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Posts posted by ZoomZoom

  1. Phew! When I saw CO Admin had posted, I thought for a moment that was it. :P I wish I knew how to post a picture here ->______ Someday I shall learn how to do it.

  2. Yeah! I forgot, you can always slide back down. ;) There should be a few more inches added since lastnight so it should make for some interesting trips out there. Quess I should winterize my magic carpet. ;)

  3. Seems like we have more snow up in the hills here on the island. I was playiny in 6 to 8 inches on Sunday, Nov 16. Quess this might slow down a few cachers I know. ;)

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by Curious George:

    We have a WINNER! Congrats to Zoomzoom. A cardboard box with some of Team Phoenix's favourite caching accessories will be finding you soon icon_biggrin.gif


    I'm just refering to TP's favourite caching accessories. icon_razz.gif


    "Every cache has it's rightful place."

  5. Relax man! I'm not here to bash anything. Anybody that owns a quad should feel lucky if you ask me. What's wrong with getting lost anyway, I do it all the time. [icon_smile.gif]

    By the way, check out my profile, you'll see Lil'Zoomer on his quad.


    "Every cache has it's rightful place."

  6. HeeHee! I was wondering how long it was going to take before I got a reaction from someone.

    The bottom line though is, "Who cares what you ride", as long as it works for you.

    Going back to the Honda, does one bring the home computer to the bike to upload/download tracks or just bring the bike to the computer? Seems like a built-in gpsr would have it's limitations.


    "Every cache has it's rightful place."

  7. Well! this is were it gets tricky. You need to stick the picture on the wall at about eye level. Then keep your face back about 3-inch and stare at it till your eyes hurt and fill with liquid. Suddenly the image will transform into the dog with the icecream.


    "Every cache has it's rightful place."

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