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Posts posted by ZoomZoom

  1. :rolleyes: I always dreamed of seeing the initials ZZ engraved in one of your staffs but fiqured I could never afford one hence I never ordered one. It's a shame when a hobby stops being a hobby but you have a skill only a few people have which you'll never lose.


    Sometimes, it's time to sit back and relax for a spell. Nice work you do.



  2. I had 2 cache approved yesterday, one took less than a minute and the otherone a few hours later as it's a multi cache. So I'm not complaining as I see no benefit in doing so anyway. The only complaint I have is that I need to go place somemore caches now.

  3. I 'm looking for help at locating a couple of special tags required for a contest I am doing which ends June 30th. One tag is near Las Vegas and there's another near Highway 267 and 6, as near as I can tell. I will give the proper cord's to those who wish to help me as I do not wish to have the tag numbers posted on the board but rather emailed to me.


    Please! if someone would be kind enough to help me, I would be most grateful. Please email me if you consider it. Thankyou!


    Oh yeah! These are in Nevada.

  4. AH!!!Mount Empress...Harbourview Rd... I remember when I could actually go there in my truck and now they took it all away and closed it off meaning the only way to get there and back, is one long hike. I hate the TLC and the way they lie their way to acquire land like they do. Now I'm positive there's only a few mortals who can actually make it there, I pity the old and cripple who can't make it there without the use of a vehicle. Just my 2 cent.

  5. I've had my Sportrak for about a year and a half now, it has the cracks but it hasn't been a problem. I've had this unit in heavy rain, snow and even dropped it a few times along with it getting bounce around. It's a good unit and it's now my backup gpsr which is handy for averaging coords when used with a secondary unit.

    My warranty expired long ago so I don't think the company would fix it for free anyway though maybe I should try and see what they would say.

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