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Posts posted by hoovman

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by rayt333:

    Actually you are so very wrong with your explanation ... That info was so wrong, anyone who knows anything about Ebay knows the the way it works. I just wish people wouldn't pass bogus info on a fact when it is clear they know nothing about ebay.

    Get your facts straight please.



    I was mistaken about how the proxy bidding system shows bids, as rayt333 so nicely pointed out.


    Amazon.com seems to be down right now, but they have new Vistas on sale for $254 with free shipping (I know you said you wanted used, but Harrald is right).



  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Shadow's:

    Im just sick and tired of biding on e-bay. Look at the biding and see the same name bid 6 times in a row. Or just a crazy bid to start with...


    Rick, I don't have one to sell, but I have some info about eBay, if you (or anybody else) are interested (if not, you might as well skip the rest of my post.)


    [Mistaken and badly formatted comments about proxy bidding removed. You can still see my original post quoted in another message below.]


    A better way to bid (IMHO) if you can be at your computer when the auction is about to close is called "sniping". Instead of bidding during the auction, wait until the last minute. People who want something want to be the highest bidder, even if there's a week left on the acution. So if you start the bidding, someone might outbid you. But if you want until near the end, there will be fewer people looking at the auction and you're less likely to get outbid. Plus as a result, you tend to get the item for less than if there was a early bidding war.


    I get lots of stuff on eBay - PDA accessories, shirts, other stuff. It's a pretty good system. It's just hard to get a deal on certain things, like GPSRs.




    [This message was edited by hoovman on August 09, 2003 at 10:27 PM.]

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by Uplink:

    The part that got me was where it said he was walking in circles for hours! Any direction at all, and he would have been fine - it took some real creativity to devise a self rescue strategy that didn't work there.


    Actually, when lost, people tend to walk in circles when they think they are going straight unless:

    - they are following a compass bearing


    - they use a sighting technique that lines up subsequent pairs of landmarks


    Moral: take a compass (and know how to use it) if there's a chance you could get lost.



  4. quote:
    Originally posted by Desert_Warrior:

    I still don't know what to believe, but it is somehow comforting to think Max is still with me, and Parker will be with me again too. He IS such an important part of my life.



    I'm a dog person too, and I'm generally a skeptic. But in a way, it doesn't matter what we think. If it makes you feel better, I say go with it. If she had told you to make important decisions in your life based on things about your dog, I'd be worried. But in this case, it's helping you have a better relationship with your buddy. That has zero downside.


    I'm happy for you that met that lady. It sounds really special.




  5. People who are concerned about official policy or who think lighters in caches are unsafe won't place a lighter.


    People who think lighters in caches are safe and value placing one in a cache more than they value official policy probably will place a lighter.


    Neither group is likely to change the other's mind.


    rayt333 - you said most Zippos are childproof. Maybe you were thinking of another brand? Zippos have the flip-open lid with the big thumbwheel. Watch what can happen When Zippos Go Bad.


    Roadster your no-fluid Zippo got approved, but did it have a flint in it? I don't know where your cache is, but it seems that under the right summer conditions, simply sparking a lighter could start a brushfire.



  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

    you can use UPS tracking numbers. they'll sell you a number for only like $3 (I forget the exact amount), then you can track the tokens wherever they go using UPS's website. Very cool.

    I'm not sure I understand this. this page says:

    NOTICE: UPS authorizes you to use UPS tracking systems solely to track shipments tendered by or for you to UPS for delivery and for no other purpose. Any other use of UPS tracking systems and information is strictly prohibited.



  7. quote:
    Originally posted by worldtraveler:

    Originally posted by TeamJiffy:


    As they also did here but I'm just wondering, "Why?" icon_confused.gif



    I've posted those too. For me, it generally means I posted something I thought better of but the darn forum won't let me delete my post.



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