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Wij Drie

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Posts posted by Wij Drie

  1. Well,


    i'm looking forward to see the final listing and start trading.

    Beeing new with geocoin trading i was really naif :D in what to ask. I think i said i want really beautifull coins :D probably expensive and rare coins :lol: and have little to offer. Lets see what the machine says :D


    Hey, I have also choose something of your list. So if you have choosen something of mine, there is a (small) chance we have a trade (if i understood everything correctly).


    Otherwise we can always make a trade afterwards.


    tot cache,

    team Wij Drie :D

  2. Wow, great to hear that they are coming to Europe, too :) Congratulations! :D


    I know, exciting, isn't it! We may actually have a chance, Sabrina!


    Naomi :D

    I'll guess i won't be sleeping tonight now i know the CCC knows it's way to Europe.


    KarelKraak is a very nice person, He deserves to recieve a coin like this one.


    tot cache,

    team Wij Drie :D

  3. Oooooh...A Diving Mickey head! Alright Im gonna go way outa line here and go off on a tangent just a way too funny story not to share with ya!


    First off...yep I Free dive for Abalone, great fun and you cook those guys right....Mmmmmmmm Tasty! Speaking of tasty.


    Now for my tangent...Forgive me!

    It was May 2003 and it was Disney world, my Sweetpeas Dad was gettin married at the Disney world chapel. Then off to some Big O tall building where we could see almost all the parks off in the distant where the reception was to be had. We had the whole floor, It was all fancy N stuff and the food was just startin. We started with several orderves (I know it starts with a H) when they said..."Oh Sushi's comin out soon" Hmmm Sushi eh...Never had it, guess im gonna!


    They brought us all out little plates and on that little plate was a few slivers of pink fish and next to that was what looked like Guacamole, I thought "Hmmmm alright guess Id better try it" I grabbed a slice of the fish and slapped some Guacamole on that thing, popped it in my mouth, gave it a couple chews and :(HOLY COW... What the heck is this crap??? Practically drooling out my nose, I think I actually swallowed it! :(


    That was the day when I realized I hate Ginger root slathered in Wasabi!!!! :laughing:


    After that they brought the sushi out and everyone at my table had a great laugh at my expense. We then Danced with Mickey and Minnie and all was good...Cant help but think of that story every time I see that Mickey head! :(


    Oh and yeah...her M.I.L is a Big time Mickey Freak...Um Disney world Chapel in Florida from Cali!!! :(


    Thats all I got...Hope you enjoyed that one!

    Nice story. You really made me laugh. Here's is your green stuff:




    There is no shusi in Disneyland Europe. We do have croissants and French fries thou.


    tot cache,

    team Wij Drie ;)

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