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Everything posted by Relic_Hunter_Finder

  1. statement: As long as you have permission to hide a cache you can't go wrong.
  2. You do it because you enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it you don't do it. Simple enough. Statement: I agree with the sentiment up above, for the reason that no matter what you do in life there should be some sort of personal satisfaction. Therefore, without having satisfaction in what you do makes life's accomplishments look and sound not so worth awhile after all.
  3. Statement: I really prefer rural areas instead of urban, however, when it comes right down to it it's bench marking for the sport of bench markings; besides bench marking seekers can't be to picky or can we?
  4. Question: This mark that you are talking about ... is it only in the particular areas you found it or is it a type of mark that was used primarily during that time period?
  5. Reply: I suppose everyone develops their own tactics after a while but is checking two data base resources necessary?
  6. Asking permission is part of the hunt! One time when I asked an owner if I could locate some benchmarks on his farm, he not only showed me where they were, but I was invited to the family barbecue then in progress. Had a great time! Reply: What hunt is involved when you're given a free show and tell?
  7. Reply: Well, the more I think about benchmarking the more interesting it becomes. By the way, thanks for not making benchmarking sound so difficult … I think, maybe!
  8. Reply: Interestingly, I was online a few weeks ago just scouting out what type of geo items were available for purchase and I think that jeep travel bugs were accessible for purchase. I don’t remember a certain site or sites that were selling them, however, if you google it I’m sure it’ll come up with some site that have a reasonable price quota.
  9. Reply: Thanks guys for your advice, cords or no cords they’re working out just fine.
  10. Statement: I managed to replenish a cache of mine just yesterday, however, I haven’t been able too hide a new cache since this last holiday brake.
  11. Statement: Well, I guess it’s a good thing to know that this sport will never impede with troopers like you guys!
  12. So, basically what you guys are telling me is that you download a benchmark date base location with no idea of what you are looking for –is that fair?
  13. Statement: Well, all I can say is that is a splendid life story –in a cool way; congratulations on your finds!
  14. Question: Is it probable to log a benchmark that is off the benchmark listings?
  15. Statement: I enjoyed this forum, for the reason that I have learned a lot; thanks.
  16. Question: Wouldn't you know what type of benchmark you are looking for if you've downloaded it onto your GPS?
  17. Reply: My opinion, is finding the owner of the private property really worth it? My advice is to find another benchmark site and log your findings.
  18. Reply: I'm tremendously impressed with the finds.
  19. Season's Greetings: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  20. Reply: Well, I'll give you guy's an E for effort. I love this sport; however, I'm not willing to put a lot of money into expense gear for underwater recordings of geographical survey benchmakers
  21. Question: After having found a geological survey benchmarker, what exactly do you do as in the way of logging your find?
  22. Reply: My angle of this discussion is that if you don't get questioned by cops in five police cars that are stopped at a three lane traffic single while trying to find a micro cache inside a blue federal mail box that is on the side walk in plain view; I think that the odds are stacked in your favor.
  23. Reply: Hey collinwoods. Well, first off let me say that I'm new to this sport as well, however, I just hide a geocache on the twenty-six, so rest assured that the information that I will disclose will be moderately accurate. What you need to do is go to the main page of geocaching.com and click on hide & seek a cache -for it is on this sub-web-link that you will be informed about what the rules are for hiding a cache and what you need to do after you have found a cache. All in all though, I as a fellow geocacher welcome you to this sport and wish you well with your hides and discoveries as a geocacher.
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