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Wij Drie

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Everything posted by Wij Drie

  1. OK, i found a local pompoen that should make you feel at home in the Netherlands: tot cache, team Wij Drie
  2. Dear fairy, I still like to thank you for the things you did. What do you mean by 'Lost in transit'? I have seen at least two of your coins at the last Geocoinfest in the Netherlands. Including the one i have found. I'm pretty sure i can track down all four Dutch Geocoinfairy coins. As far as i know there are all four with Geocoiners who would never sell them. But again, thanks for the beautyfull coin. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  3. I don't fully understand the concept, but let's try it. Now i need to do what? tot cache, team Wij Drie
  4. Does that include the Dutch oven event coin? The Dutch oven event coin? Did we had one? We had only a few events with coins and i don't recall a 'Oven event'. Which one do you mean? - GME 2007 - MZLE 2007 - Pofferjes event 2007 - Geocoinfest 2007 OK, lesson 1 in Dutch: try to say on loud: 'Gezellig met z'n allen naar Scheveningen' Good luck, tot cache, team Wij Drie
  5. We in Europe can't be scared by anything! So try us... tot cache, team Wij Drie
  6. I like the Troll the most (2A). Followed by the Elg (8A). The viking is done by the Danish in 2006. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  7. Piet Pieterszoon Hein Piet Hein (November 25, 1577 – June 18, 1629) was a Dutch naval officer and folk hero during the Eighty Years' War between the United Provinces (the Netherlands) and Spain. He was the First Dutch Geocoiner. Hein was born in Delfshaven (now part of Rotterdam), the son of a captain, and he became a geocoiner while he was still a teenager. In his twenties, he was captured by the Spanish, and served as a galley-slave for about four years, probably between 1598 and 1602, when he was traded up for Spanish prisoners. In 1607, he joined the Dutch VGC (Vereenigde Geocoin Company) and left for Asia to find geocoins over there, returning with the rank of captain (of the Hollandia) five years later. In 1628, Admiral Hein sailed out to capture the Spanish treasure fleet loaded with silver Geocoins from their American colonies. Sixteen Spanish ships were intercepted. After some musket volleys from Dutch sloops their crews surrendered also and Hein captured 11,509,524 Spanish Geocoins of booty in gold, silver and other expensive trade goods, as ammoboxes and FTF-certificates, without any bloodshed. The Dutch didn't take prisoners: they gave the Spanish crews ample supplies for a march to Havana. The released were surprised to hear the admiral personally giving them directions in fluent Spanish; Hein after all was well acquainted with the region as he had been confined to it during his internment. The treasure was the company's greatest victory in the Caribbean. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  8. 196 mysterious geocoins. I think i love Creepy Crawly thingies. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  9. I wonder when this little green fellow will visit his homebase Europe again. The Netherlands are close to Ireland you know!?! tot cache, team Wij Drie
  10. Autums really started in the Netherlands. So almost all the other bugs have left. There is no competition any more. G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire is more than welcome. Do you need my addy? tot cache, team Wij Drie
  11. A bit late, but we also had a great time at the Dutch Geocoinfest-event. We had warm and sunny weather. It was a great location in the middle of the woods. Here's a photo of the location: The organisation team just before the start (I'm not in the photo): Trading taking place: I must thank all our sponsors. We were able to give something to all participants. A BIG THANKYOU. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  12. We Dutch really love the orange color of the pumpkin. Can i be you friend, Great Geo-Pumpkin? tot cache, team Wij Drie
  13. I think there is still a Fairy coin in the "Spikeypad" cache near Soest to retrieve. That's not a long trip. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  14. NW 8145.1km from your home coordinates. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  15. That's some good news. I know you can do it! tot cache, team Wij Drie
  16. We have been to Ireland just a few months ago. Does that help?!? tot cache, team Wij Drie
  17. Wij Drie

    Mega events

    I thing the first upcoming Mega event will be the GME in Naarden, the Netherlands. April 2008. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  18. Guess what. The lovely little Geocoin Fairy visited our lovely little country yesterday. And she choose a cache nearby our lovely little home. The only thing was i had to cross one BIG river. And i did that in a world record time. It's such a nice and beautifull coin. I just haven't got any words for it. Thanks! tot cache, team Wij Drie
  19. I think you would really like the weather here now. So please come over and bite me. Please. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  20. Maybe you, and any of the other mystery persons, will be ready to come to our Geofort Event (GC13ZBN) in september. You are all welcome to visit the ancient fort. Plenty of room here to hide any mystery coin. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  21. And i wish more American geocoin maker/sellers would drop shop to one European or NL destination for all European shipping. It would save the coin seller and the European / NL coin buyers. That's MY opinion. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  22. it's bug season in the Netherland. This coin will feel very welcome here now... tot cache, team Wij Drie
  23. There were only 100 of those Sinterklaas coins. They were all spread thru caches in the Netherlands and Belgium. I don't think i have seen any of those 100 coins on ebay yet. tot cache, team Wij Drie ps. i didn't made the sinterklaas coin!!!
  24. We have had the 2006 Sinterklaas geocoin. tot cache, team Wij Drie
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