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Everything posted by 0R0B0RUS

  1. ACK!!!!! I'm so NOT a man!!! Yep ALL woman! My apologies. It was really just a crude expression of praise and not meant to be taken literally.
  2. You da man UOTrackers! Very fine design. Any thoughts on finishes? I've really become a fan of black nickel and TSD's matte black is awesome.
  3. Those "0's" be "zeros" - Thank you very much
  4. Only one package today. EMTJMW Making Friends - black nickel Thanks!
  5. Whoa! I LIKE this design... I didn't see my name the first time I looked at it.
  6. Probably way to late to get in on this, but maybe?
  7. Your coin is very kewl I liked 'em so much, I just placed an order! BTW, thanks fluttershy for organizing the secret santa giveaway. It really was the highlight of my Xmas. The giving and receiving!
  8. Mill Creek Trail?
  9. John Muir Trail?
  10. They also offer an "Easter Island Head Moai Geocoin" which is shaped like the Easter Island Head Moai. The simplistic design is attractive but is also very pricey. look here
  11. Santa actually came on Tuesday. He/she left me a 2005 San Diego, a Temecula Valley balloon and a Bikedog memorial. All very beautiful coins and very welcome to my heart. Honestly, I've tried many times to post this note but could never finish because this text can not express how touched I was. Thank you Santa!
  12. Wow! Congrats to the Nutlady. Her prego nuts are now legit. Hold on to them nuts everyone. I must pose this question. Is variation in the tracking number going to affect the collectability and ultimate value of a geocoin? I didn't get any 'pg' nuts but now I'm thinking maybe I wish I had.
  13. Thanks for responding with the excellent photo! I am definately in for a set of these
  14. I really appreciate the email you sent out elsewise I may have missed this post. Hang in there!
  15. I am waiting for: Team Laubfrosch Venture Crew 4485 Freisland Chunky NL Alabama AGA 2006 A-10 Warthog Arrowheads - silver set Dreamcatchers set Anthus Decoder V2 Anthus Secret GeoAgent 2007 Dorkfish Lucky Scratch-n-Win LE Ontario Beaver LE 2005 Calgary REG Tiki Bikki Bikki Tiki Mojo Hoard
  16. I talked up your coin at a recent troop meeting hoping to spark some interest in geocaching. Last nite, interested parties asked to see the coin and I had to tell them it's a no show. It's been two weeks since you posted all packages have been sent out, so I'm guessing mine may have fallen between the cracks. Can someone look into this? Thanks.
  17. Got my coins last week. They look wonderful! thanks.
  18. 0R0B0RUS


    Besides getting one in the club mailing, I was surprised to find one in another coin order. In the spirit of giving, I slipped it into the secret santa package I sent out. You guys are the best! Happy Holidays
  19. I noticed that there's a custom icon now posted for the South Pointing Chariot in the all geocoins icon list. Does this mean you've gone to mint? Have I missed a chance to get a couple of these?
  20. Good golly gosh! Coins came today. oops, yesterday... They are bee-you-tee-ful! The matte black finish is unlike any coin I've ever seen. Congrats Loran.
  21. SCORE! DRunner's Come Together coins - very nice! 6x Team Sand Dollar V2.5 - These are absolutely stunning! The matte black coin is unlike anything I've seen to date. wow! Folks, snag some of these before they are all gone...
  22. test again.
  23. test post.
  24. Wonderful coin! Please put me on the buy list!
  25. Mission received. Package in mail tomorrow...
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