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Posts posted by Arndtwe
First forum post, love to cache. But this issue has me riled.
While looking for new caches, I started looking at caches in a relatively nearby park I know. I know the park because I have taken a number of photos and posted some of them to my Panoramio account. I retain all rights to my photos (Copyright © by AustinMN All Rights Reserved).
I found two caches this evening (same CO) where my photos were lifted for inclusion in the cache description. By "inclusion," I mean my photos were about all there was to the description. Use of Panoramio photos is allowed if the use follows the TOS of the Panoramio API (essentially, the photo needs to show my copyright, needs to link to my page, and needs to be hosted on Panoramio). Instead, the CO illegally downloaded my photo and illegally uploaded it to Geocaching.com without mention of my copyright. Because the Groundspeak policy is that uploaded material belongs to the up-loader, he/she has also illegally claimed ownership.
In addition to my photos, the CO has included photos in other cache descriptions that are almost certainly copyright violations.
How do I go about having my photos removed from these cache descriptions? I have posted notes on the logs, but of course those can just be deleted. I will file a DMCA take-down order if necessary, but would rather not if I can avoid it.
P.S. - If the CO had asked, I would probably have let him/her use them (with proper copyright notice). Too late now.
Why is too late? (I suspect some CO don't read their logs)
But perhaps a short note directly to the CO explaining your concern and you might find they will fall over themselves with apologies and promises to fix the attributions.
I think if I was in the OP's situation I would not be wasting my time trying to negotiate with the person that lifted my picture. I would want the pictures taken down ... now. The best way to accomplish that is talk to the frog. The pictures will come down without discussion.
The other side of that might be that the CO didn't know about the copyright. I sure wouldn't know if a picture I downloaded was copyrighted. If I used one by accident and the photographer contacted me, I'd be happy to give credit where it was due. I'd be sad to take the picture down, but I'd do it. Talking to people isn't always a waste of time...
In order to use Panoramino services you must sign up for an account. You agree to abide by the terms of service and there is this paragraph
Using our Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you access. You may not use content from our Services unless you obtain permission from its owner or are otherwise permitted by law. These terms do not grant you the right to use any branding or logos used in our Services. Don’t remove, obscure, or alter any legal notices displayed in or along with our Services.
Clicking through is not an excuse.
And your right, talking to people is not a waste of time. According to the OP if he was asked he would have granted the right to use the picture. Now he just wants it removed.
Your assuming that the CO got the picture from Panoramino. What if someone else 'stole' it first without any information and posted on Facebook? The CO would not know, nor have reason to suspect that it was copyrighted. There are a number of ways that this can happen, this is just an example.
Please do not rush to judgment on anyone, the CO probably made a very honest mistake in doing this and simply needs to be asked nicely to correct his error. I see that OP is doing this the right way, for that, we all commend you as fellow messer-uppers. I know that this kind of stuff has happened to me in other areas and it works best if someone is nice and informative rather than harsh and just says 'deal with it'.
Just my 2 cents.
I recently realized I can fit a log sheet inside the edge piece of a rubik's cube which would make for an awesome geocache. My question is this: would it be a traditional, multi, or puzzle cache if the cube had to be solved in order to obtain directions to find and remove the log sheet? (the cacher would only know the cube needed to be solved to find the sheet, not that it would be inside)
That wouldn't work very well as a cache container, due to a total lack of water resistance. But, I can see how it could be used as a stage for a multi. You could solve it, write the coordinates on the sections, in a precise order, from one side to another, then the other half on them opposite sides. Then scramble it, and the numbers no longer fit until it's solved again.
The only problem I see is that you can easily solve it without taking it apart or it solving the cube itself. You would just need to right down what is one each square, and seeing the colors, you would know which order the numbers go in...
Thats a good tip Arndtwe. Overtones included
Isn't auto text correction wonderful!
That works for waypoints of a cache. It still doesn't let you put manual points on the map but then you shouldn't have to very often.
I see. But why would you need to do this? C:geo allows you to load/save a cache for offline use. Why not just use this function instead?
Dunno, just saying it is a limitation. The one that comes to mind is when you are laying out a new cache and want to mark possible locations, mark parking, bathrooms, multi-stage points for you to enter when you get home. Another scenario is wanting to lay out points for some triangulation puzzle. I used the points feature in Locus to lay out a handfull of marks around whee I work for possible cache locations for a cache I have yet to place or enter here. Can't do that with c:geo.
So, while it does not come up often, its does come up. Knowing what tool will do free points is good info to have, just as was your info about adding waypoints in c:geo. I had not needed that feature but I know its there for future reference thanks to your post. Others now know its easy to do in Locus as well. Information is good to have.
Most excellent! Very good and helpful to know. Hadn't thought about using locus to solve triangulation problems, thanks
. Knowledge is priceless, keep it coming!
Thats a good tip Arndtwe. Overtones included
Isn't auto text correction wonderful!
That works for waypoints of a cache. It still doesn't let you put manual points on the map but then you shouldn't have to very often.
I see. But why would you need to do this? C:geo allows you to load/save a cache for offline use. Why not just use this function instead?
