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Team PodCacher

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Posts posted by Team PodCacher

  1. Hey all!


    Take a look at this post:




    regarding an event coming up here in San Diego


    If you're interested and would like to participate (it WILL be fun!) write me at:




    I'll get you hooked up and you could win a moun10bike geocoin!


    Also a great chance to teach Teachers all about geocaching!


    Lemme know ...



  2. Okay So Cal Cachers!!!


    The time is near! This is a GREAT chance to have some fun and teach other (teachers!) about geocaching. How cool is that? (way cool)


    We NEED geocacher volunteers to man a booth for a couple hours at the conference. You'll get to tell people (teachers) about geocaching, help check out loaner GPSs for them to use to find local caches.


    Here's the conference (in San Diego):




    Here's some INFO on what we want to do as cachers:




    Here's an event cache made for this event where you could win a moun10bike geocoin!




    Here's a link to my profile if you'd like to write me for more info:




    or write us at: podcacher@gmail.com


    I'm hoping to show teachers from all over the states how Southern California cachers pull together for an event!

  3. Okay San Diego Cachers!!!


    The time is near! This is a GREAT chance to have some fun and teach other (teachers!) about geocaching. How cool is that? (way cool)


    We NEED geocacher volunteers to man a booth for a couple hours at the conference. You'll get to tell people (teachers) about geocaching, help check out loaner GPSs for them to use to find local caches.


    Here's the conference:




    Here's some INFO on what we want to do as cachers:




    Here's an event cache made for this event where you could win a moun10bike geocoin!




    Here's a link to my profile if you'd like to write me for more info:




    or write us at: podcacher@gmail.com


    I'm hoping to show teachers from all over the states how Souther California cachers pull together for an event!

  4. I would be willing to volunteer for the conference. I have worked with Playtime, Inc. as a geotech for over two years, and now I have started esigning geocourses for them. I would be more than happy to help out.


    Just sent you an email. Thanks for helping out! :)

  5. I will be speaking at a conference this weekend in Palm Springs about Geocaching In Education. Garmin has loaned me 20, brand new, eTrex (yellows) for participants to use. My session will teach (teachers) them how to geocache, use the GPS and discuss educational implication.


    I'm pretty sure I'll be able to hang on to these 20 units to use at NECC as well.


    I'll find out what San Diego cachers are available to help support this effort.


    For the NECC conference in July we'll need:


    Creative minds to design caching "events" (courses etc.)


    Volunteers to help at a booth to "evangelize" geocching.




    I've been in contact with GEM and there are already some GREAT ideas for hides, games, contests, prizes, etc.

  6. I will be speaking at a conference in Palm Springs this week on Geocaching in Education. http://www.cue.org


    There will be thousands of teachers who attend this conference. Everyone attending my session will be newbies (actually neverbies).


    My session will be on Sat the 18th.


    The conference starts on Thurs the 16th and ends mid day on Sat the 18th.


    My question(s): How can I get in contact with any Palm Springs cachers?


    Maybe we can scheme (meet sometime on Thurs or Fri) to plan something for Saturday? Maybe when the conference "ends" on Saturday we could plan for an after conference informal cache hunt?


    How can I find out about cool local (PS) caches?


    I'm hoping to bring new (teacher) into our ranks and de-muggle them!


    Any help would be appreciated.

  7. Can someone post a link to any podcaches. I'm just interested to check one out, and don't seem to see any listed on the site as that type of cache. I am downloading the podcache podcast right now.


    There are several podcaches on this page. If you need any help with the creation of the audio or want to chat about ideas on creating one, drop us a line at:



  8. Hey, just saw this topic about podcaches. For some ideas from podcaches we (and others) have created, go here.


    We also put out a weekly audio show all about geocaching at www.podcacher.com. Listen to a few of our shows - we'd love any feedback.


    If anyone creates a new podcache, we'd love to hear about it.


    If you need any help or tips on creating the audio, drop us an email at podcacher@gmail.com


    Sonny & Sandy

    aka iTrax and FoxTail

  9. I actually participated in NECC in San Antonio, Seattle, New Orleans and Philadelphia...and yes, I will be in San Diego this year. Would love to help out if needed. I do live here in San Diego County.


