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Everything posted by -=(GEO)=-

  1. Rosco... When you 'Ignore' a cache, GPXSonar removes the cache from the list and tags it as being hidden. In order to bring a cache back in the list, you need to remove the tag. This is done like so: 1. Tap & Hold 2. Choose 'List Options' 3. Choose 'Filters' 4. Choose 'Cache Attributes' (this is checked by default, btw) 5. Click the 'Config' button 6. You can either check 'Show Ignored Caches' or you can 'Edit' the list of hidden caches and remove the hidden 'tag' only on the caches that you want to see again. 7. Click 'OK' 8. Click 'Apply' At this point, the caches that were previously hidden should be visible again (unless you have some other filtering options hiding them). Regards, Fabien.
  2. CC... Very weird. From your description, it seems that closing IE is causing GPXSonar to close as well and this isn't normal. Let's do 2 things: 1. Zip up the GPX file you're using and email it to me so that I can check it out. 2. Backup the configuration file located under \Program Files\GpxSonar\Config\GpxSonar.dat to a safe location. 3. Uninstall GPXSonar (make sure all the files are gone). 4. Re-Install GPXSonar. 5. Restore the configuration file. Let me know if this fixes the problem. Regards, Fabien.
  3. CC... The only way GPXSonar would prompt you to reload the GPX file would be if you were to close the program.
  4. Hi, I used to enjoy the 'General' forum a great deal when I first got into geocaching, but after a few months, my level of interest in this part of the site just dropped. Now, I no longer post there and I rarely 'lurk'. The reason for this is pretty simple: too much noise, not enough signal (and I really don't care for the flame wars). Instead, I shifted my focus to the "GPS and Software" forum where the content tends to stay on topic and isn't pointless. Regards, Fabien.
  5. Wow! That's an amazing picture! Great shot.
  6. Magellan Meridian Platinum (Love it) & Gecko 201 for backup.
  7. I've made a PC version of the hint decoder in GPXSonar. It's a no-frills encoder/decoder with the advantage of being stand-alone and tiny. You can download it here. Regards, Fabien.
  8. The download links have been restored and the online doc is now downloadable as a zip file.
  9. A Magellan Meridian Gold or Platinum would also do rather nicely
  10. Just a heads up...
  11. To anyone using a PPC 2002 or 2003: you may want to look into GPXSonar. It will provide you many of the features of Watcher on your PDA with some extras for Magellan users Regards, Fabien.
  12. Hummm... For the record, it's 'GPXSonar' not 'GPSSonar'.
  13. Yup, I have observed the same thing. Since I don't use Mapopolis for caching proper but rather for navigation / research, it never bothered me too much, except when I use it to validate the puzzle solutions where precision matters. It must be very annoying for you though. Regards, Fabien.
  14. Heads Up... The GPXSonar web site will be back up Thursday Dec. 11th in the afternoon (West Coast Time). Regards, Fabien.
  15. Updates To The Links Page... Ah! Sci-Fi I say
  16. Vacman... I hear you... Also, if you're looking for a specific cache, you can use the 'Search' filter. Rosco... The site will be down for a few days. I just moved and I dont't have a connection to the net yet. In the meantime, you can use the mirror site here. About un-hiding a cache: use the cache attributes in the filters. Otherwise, for the rest of the features, check out the online docs. Regards, Fabien.
  17. Vacman... Glad you figured it out! About the sorting stuff: the sorting algorithm is case sensitive, that's why it looks like things are out of order in some instances. I could easily 'normalize' the cache names to take care of this, or I could make the algorithm case-insensitive for the next release. Regards, Fabien.
  18. Jeeters... You can use GPXSonar for your notes and for planning your next cache moves too... Use the menu options accessible via 'Tap & Hold'. You'll see what I mean. Also, hints are available directly on the cache pages produced by GPXSonar (just select the text and the hint will appear). Regarding the visibility of the PPC screen in broad daylight: it depends on the technology used for the display. TFT screens are very readable outdoors even in direct sunlight. Regards, Fabien.
  19. Way to go Pepper ! That wasn't so bad, was it?
  20. So, for a few days, the home web site of GPXSonar will be offline. However, you will still be able to download the software from Handango or from cachegear.com. Regards, Fabien.
  21. kwarner... I never 'connect' the PDA to the GPS. I do everything via the SD Card. In other words, using GPXSonar, I export my waypoint selection to a file. I copy that file to the SD card of the GPS using the SD card slot of the PDA. Then, I put the SD card back in the GPS (Magellan Meridian) and load up the waypoints using the card utility functions of the GPS. Dead simple.
  22. Me, a humbug ?!? Nah! Hey, at least Cryptonomicon can be done... Not like some other caches that I know of in this area Take care, Fabien.
  23. Wow! Very very nice
  24. I don't think that your location matters much (except that the MapSend topo maps maybe a bit more expensive for Europe perhaps). It's just a good thing to have.
  25. My advice to you: get yourself a 64 Meg SD card minimum and the MapSend TOPO maps. It will make a world of difference when you go caching: first you have to get to the caches and the enhanced basemaps will help you a great deal. The default basemaps are really poor. If you travel, you'll really appreciate being able to switch maps too. Then, once you get to the cache area, having topo info will help you navigate the terrain better. For instance, being able to see that there's a stream between you and the cache might save you a lot of frustration... You can manage your waypoints (and maps) using the SD card like you would with a hard drive. It's great when working with many data sets to remove screen clutter, not to mention the ability to backup your data. Also, if you have a Pocket PC, geocaching software such as GPXSonar takes advantage of the SD card and will let you upload waypoints from Pocket Queries to your GPS in the field via the SD card. I know that in my case, the fact that the Meridian had an SD card was a deciding factor in purchasing that unit and I have never regretted it. My 2 cents.
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