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Everything posted by ZoomZoom

  1. Test "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  2. As long as I can bring my new found friend, the cat. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  3. Don't use be makin fun about rednecks...specially around Gold River. Unless you have a hankering for a GORTEX wedgey. I'd rather come face to face with a cougar. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  4. quote:Originally posted by CharlieP: I doubt it was stalking ZZ ... if it had been stalking it would have taken the first opportunity to attack undetected. FWIW, CharlieP You know, I keep wondering that myself. the cat had lots of time too attack me as I was kneeled down for a good 5 minutes before retreating to my truck. During that time I could hear it moving about eventhough it was quiet about it. Even when I saw it close behind me it had it's eyes on me but was not in a crouch down ready to pounce on me position. It would have scared the hell out of me if the thing would have growled at me. I'm just glad it ended the way it did and even if I would have had my rifle with me I doubt I would have shot it. Even so, by the time I would have had my rifle ready that cat disappeared pretty quickly in that thick bushy area. "Every cache has it's rightful place." [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 08, 2003 at 07:45 PM.]
  5. quote:Originally posted by Hawk-eye: can someone post them somewhere other than Yahoo or be so kind to email them to me ... I sure would appreciate it. Sounds like impressive pic Hawk-eye! Can't you see the picture El Diablo was kind enough to make it without having to click on the link? it's the only picture I have that is viewable. Anyway I tried to get your email from your profile and this forum keeps telling me to log-in when I already am. Let me know if you still want a Picture. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  6. Thanks! Good link on that page. Glad I'm not him. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  7. quote:Originally posted by Jolly B Good:dadgum. I was going to post the picture of the really scary spider I ran into this morning. Just carry a can of Raid at all times. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  8. quote:Originally posted by eroyd: I'd hate to think what could happen if a family with young children encountered that same cat. If it would have happened in a populated area such as cloce to town, then I think yhat is when to take care of things. I was way back inside Vancouver Island. That is their territory/ hunting grounds and I'm tresspassing. If you were to bring your family where I was, hopefully you're well prepared for near anything, cause there's hardly a soul out there to help you. This encounter will not stop me from doing what I love best of all things, the great outdoors. Heck! There's people out there more dangerous than that cougar. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  9. Cool! This is where he was turning around to leave after sitting in front of my truck for a minute or two. My first shot didn't come out as good as this one. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  10. quote:Originally posted by Jomarac5:
  11. It didn't look like it was starving, quite healthly looking as a matter of fact. None the less, it was a close encounter I don't wish to have again. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  12. OOPS! There's a link now to pictures on my second post. "Every cache has it's rightful place." [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 09:14 AM.]
  13. There was s news story not long ago about a 70 year old man killing a cat with only a pocket knife. I have that clip somewhere and I'll search for it. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  14. quote:Originally posted by Woodbutcher68:Needs more than a knife! A knife will only make the cat more upset. A .357 would be much better! We're not allowed to carry handguns on us or even in the bush up here, stupid goverment law. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  15. You will have to be a bit patient with me as I never posted a pic before, but I'm working on it. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  16. Well that's right folks! It wasn't as clean of a shot as I would have liked but then my windshield is dirty. I shot a picture of it, heehee! Here is what happened. I headed up Gold River, B.C. to do some caching and hunt down a tag number. Found 2 out of 3 cache that night before spending the night parked by the third cache, as I was spent. Come morning, I took care of the third cache and proceeded to find a tag on a stake. As I'm nearing the location of the tag, I caught a glimpse of the tail-end of a cougar disappear off the side of the road ahead of me."COOL!", I say to myself, "First big cat I see in my life". I only had to go maybe another 2 to 3 hundred meters before reaching my destination and thought for sure that cat was gone for good. Woodsman/outdoor person that I am, I usualy strap on my big knife just because, it's like a habit. So at this site it required for me to fiqure out things after locating this stake/tag. I kept walking back and forth to my truck for one thing or the other. On the third trip, thinking I was done and for some reason, I unbuckled my belt to unload it from a camera and knife. I was just about to leave and decided I needed to double check something. So I'm kneeling on the ground to some fiqureing and I can hear something softly moving about somewhere behind me, ah! it's nothing I tell myself. After spending some time there, I go to get up and head back to the truck which is about 45 meters away. When I get about I'd say 2m from the truck I hear something behind me and turn to look and THERE IT WAS not 10 feet away following me. My heart was pounding so fast I'm lucky I didn't get a heart attack but I knew better than to run for it. Slowly as a speeding bullet I made to my truck and jumped in. The cat just sat there 5ft in front of my truck wondering what he was gonna have for breakfast now. I managed to get a picture of him before he took off though it's not the best shot in the world. I wish to believe it was more curious at what I was doing as it had more than enough time if it wanted to kill me. OUCH!! Nice kitty! So now I vouch to never be without that nice feeling of cold steel at my side. Happy Cacheing everyone! View pictures here. http://ca.f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/marioco1 "Every cache has it's rightful place. [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 07:59 AM.] [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:00 AM.] [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:03 AM.] [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:08 AM.] [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 09:15 AM.]
  17. That's only to get your interest going till I finish writing my adventure. Hopefully I will be able to include a photo also. Pictures are now available. Go to bottom of my next post. "Every cache has it's rightful place." [This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:41 AM.]
  18. Never mind, it finaly worked. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  19. I tried logging a cache and I get a different page. Is this another bug? "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  20. You never know where ZoomZoom will be. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  21. I would like to thank all for all the info I didn't need. This is not what I asked for, it's hopeless now...I think I'll go jump off a bridge now...goodbye world...don't try to stop me...nobody likes me...I'm going now and I'm not looking back...what did you say something? "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  22. I was relaxed yesterday when I went fishing. Congrats Team! "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  23. I just found out to-day Fugawi is coming out with digital topographic maps on DVD-ROM this fall. Most can be had for $99can. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
  24. Hey Zuuk! Good time for a revenge. "Every cache has it's rightful place."
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