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Posts posted by NJSquirrel

  1. In the iPhone app, if I want to enter the coordinates for some private, temporary activity, it’s awkward.


    I have to follow the steps above to be searching for some other cache, try to navigate to it, choose the map view, tap the …, Add Waypoint. tap the Waypoint flag, and set it as target. There seems to be no way to just add a waypoint (or a series of named waypoints you can come back to) in the app.


    And when I’ve been out in the field doing puzzle caches, entering the answers for the new target (using the steps above) is not intuitive. The capability is hidden well.

    You forgot to mention the stupid wheels. It would be SO much faster if it was a keypad.

  2. That most times anything that isn't praise and is strong but factual criticism is reported by a ton of weenies that think life should be nothing but rainbows and unicorns. Can't stand a number of people who post, but I'm no weenie and rarely if at all reported anyone. If I didn't like it, I just stop reading. Makes me think these are the same folks that throw their own families under the bus.

    Dude, you need help <_<

  3. I've seen a few caches that use the pelican box. What I have seen is that, if used correctly, they are equal to lock-n-locks. However, when not handled correctly, the seal can attract dirt which is hard to clean off and will compromise the contents. Lock-n-locks seem to be easier to keep clean since the lid separates completely from the container and the seal tends to be a bit more accessible to wipe off.

  4. Can I say something that irks me about myself? I am terrible at figuring out where to park! I guess I could hope for additional waypoints on caches where it's not obvious unless you know the area well, but I never see anyone mention it as a problem, so it must be me. :P

    I find parking coordinates quite helpful, and I provide them on my caches. But be aware that some people consider finding access part of the game and intentionally leave you in the dark. And even COs that generally provide parking sometimes decide that, for a particular location, it might be fun to force you to work out the access for yourself. These are harder for cachers visiting an area, as I've discovered for myself from time to time, but them's the breaks.


    Of course, most COs probably just don't think about it, and it's OK to be irked with them, just don't be irked with the ones that are doing it on purpose. :)


    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go look for a yomp.

    I like when CO posts parking coordinates when hides are in small parks or small public lands to assist geocachers from trespassing on private property. But I also accept that when a cache is hidden deep in a huge state forest like Wharton Forest, NJ I don't expect parking coordinates or trail markers. Finding the way in can be/is a fun aspect of the game.

  5. We hae a '07 and I would not recommend it for serious off-roading. The engine holds up well in puddles, bu it doesn't have the clearance you need for nasty roads where you will get stuck.


    A side note, I also hate the swinging rear trunk entry. It doesn't openfar enough to allow you to place large items in the back. Glad they redesigned it to an overhead opening.

  6. This winter I've learned to wear two layers of pants. Usually jeans over sweat pants. You become pretty impervious to thorns, which is a good thing. My father got me a wool lined fishing vest which I absolutely loved. It keeps all my geo-related supplies all within easy reach. I only carry a camelback for repair supplies and food/water.

  7. Did you actually go check the Cache & Log or you just assuming wrong doing without actually hard evidences?


    No because the cache is 1000km away from me... But I asked a local player to do it, since one of his caches was also logged by this cacher... I´ll wait and see...



    You posted a NA to a cache that is 1000km away from you without any hard evidence to its condition? What is wrong with you?!?

  8. I will log a visit on a DNF. Why not? GC allows it, so I do it. The exception would be if I was unable to get to GZ (unable to climb to it, construction in area, high mugglage, etc...), in which cause I wouldn't post a DNF, but a note (no visits).


    I know a geocacher in our area who won't mark a visit unless they physically can place the trackable into the actual container. That's a bit extreme to me, but to each their own.


    Bottom line, play it your way.

  9. There are plenty of people hoarding their fav points, so perhaps this might be a good idea. I have so few left that I've actually taken some back for redistribution. :P

    I never did understand the hoarding Favorites thing. I give out my Favorites liberally since I get them so easily. The idea behind Favorites is that everyone's top 20% will expose those exceptional caches by a lot of people giving them Favorites. But why hoard them? No will know where the good caches are. :blink:

  10. And we have a local with over 250 caches along a highway who thinks that a magnetic Key Holder is a 'small'. And got insulted when I pointed out that they are 'micros'.

    I've seen a few MKH listed as smalls. It's a complete joke. Just because nanos are the new "micro" doesn't make bisons or MKH "small".

