7.15-7.20am and it came up with yesterday's date. But I also retrieved a trackable from it and logged it around 30 seconds later, and that came up with today's date already. Does anyone have a detailed understanding of how the date is assigned to a log by the app?
  9. Rzadko mi się zdarza bardziej z kimś ni zgadzać niż w tym przypadku. Jeżeli miałby się pojawić nowy typ geocache'a, to niby skąd ma wyjść ten pomysł, jeśli nie z dyskusji keszerów? A z drugiej strony - jeśli keszerzy zaczną bardzo żywą i popularną dyskusję na temat jakiegoś nowego pomysłu, to myślisz, że w HQ to zostanie zignorowane? Dodane po chwili: nie zauważyłem, że temat był stary. Widocznie w tym konkretnym przypadku dyskusja wcale nie stała się bardzo żywa
  10. Będąc ostatnio przez miesiąc w Polsce miałem ten sam problem przy trzech różnych keszach. W tym jeden z nich założony przez jednego z moich ulubionych autorów.
  11. Moją dziewczynę ktos zapytał na ulicy czy gra w pokemony gdy keszowała i odpowiedziała, że tak, bo nie chciało jej się tłumaczyć.
  12. pantadeusz


    A swoją drogą mój komentarz nie dotyczył Twojej skrytki (o której wiedziałem, że jest dobra), tylko przeciętnej jakości pojemników oraz tego, że tylko bardzo niewielkiego procenta keszów nie znalazłem (przy czym chyba tylko dwóch nie było na miejscu, w trzech innych przypadkach się poddałem, ale podejrzewam, że tam są).
  13. pantadeusz


    Jako właściciel jednego z nich, żałuję ze nie wyraziłeś tego w logu składającego się z chyba przypadkowo wciśniętych klawiszy. Logowałem na szybko idąc do następnego kesza, często tak robię. Twój kesz był jednym z głównych powodów dla których wybrałem się do Gdańska i bardzo dziękuję. A dzk to znaczy dzięki za kesz
  14. pantadeusz


    Wielkie dzièki, zrobiłem pierwsze pięć z tej listy. W ogóle jesten pozytywnie zaskoczony średnią jakością keszów w tym mieście. Teraz jadę jeszcze coś złapać w Gdyni zanim wsiądę w pociąg
  15. pantadeusz


    Cześć, jutro wybieram się do Gdańska na całodniowe keszowanie. Czy macie jakieś dobre kesze do polecenia?
  16. Hi there, my girlfriend and I are going to Budapest this August. Unfortunately, we are only going for 2 days. During those two days, we would like to do some sightseeing and, obviously, find some caches. Our primary goal is this series: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC3PATY_rowing-in-budapest-001 and in particular number 3 in the series, as it is a D/T I need. Now, the links on the listing either don't work or have no English version. So if some of you could recommend a kayak or boat rental place in Budapest which is the closest to the series (and, in particular, #3), I would be very grateful. Any other tips and recommendations on Budapest geocaching are also welcome.
  17. To continue with the offtopic, I fully agree that Hong Kong geocaches are fantastic. I wish I can come back one day to do more. I think with the Chinese one it took a few weeks for it to appear on the big map. But I could be wrong, it was two years ago. But with the event it's more problematic, because it's in just over two weeks and if it doesn't appear soon, it's possible that some people who would otherwise come won't know about it.
  18. Yes, I know. I said this in my post. That's why it says "newly published caches"... And this is nothing to do with the device, it's the case on any (nonmobile) device. If you want evidence, just have a look at GC6N9QC
  19. Hi, Two years ago I published a cache in Hunan province, China. There were no other caches in the area, so I was expecting it to be visible on the map when zoomed out in such a way that you can see all of China. Indeed, this is the case now, but in the period right after publishing, the cache was only visible when the map was zoomed in onto the area. Now I am going to Belarus, and my girlfriend has created an event there, where there is on other geocache in the radius of 50-100km. Exactly the same issue happened. It is not a problem or anything, I am just wondering why this is the case. Obviously this is not an issue with most caches, as most caches are in the neighbourhood of other caches.
  20. Ok two things require clarification: 1. I am planning to have a proper riddle for the first physical container and multi style riddles for the rest of containers. 2. What I mean about the coordinates: The final stage will be at precise coordinates obtained at the second-to-last stage. My question is whether somewhere on the way I can have one container say something like "Go to a park" and then the next container will be in one of the local parks, without any coordinates involved. Of course the park is just a silly toy example, the actual riddle will be both more sophisticated and make the container much easier to locate once solved.
  21. And one more thing - I know that the final coordinates have to be at exact coordinates. But is it possible for one of the intermediate stages to give a very vague hint about where the next stage is, without mentioning coordinates?
  22. Hi everyone, I should start by saying that I am not new to geocaching at all, I just want to ask more experienced cachers to make sure I am right. So I would like to create a cache which starts with a riddle, but then has a few stages (in each of them there would be a container, but the logbook would only be in the final container). The riddle would be in the cache description online and it would give the coordinates of the first container. Am I right to think that the best type for this cache will be unknown?
  23. From experience, I think that Hong Kong really deserves one. High quality caching.
  24. Any idea when the next souvenirs will be released? When was the last series released before those 6?
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