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Posts posted by ZoomZoom

  1. You might have to sit at a cache for quite a while before someone both female and single shows up! <grin>


    The idea of this board is to find other cachers to go with as it is ok to go alone, but some caches are just not safe to go alone to. There are some that I have read about that are right nasty needing rope and helmets!


    ... and don't forget...cougar encounters. <_<

  2. Scientists estimate that 10% of the switch has already occurred in the last 150 years and may suddenly and totally flip sometime in the next 2,000 years!! The last one occurred 780,000 years ago. North will be south and south will be north. Worse, as it's happening, there may be many norths in various pockets depending on where on the earth you are.


    Cachers will be wandering around bumping into each other and stumbling over caches they weren't looking for. Vista owners will be doing the little double circle dance as they try to keep calibrating their compass. Regular compass users will be constantly adjusting their declination as the north arrow keeps moving for no reason at all. Meanwhile, compass users without the adjustment feature will wander around not noticing the difference and being lost as usual.


    Offset caches using degrees will have to be recalculated. Worse still is that north may disappear completely during the switch rendering useless my Vista's on-board compass. I asked Garmin if they're offering a field reversal rebate just in case. They said no as they're working on a program fix.


    I'm not convinced! I'm searching around to downgrade my unit to a Legend!

    LOL! You have to be making this up. Without north, where will my feet point too?

  3. Once again, Thanks all for the useful replies. The more information I can get about this new gadjet the better. I think I'm getting too serious in this game. ;

  4. "GeoCaching"! "GeoContest!...GeoAddiction! Why has it change my lifestyle so much eventhough I've always been active as far back as I can remember. Since I picked-up caching, it seems I've spent less time golfing, fishing, sitting in front of the "Boob Tube",etc... but driving lots, many times the wrong way, :lol: , increaced computer time and sometimes, lack of sleep, food,liquids. But you know what?


    I LOVE IT! as demanding as it can get at times. :D


    Thank-you! Thank-you very much!- ELVIS

  5. Hey ZoomZoom,

    I'd have thought the built-in altimeter (not a calculated altitude from satellites) would be good enough, as it is a real altimeter.



    Geo 25 65

    That is what I wish to do is get away from calculated altitude from sat's. I understand the fact barometric alt's need to be recalibrated for every outing, I was wondering if that was required with the new electronic one also not that it matters.

  6. My gpsr is suppose to give me at least 3m accuracy, but I think that's only on a good day. If I could even borrow an altimeter, I would like to test my gpsr against one. As for maps, I believe they are a little outdated as the landscape is alway changing and as far as I know our canadians maps were last produced in 1983. Maybe I bought the wrong ones, 1:50,000 scale. I could be wrong on this but I don't think so!

    Like I said, I'd like to do a side by side test on both unit just to justify if it's worth the money spent. Seems like I've had to play with elevation lately. :lol:

  7. I'm thinking in investing in a altimeter as the gpsr altimeter doesn't seem all that accurate.

    Does anyone know the pro & cons of wristwatch type versus the handhelds?

    Are there any stores in Canada you would recomend?

    I don't wish to spend a paycheck on one but I am looking for a decent model.

  8. Ah yes I remember those cold winter days where when you spit, it freezes before it hits the ground etc... So far this evening it doesn't look like we'll be getting any snow, at least not where I am, it's a balmy, maybe -7Celsius or so.

  9. :P Seems my mail box overflowith such requests lately.......Gg....

    I would like to thank my good friend GG for the quick reply and directions to this enchanted place which is near Neverneverland.

  10. Hey I think I figured it out ZoomZoom



    LOL! I barely recognized myself for a moment. :P Did you knit that yourself?

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