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Everything posted by 0R0B0RUS

  1. Nice design! Can't wait to see the samples!
  2. $117.50 eBay auction is. Bid you now. Two days end. [edited to remove link]
  3. Marky, you are a madman This is really kewl!!
  4. Most Recent Arrivals: Geoswag Coin & Pin Club Dec 2007 Xmas Stocking & Jan 2008 Snow Globe I Love Geocoins (2) AN Castle Man 2008 Personal AG Castle Man/Wife Caching 2 Countries AG CM's Jack Russell Terrier G
  5. Me got thee polished nickel! sweet
  6. These are gorgeous coins Paula! wow
  7. Nice coin Castle Man! Never got an email msg regarding this or the mrs. coin. And when did your dog coin go up for sale? Just glad I could still get some of these.
  8. Thanks Sawblade for posting this msg. It seems I never received this geocoin either! Sure is a pretty one. I hope support@oakcoins has good news for me.
  9. For the definitive answer to all questions regarding BSA trademarks and current licensing policies here is a link to the official BSA site: http://www.bsalicensing.org/trademarklisting.htm Good luck with your fundraising!
  10. <double post>
  11. Playing catchup here. Just had to say thanks Marilyn for the Rivercity and Team Moagy Christmas 2007 coin. It was a nice surprise. Look at what I had to do to hang it on my xmas tree
  12. Was wondering how I came to send this gorgeous coin to myself! Thanks SCC
  13. Please forgive the late post, but I wanted to include the pictures. Secret Santa Package A very special thanks to my Secret Santa!
  14. My apologies for the late post - I did finally receive my package. Thanks Keewee! Seems that whomever you had proxie send it from the US wrote the wrong street name down - Arrowhead instead of Arrowwood - With the same return address, I guess it sat in some dead letter bin for weeks until some bright postal worker said to try arrowwood. Anyway, here's a pic and thanks again!
  15. Ha ha, where's that stone throwing smily when you need it How about this one >> LOL - justice forum style!
  16. You have to pay $$$ for a money order. I don't think anybody has stated the obvious that paying someone thru PayPal is totally FREE! At the very least, if you pay with a personal check, you still have to pay for postage. And if you pay with a credit card, you don't even have to have a PayPal account! I also really like how PayPal handles international payments by automatically figuring out exchange rates. Then there's always the buyer's guarantee policy. On those rare occasions, payPal has never failed to recover my funds.
  17. Just put my order in. Kewl coins Steph!
  18. kewl coin! Reservation made.
  19. Guess I'm the last one on Keewee's list still waiting... Thanks KW for the status msg.
  20. Just the Benchmark coin for the South Pole today...
  21. Some of Karma's nifty egyptian stuff- one set of shabti two narmer palettes - so big! and a bonus anubis
  22. No package yet either!
  23. A couple of jayMills personal 2007 in AG - very kewl! Paula's Tranquility LE in black & gold - sweet
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