  11. Perhaps someone from Groundspeak should contact Mr. Fayhee before he makes good on his word.


    Groundspeak will do nothing. It is the CO's responsibility to get permission to place the cache. If permission was granted, then the land owner should provide the CO with a letter and it should be attached to the cache page. Then, the CO will have a leg to stand on if things continue to escalate. Otherwise, Mr. Fayhee and others will continue to remove trash from parks (i.e. destroy caches).


    Unfortunately, one man's treasure is another man's trash!


    We have a similar situation here in NJ, but at least it seems a bit more isolated (small land area). Not much can be done about it without explicit permission.

  12. Its really starting to irk me with some of the requests for changes on the site or the apps. People are getting so lazy they want the site to do all the work for them. Like change the color of the pin on the map if its a DNF. Duhhhh, If it shows on your map, without a smiley, guess what, you haven't found it. Then the ones that want the phones to do this or that so they don't have to push another button or two. Then the ones that want things done automatically so they don't have to do whatever. I am surprised that these people have enough energy to get out of their cars and walk to gz. LOL


    I would like to see the site change the logging requirements to be at least ten words long. So that it wouldn't accept a log of TFTC or just a smiley face. Wouldn't that be nice? At least people would have to type 10 words to get a smiley. I think any cache is worth 10 words. All I am seeing anymore it seems is the TFTC Ok I feel better now.

    You want people to stop suggesting improvements to the site and/or app, but you want to require people to post 10 word comments? Seriously? If I do a LPC, what do you want me to say?


    "Wow, that was a really challenging cache. I'm so glad you brought me out here to the middle of a parking lot. Took nothing/left nothing, cause honestly nothing would fit inside your bison tube anyway. Log is full and soaked so I added another piece of paper that will become wet. I'd post a Needs Maintenance log, but I see your cache already has three that you've ignored for 6 months. Replaced under the only obvious spot within 100 meters. Thanks for the cache!"


    I'm more than happy to write up a few paragraphs on a cache that was fun/challenging/took me to a nice spot. If cache owners want interesting dialogue on their cache pages, try hiding interesting caches!

    I agree, I put as much thought and effort into my logs as the hider put into the cache. An LPC usually gets a "TFTC". It took the hider and whole 2 minutes for the hide, I'm not going to write a story. I found a LPC and the log was wet, so my log simple said "Log is wet". The hider posted on our local Facebook geocaching group, complaining about my short log. So I updated my log to please her. It got a lot of laughs and I think I made my point. LOL. Here's the link, my log was post 10/24/2013



    "The skirt lifted with ease and made that lovely sound that they tend to make, like fingernails on a chalkboard. Might as well been the angels in heaven singing their beautiful song."



  13. Does finding a dead body count? I've done that. Twice.

    Human? Yes, that counts.

    Yes, human. Pretty freaky both times.


    Those have to be the craziest, but on the other side I have had so many wonderful experiences it is hard to even think about which would be the best.

    Were you able to determine if either of those people were cachers?

  14. I've found a lot of mini lollipops, party poppers and bullet shells in caches locally. I've removed them every time but not sure what the appropriateness level of each item is. Should I be saying something in the logs?

    I would, but keep in mind that the person doing it may get a kick out of people logging and keep doing it. Ex. A lolipop was probably left there by a kid, so say something so they can see your log and use it as a learning experience. Found a sex toy? I'd probably not say anything and just remove it (with gloves of course). The jerk placing it there would probably get a kick out of your log and keep doing it to other caches. Don't feed the trolls!

  15. I have a series of 6 caches paddle caches around a reservoir. I recently noticed that all but one of them had finds last summer. So did everyone pass by this one cache, or did they search and DNF it? No logs so I have no idea. If they searched, was it a cursory search or did they spend 45 minutes there? No logs so I have no idea. Most of the finders of the other caches here paddled right past it my only explanation is that they didn't log it one way or another.


    PLEASE log any visit to a cache.

    So, is it there?


    The CO would know if cachers would post DNFs. Am I right?

  16. I have a notification running for any caches within 5 miles where a TD or NM is posted. If I'm in the area and the note indicates its something that is worthy of checking on, I don't mind taking a look if I'm in the area. I've already checked up on two caches that I found previously and determined one was indeed missing and another just fell from its hiding place and was buried in foliage.


    I'm sure the geocaching community appreciates local TLC, but don't take it to the extreme or else you end up "unofficially" adopting lazy CO's caches. For example, I would never replace a full log. That's the CO's responsibility.

