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Team PodCacher

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Everything posted by Team PodCacher

  1. It was a pleasure an honor to have been able to attend the wake for BikeDog today. Bikedog you will be missed!!!
  2. Thanks for the update HW. We'll stay tuned for more info on the wake.
  3. Cool! Thanks for the heads up on the event! We'll be there!!!
  4. We are so sorry to hear this. It's always difficult when one of our own goes down. He and his family will be in our thoughts and prayers. iTrax and FoxTail
  5. Jeremy, Are you requesting that I stop letting people know about our podcast about geocaching? I'd be happy to cease if that is what you are asking. I just needed clarification. (wasn't sure if you were writing to me, or the cacher right before your post) Many Thanks! Sonny (iTrax)
  6. ...
  7. We've created a weekly podcast (audio show) about Geocaching! PodCacher.Com We consistently deliver high quality, family friendly shows that are informative, inspirational and entertaining. Take a listen, participate and join in on the fun! As of this posting we are on show #28 (listen to some of the older show too!) and have listeners from all around the world! Keep on cachin'! Sonny and Sandy (iTrax and FoxTail) http://www.podcacher.com
  8. A new show has been posted. The topic of Show #23 is "How does a GPS work?". Take a listen and write us if you have an comments that you wanna add ... Link To The Show Thanks!
  9. GPS The Movie??? I just posted a posting (???) on our geocaching / podcasting blog about this movie. http://www.podcacher.com/?p=122 What do you guys think?
  10. On this show we give some tips on how be a FTF. We also are giving away an official PodCacher.Com tote bag (listen to the show for details). Drop by our site, see what you think and give our show a vote if you wanna support us! Thanks! http://www.podcacher.com
  11. FYI: The new shows (#20 and #21) in podcacher.com describe (in maybe too much detail?) how I proposed to Sandy using geocaching ... podcacher.com
  12. FYI: We just put out a new show on Monday that discusses travel bugs ... Sonny (iTrax) http://www.podcacher.com
  13. All of us are geeks in one way or another. Only a few possess the bravdo, daring and recklessness to admit it! http://www.podcacher.com
  14. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  15. A "soundseeing" tour / coverage of the Southern Cal GeoFest Event is on our newest show. http://www.podcacher.com iTrax
  16. Is anyone going to the geofest this weekend? Wanna meet up? GeoFest Link
  17. Just wanted to extend a big THANKS to Princess Toadstool for the GREAT event! It was loads of fun! It was great seeing some of you again! FYI: We briefly mention the event in our latest show (#12) http://www.podcacher.com Cheers!
  18. A few of us have gone to those. (Not me.) It says Southern California, and I know we San Diegans are more than welcome, but I can tell you that it's going to be primarily an LA/Orange/Ventura/Riverside group up there. It's not very likely that any San Diego geocaches are going to win in a vote for example (not unless we all go en mass.) I invited folks from up north to do Snakes and Ladders for instance, but only one or two came to try. Parsa I vote for en masse then ...
  19. Question: Are any of you locals planning on going to this event? http://www.socalgeocachers.com/modules.php?name=geofest
  20. Okay how cool is this? Go geocaching on rainy days, with a broken leg, when you can't leave the house? http://web.telia.com/~u32007998/geocache/e...scache_eng.html
  21. Very cool blog! I like it. The pics are great. Thanks for sharing ...
  22. From what I understand: 1) jncrow is going to send a travel bug form Idaho with instructions to get to San Diego. 2) He would like someone in San Diego to pick it up from a cache once it get's here. 3) He would like someone in San Diego to create a puzzle cache and place the TB in the NEW puzzle cache. 4) Sandy and I (iTrax / Sonny) are supposed to watch this all happen, then hunt down the cache when it posts. We are supposed to record our "adventure" finding this new puzzle cache and turn it into another podcast show. OK, well if you want a volunteer, I'll do it. If the TB actually makes it to San Diego, I'll go and pick it up and then make a new (puzzle?) cache to put it in. I just think it's a very long shot, since the whole premise relies on this bug moving in an orderly/timely fashion in the direction the owner intends! Woohoo! Thanks! I agree with your thought though that it's a long shot and that it relies on the bug moving in an orderly / timely fashion. Not very reliable. I've had TBs "lost in space" for months. We'll see how this one goes.
  23. From what I understand: 1) jncrow is going to send a travel bug form Idaho with instructions to get to San Diego. 2) He would like someone in San Diego to pick it up from a cache once it get's here. 3) He would like someone in San Diego to create a puzzle cache and place the TB in the NEW puzzle cache. 4) Sandy and I (iTrax / Sonny) are supposed to watch this all happen, then hunt down the cache when it posts. We are supposed to record our "adventure" finding this new puzzle cache and turn it into another podcast show. More stuff: 5) Lots of people will be watching this TB's progress to see where it is and find out if a) it's in San Diego yet, and when the NEW puzzle cache is released. 6) Sandy and I will be following the TB and commenting on it in our shows until it gets here in SD. So what we would like is: 1) Some here in the SD area who is willing to pick up the TB when it arrives in a local cache and 2) create a puzzle cache (maybe similar to the "off to see the Wizard" cache that the Adams Family Circus put out a while ago?) to put it in. If you want to listen to a few of our "field story shows" go here to listen to some of our Stories From The Field shows. Stories from the Field Potentially as it travels across the US we could pick up many listeners who are waiting to hear what happens here in San Diego with this TB adventure. They would listen and look to seen what new puzzle cache it is dropped into here in SD to hear the completion of this endeavour. Thanks a bunch cachers!!! iTrax
  24. Bummer, no one has even acknowledged this guy's question ... We're hoping to do something fun! He contacted us several days ago and I pointed him to our thread mentioning that we had some very creative, devious and talented cache creators our here in SD. Any takers? iTrax
  25. I just found this thread. It looks like the last post was in June, but just in case anyone out there is still "listening", my husband and I have a blog/podcast at PodCacher.com It's a podcast about geocaching. Check it out! iTrax and FoxTail
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