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Everything posted by -=(GEO)=-

  1. topografix... You can add "GPXSonar Stats Wizard" which automates the tracking of your geo-statistics on keenpeople.com. Regards, Fabien.
  2. I'll join robertlipe in saying "You're welcome" I agree with Robert's point regarding a community-supported "helpdesk". That's the only way for developers of free software to scale. It's also a great way to keep a free piece of software free. Regards, Fabien.
  3. Grimlock... I figured out what went wrong with the blank screen problem that you experienced... I'm warning you, it's really silly It turns out that somehow, all the columns in the main cache list were bunched up down to nothing to the left of the screen. As a result, you couldn't see any of them. Not sure how you managed that one, but it surprised me too when I saw it. Regards, Fabien.
  4. ClydeE... If you want to integrate with GPXSonar, email me and we can talk about the details. Regards, Fabien.
  5. fivegallon... Just pick one. My choice would be the hardware forum for communication issues like that. GeckoGeek... Yes, let's also have you as the moderator of the Smart @ss forum
  6. Jeremy.... Much appreciated! Thanks for bearing with me Regards, Fabien.
  7. I was thinking that it would be valuable to separate GPS Units and Software forum into 2 distinct forums: one just for software and the other one just for units. It would help to keep things focused and the 'noise level' down. Thoughts?
  8. Grimlock... I left you a msg on the GPXSonar site. Please zip up and email me your GPX file with your GpxSonar.dat file and I'll troubleshoot it asap. In the meantime, to get you of of the jam, do this: 1. Close GPXSonar. 2. Make a backup copy of GPXSonar.dat, then delete it. 3. Restart the app and load your GPX file. That should do it. It also means that the config file is corrupt somehow. Regards, Fabien
  9. Jim, Lately, PQs have been funky for me as well. I know that Jeremy is working on them and experimenting in different ways. Bugs are to be expected unfortunately.
  10. Hummm... I'd say that something's fishy here. Just to be sure, double-check your filters so that they don't exclude that cache from the main list. If that's not it, we'll go from there.
  11. There's not need to reinvent that wheel... Just visit KeenPeople.com if you want to track stats.
  12. CodeSlapper... I can understand that. Actually, I'd go as far as saying that you're going against ALL contemporary software development strategies at this point Not just Microsoft's. I might also add that if you're so opposed to MSFT's strategies, why do you develop Windows code? Good luck maintaining that code! You have a lot of time on your hands I guess... To each his own...
  13. And to confirm the trend... iPaq 1945 here too
  14. IWILLFIND... Follow the link below...
  15. Sorry, but I have to ask... Why in the world do you need to write in assembler for this kind of stuff?!? I write just about everything in C++ myself and the occasions where assembly code is required are so rare that I don't see how you can justify using it in your app. Just curious...
  16. For the record, GPXSonar also allows you to perform directional searches.
  17. akerin... For the record, GPXSonar provides many of the features of Watcher (except for merging GPX files) but for the Pocket PC. Regards, Fabien.
  18. I've been waiting for such a web service for a long time... I've been itching to be able to synch GPXSonar with the site from day one. Jeremy, you probably recall some emails about it too (hint, hint...) I hope it happens.
  19. Team GPSaxophone... Nahh... That stuff will kill you Yeah, I miss those days
  20. Team GPSaxophone... The point is that PQs should be deterministic in their output. In other words, a "Found" cache should always be tagged as such, regardless of the intent of the query. This has nothing to do with EasyGPS which is oblivious to all of the interesting stuff in PQs anyways. But other pieces of software that do care about it are at a loss when inconsistencies are introduced like that. Regards, Fabien.
  21. Jeremy... You may have a point here... Maybe I should slow down on the coffee Awesome! Thank you!
  22. Well, I'm still waiting for an answer on this one...A Yes or a No will do Should I start a poll, perhaps!?!
  23. mrkablooey... Disabled/archived caches don't show up in PQs. I've heard a rumor that this will change for queries containing just 'finds', but nothing more. On my end, I'll have to change the stats wiz to include a 'fudge' factor so that the missing caches can be accounted for. I'll also include some "manual" overrides to bypass the problem of inconsistently formed PQs. Regards, Fabien.
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