  17. My wife and I cached yesterday in the rain. We had 8 finds and 4 DNFs. We searched for lonely caches so I expected alot of DNFs. It was crazy insane but crazy fun as well. I trekked across fields that were freshly tilled and my feet sunk in a good 6 inches. Bushwhacked through swampy water and hard driving rain at times to make another find. My shoes/clothes were an unmitigated disaster when I got home :blink:


    But in the end, I got to spend some time with the Mrs and fill in 5 NJ Delorme pages. It's all good! B)

  18. These are my signature items. I call them artcoins. On the reverse of each one is a QR code that takes you to a larger photo of the artwork along with my personal commentary about what I think is important and inspiring about the art. The web site for all of the artcoins is here. I'd like to know what you think. I'm open to trades, if anyone's interested.






    Very interesting concept! Astronomy has always been a hobby of mine. I could modify this concept to teach people about planets or the stars. Way cool!

  19. Hi everyone,


    I'm not sure if this topic has come up before, but I wanted to bounce it off the community.


    Does Groundspeak allow CITO events that allow people to come at their leisure to perform CITO? I was thinking of placing a logbook and trashbags into a cache container in a small park and allowing cachers that may not have time to attend a CITO event to clean up a small park during earth week. The cache would only be active during earth week so I would assume it would be an event(?) but since it would be a traditional in terms of logging, would it then be a traditional(?) And most importantly...is this allowed? encouraged? I was thinking as part of the logging requirements a cacher would be required to post a pic of the CITO they performed.


    The reason I was thinking of this was that there seems to be alot of nice little playgrounds/parks that might not necessarily support a full CITO event, but certainly could use a bit of TLC.


    I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the topic; especially mods



  20. I would like to see the site change the logging requirements to be at least ten words long.


    I agree short logs are annoying, but they are useful indicators of a bad or thoughtlessly placed cache. When I see a cache with a log full of "TFTC" only logs it I know it's probably going to be forgettable. On the occasion that I find it anyways, I have always found that to be true. A thoughtless cache deserves a thoughtless log and it helps tip off others of the quality so they can avoid it if they want.


    I have of cache that generally gets good logs, and a couple of cachers have said that it was one of the best caches they've ever found. It still gets an occasional TFTC log.


    I'd contend that the quality of logs on many caches is less about the quality of the cache, and more about the general logging tendencies of the finder. Those that write just a TFTC or a log tend to write TFTC for most of their logs. Those that post a more wordy and/or eloquent log tend to post wordy/eloquent logs for most of their finds.


    Yes, there are a lot of lame cache, but there are a lot of cache owners that do put a lot of thought and effort into creating a good cache and the "some caches don't deserve more than a TFTC" looks to me like blame shifting to cache owners from the people actually writing the logs.


    That's only partly true. I know the type of cachers you are talking about. But when you look at a cache page and every single one of the entries is some variation of "Quick grab. TFTC", you pretty much know its a +1 smilie cache site. There is nothing interesting about it other than to increase numbers. I tend to avoid these types unless I want to keep a streak going in inclement weather or some such excuse. LPCs have their place, but they don't deserve 10 words with every Found It log.


    Requiring finders to post more than 10 words about their experience is just stupid and would erode participation in the sport.

  21. Its really starting to irk me with some of the requests for changes on the site or the apps. People are getting so lazy they want the site to do all the work for them. Like change the color of the pin on the map if its a DNF. Duhhhh, If it shows on your map, without a smiley, guess what, you haven't found it. Then the ones that want the phones to do this or that so they don't have to push another button or two. Then the ones that want things done automatically so they don't have to do whatever. I am surprised that these people have enough energy to get out of their cars and walk to gz. LOL


    I would like to see the site change the logging requirements to be at least ten words long. So that it wouldn't accept a log of TFTC or just a smiley face. Wouldn't that be nice? At least people would have to type 10 words to get a smiley. I think any cache is worth 10 words. All I am seeing anymore it seems is the TFTC Ok I feel better now.

    You want people to stop suggesting improvements to the site and/or app, but you want to require people to post 10 word comments? Seriously? If I do a LPC, what do you want me to say?


    "Wow, that was a really challenging cache. I'm so glad you brought me out here to the middle of a parking lot. Took nothing/left nothing, cause honestly nothing would fit inside your bison tube anyway. Log is full and soaked so I added another piece of paper that will become wet. I'd post a Needs Maintenance log, but I see your cache already has three that you've ignored for 6 months. Replaced under the only obvious spot within 100 meters. Thanks for the cache!"


    I'm more than happy to write up a few paragraphs on a cache that was fun/challenging/took me to a nice spot. If cache owners want interesting dialogue on their cache pages, try hiding interesting caches!

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