    I did the Educause conference in Florida back in October....(this is the largest higher ed technology show) there was a cache located near the convention center there and you wouldn't believe the traffic it received. Who da thunk? A bunch of geeks at a show, cache nearby? Hmmmm.........


    Somebody may want to get in touch with Itrax and Foxtail.....I believe they are working on doing a presentention during NECC. itrax works at a local school district here in San Diego County. As a matter of fact, I'll just go ahead and email him myself and make him aware of this thread.


    Team Geogeeks


    I will be speaking at NECC. I'm slotted to to a 3 hour session. I'll be introducing educators to geocaching, and discussing the implications in education and the classroom. I will then be taking them on a "hands on" walking field trip to experience chasing down a cache (conference specific). I'll be creating a simple cache, a mutli cache, maybe a puzzle cache.


    FYI: I will also be speaking on geocaching at a local conference this March in Palm Springs. CUE (www.cue.org). We have already inked a deal with Garmin to provide loaner GPS (yellow) for the teachers to use.


    Sonny (iTrax)

  10. Has anyone found a URL for subscribing to this? On the website it looks like you have to go thru iTunes.

    You don't have to use iTunes to subscribe. You can use any podcast subscription software - called an Aggregator (like iPodder). See the "Subscribe" page on our website for a detailed explanation.


    How to Subscribe


    Thanks for asking!

    Sonny & Sandy


  11. Haiku's By the Geocaching Poet: Theodocious



    (Best when read live accompanied by a Koto or a Shakuhachi)





    Traffic on the road

    My GPS is confused

    I’m second to find





    I cannot find it

    I’ve been searching for a while

    Should I stay or go?





    A wet soggy cache

    The logbook is made of mush

    How do I sign this?





    One more cache, just one

    I really should go home now

    After one more cache




    No Juice


    I have dead battries

    I know I was close, so close

    Maybe over there




    Whatever it takes


    Three in the morning

    No one else is around here

    I am first to find



    To hear these poems read live, listen to show #35 of the podcacher podcast.






  12. Yes, Thanks Bret for helping to explain the sometimes confusing terminology!


    A Podcast is a "radio-like" show made available on the internet for people to download or subscribe to. Our Podcast is called "PodCacher" and is all about geocaching. You can listen to it right at your computer - or you can download it to any MP3 player and take it with you to listen anywhere!


    As Bret said, a "Podcache" is a special type of cache - that usually doesn't require a GPS, just an MP3 player to listen to the audio file that contains the clues.


    We have placed 2 in the San Diego area





    There are 2 others that we know of so far.





    We have also placed podcaches (not listed on geocaching.com) in Santa Barbara and Monterey - see our website under the Podcaches category.


    We'd love for more people to join in the fun and create more podcaches in their area!

    Sonny & Sandy


  13. Here is a brief update. There is a bikedog wake planned for Saturday January 21st at 1pm in Elfin Forest (close to Escondido and San Marcos). Directions will follow later this week.


    A memorial trust account is being set up at a local financial institution where donations will be accepted for his 13 year old daughter's benefit.  Again details will follow once it is set up.


    His wife, Nancy, has been blown away by your collective outpouring of prayers and well wishes.


    Thanks to Rocket Man for placing the "Its All Good" Bikedog Memorial Cache in Colorado today.


    Thanks to Caching Widow for creating the Bikedog memorial coin, it looks great.


    Howling Wolf

    Thanks for the update HW. We'll stay tuned for more info on the wake.

  14. Bikedog down.


    I am extremely sad to report that Bikedog was critically injured in a motorcycle accident today and will not live through the night. For all of you who had the opportunity to know him, then your life is better for it. I personally had the chance to share many a weekend adventure with him and I will always remember him for the fun we had and the challenges we overcame.


    I will repost once the details of a memorial service are assembled.


    Howling Wolf

    We are so sorry to hear this. It's always difficult when one of our own goes down.


    He and his family will be in our thoughts and prayers.


    iTrax and FoxTail

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