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Everything posted by quadsinthemudd

  1. Wildcard banquet room = no Chinese after a long day of caching I love me some hamburgers!
  2. Perfect. That's what I needed. Unfortunately, we are in Boise. Thanks for your help! Thank you for not jumping on the band wagon down there. It is true WSU has the most loyal fans ever!
  3. No it means you are up to date. I noticed the icon change about the time Garmin and Groundspeak got a divorce.
  4. Download GSAK for free and load on your computer. Once you do that you can make a Pocket Query and load it into GSAK. From there you can export the cache information anyplace you would like. First send it to your gps. I used to cache this way so I had cachemate it is only $8 and you can download all the cache info right into your palm. GSAK will file it for you and you can sort through it and only send and use the caches you want. If you live near Pullman we have a few nerds around town that could help. George@Wazzu is one of the last guys I know who was caching this way. Email him through geocaching.com and he could give you a few pointers on his style of using a palm.
  5. GSAK is the software that you can do everything with. You can also download and try it for free. www.gsak.net
  6. make sure they are in 1.0 file format that hung me up once.
  7. Try calling Garmin in the morning. I have had nothing but the best experiences with their customer support. I think they should have made it alot harder to erase the base maps that come with the gps. If that doesnt work goto gpsfiledepot.com and downlad for free better topo maps.
  8. Thats it. All you can send is one but that is better than hand entering them in.
  9. Sorry that you have never used the wireless feature on the garmins. I have used it probably 100 times in the past two years. I try to get groups of cachers together all the time to cache and it seems somebody didnt get one of the caches in the area we are caching in so BAM 10 seconds and they have it also. As for the GTU 10 this is stupid for a cacher to use and think they are being safe. All I have to say is AT&T and going into the woods! Spot seems to be a great thing but to much money for me and I don't want to leave the best GPS's for Delorme.
  10. OK I just saw this http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CSOXTO?tag=geocachingcom-20&camp=15309&creative=374845&linkCode=st1&creativeASIN=B000CSOXTO&adid=1YPFPE2ER97ES8415FCD the 60csx is king of GPS's that are not paperless you can get a used oregon 300 (paperless) for 200 shipped to you. I would go that route. As for any Garmin GPS I would not buy one that is not a "X" model since you will be limited to 24mb of maps and that is not alot. If you go with Garmin look for free maps here gpsfiledepot.com also the 300 is able to do the new chirp cache and send caches to other dakota/oregon/colorado gps's My choice is go with newer technology http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=264404 as for explorist ? I'm a garmin man
  11. mine did that when I tried to load a gpx 1.1 file try using the standard gpx 1.0 Good Luck
  12. the dashboard sometimes is off a few feet for me when finding a cache. The best way is to select a cache to goto and use data fields like this after you find it or while you are searching you can go to the geocaching menu and choose to see the logs description hint or log the cache as found, plus other stuff. also here is the find a geocache screen notice the distance and direction under the name. here is what it looks like when I am using my street maps instead of topo
  13. I have a Ford and need tires what size do I get? What Garmin do you have?
  14. get a 4 gig memory card and go to Gps file depot and have fun.
  15. saying explorist is like saying Garmin. the real question is what is your price range so you can know how much bang for your buck. as for the legend I cached with one and loved it...but it is a dinosaur! Paperless caching is the way to go, and with the price of some of the entry models like the Dakota 20 and used units since a few folks got GPS's for Christmas price is the #1 factor. Help us, Help you.
  16. I dont know how this is. When you click on the name of a cache it should show you all the info and logs. The only thing it wont show you is the hint, you have to be navigating to the cache for that. I'll look at my oregon to see what setting is wrong. The best advise I can give anybody it to play with it in the house. Go into every screen every setting page and play with it, there is so much these do and most people who dont like them never learned how to use them because they are so customizable to the way you use it. I have four profiles set up for the type of caching and or driving I am doing.
  17. Maps you want free maps for a Garmin? Try here it is great gpsfiledepo.com
  18. The internal compass is not that big of a deal in my opinion because the you always have to recalibrate it and that is frustrating. On the Oregon you can turn it off and all you have to do is walk a few steps and the gps know the direction you are facing. On my new 550 with the three axis compass I have never had to calibrate it and it is always right on the money. That being said I would not waste any money on a GPS that did not a\have a data card slot, PERIOD. Need proof? To cover SC and Georgia it's 183.4 MB while the Legend and the Venture only have room for 24MB of data. Well the Dakota has 850MB of space which is enough for a few states of topo. I have on my Oregon 300 and 550 Street maps for the whole USA and Topo for the whole NW. I do a lot of traveling for caching so it makes sense. So in my opinion its down to the Dakota 10 and the Oregon 300 I dont know to much about the Dakota but I was very very happy with my 300 until I had to have a built in camera.
  19. http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=916998 Thanks Nuttyguy
  20. I know it is called image overlay in google earth then you save it to your gps in the custome maps folder you create in the garmin folder but I dont know the thread were I learned how to do it, I just played around a little with it.
  21. Thanks big dog "we" 5knolls, caching clutes and quadsinthemudd just found all 56 plus the four other caches on the trail. We walked from Moscow to Pullman in the nice sunshine, clouds, blowing wind, blowing snow, darkness and last but not least once we were totally wet all the way through the last mile ice cold glacier wind! All the kids were able to make it to sunshine rd before the rain and wind was so bad we had them get in a car and go play while we finished the trail. We were only the second group to finish all 56 caches and the first to do it in one shot! We signed the log TNT which stands for Team Numb Thumb! The caches closest to Moscow you can see a clear TNT the colder we got the more we shivered the worse it looked. BCTS 2-5 you almost cant tell it is a TNT but the green scribble is ours.
  22. make sure you are loading them as a gpx file. Not as a waypoint.
  23. How did you try to download the coords
  24. I went with the 550 and here are some reasons why 1. I ALWAYS have a camera! Is not as good as a stand alone camera but it is always there. 2. The pre-loaded maps have relief lines like 60-80ft intervals the free maps on gpsfiledepo.com have 20ft intervals this is HUGE!!! Don't let anybody tell you different. In an area that does not have alot of hills you will never see any relief lines. 3. I bought the street maps so I use it just like a Nuvi on the road then switch to my hiking profile to use the topo maps. 4. The only real difference that I have noticed is that you cant use the 3d viewer in the non t model. So for the same price as the 550t you can have a 550 that has all the same POI info and streets as a Nuvi as well as 20ft Topo maps all this with a camera that is water proof, shock proof and when you are going through the nasty stuff you only have one gadget to carry that is save from the environment.
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