C:geo has horizontal 'tabs' for each geocache listing. To the left of the 'details' tab is one titled 'waypoints'. If you slide over to this tab, it will allow you to add waypoint manually. It even supports waypoint projection and custom names, too.
Yep, Locus does the same as well, logging finds, leaving field notes and updating the map. I have smilies on my map for my finds
In fact probably 3/4 of my finds were logged standing at(or near) the cache in the field in Locus, NeonGeo or c:geo so I am familiar with the way they work. The all do the logging and updating in very similar ways and I don't think any of them have a clear advantage in this area.
I have no proof of this but from using c:geo and locus, it sure seems that locus is far better on battery life than c:geo is. It seems that when I used c:geo more than others, my battery life was much shorter. Now that 90% of the time I am using Locus, an all day cache tour only consumed 1/4 of the battery for 5 good hours of caching. c:geo seems to kill most of the battery in 3-4 hours. So thats like getting 20 hours of caching out of a charge opposed to maybe 5. Again, no controlled tests, just observations in the field. Maybe I have gotten better and thus use the phone less? Who knows, I only have 20 or so caches found so its not like I have 100's of caches for experience.
Very interesting. Ill have to give locus a whirl and see if I get any difference in battery. With c:geo I can go almost and entire 8 hours non-stop hammering it.... I have rooted my phone, though, so I may be getting better results than the norm...
Also c:geo allows you to login with tour Geocaching account so you log caches in the field, and it will also easily identify found caches in case you don't remove them from your device. Helps avoid duplicate finds and wasted time.
I registered Locus last night ($5). Now it will download my PQs directly from geocaching.com and will keep and process my field notes and log finds very easily. Without the live map, C:GEO became not so useful as it was. I am not uninstalling it but I don't think I will use it much any more. I am considering popping for the pay NeonGeo as I like the dynamic map loading of caches and the styling but with Locus, I probably won't.
I agree that it is less functional that it was, but not less functional than any other options. And plus, now it doesn't break the TOS. Ill have to ckeck out locus, I already own it but haven't played around with it much.
I prefer c:Geo. You load the 'nearby' caches and save them into the phone, or you canimport a PQ which is realty nice.
Once you have them, you can use the live map to find anything.
Check the browser security settings. I had to turn some settings on (cookies? Java? something.. I forget) before I could actually login.
Good luck,
Good point, some browsers require cookies to log in. Seems strange that this wouldn't be a known issue if that is the case, bit you never know.
I don't do it to be thanked, but hey, at least could they let me know they received the package and it arrived intact? /rant
Hmmm sure sounds like you are expecting a thanks to me.
Sounds to me like you don't know briansnat. I don't personally know him, but I have read enough in these forums over the last few years to know better than that. Maybe you should be careful about who you call out.
Galaxy S2. It's Android, and there are a ton pf apps to choose from for paperless. I would suggest c:geo for your needs.
I have an HTC Trophy Windows smartphone and cannot login from the smartphone but I can login to the web site on my PC.
I've tried two different login names, one for me and one for my son but the application on the smartphone just ignores me. I've tried to change the password and that didn't help. Am I missing something?
I have found that with some of my passwords with special characters, I can type them on the phone, but they will not work. Try a less complex password with letters and numbers only. If that still makes no difference, let us know!
The only multiple finds I have on an entry are thanks to a traveling event cache which moved to a different location in the city each month. So the listing itself is years old, but you'd log it every month (even though the coordinates would change a few miles each time between finds!).
I don't get it... why would anyone do this? What's the point of 'recycling' the event page like this?
If you have GSAK you can use the filter to find the duplicate or multiple finds.
It also shows up if you have any benchmarks as a unique find.
You sure bout that? I have 7 benchmark finds, but my caches, and distinct caches numbers are the same...
I am very careful about only logging a found it once per cache...
See this howto:
Hmmm, further research shows that PVC pages may be best?
Reading from here:
PVC Album PagesBy far the most common album pages on the market, these pages are what you most likely have in your coin albums (shame on you!). They are typically made from thick material (up to 0.2mm thick), are quite stiff, and hold even heavy coins very well. A key thing about PVC to realise is that in it's native state it is not 'soft' or 'flexible', it is in fact a very stiff material with a high modulus of elasticity. Did you know that almost all water pipes and drain pipes in the modern home are made from PVC? Yes the hard brittle white plastic pipes you see on building sites are PVC. So how can soft, flexible coin pages be made from PVC? By the addition of softeners, most typically pthalates. Lets look at some properties of PVC.
Colour: Colourless
Odour: Strong
Elasticity: Limited without softeners, good with softeners
Friction: moderate, can be 'tacky'
PVC album pages are colourless, and quite 'stretchy' and soft. They are not difficult to tear especially when trying to get a 2x2 into an undersized pocket. A key indicator of PVC album pages is the odour. If you've ever opened a new inflatable pool toy you know what this smell is, it is very distinctive and is a combination of the PVC itself and the added softeners. Another indication of a PVC page is in the marketing of the page itself, if it is described as 'soft' then it's almost certainly a PVC page.
This sound like just what I am looking for... maybe. I don't really know though. Will these cause problems over time? Will any of the chemicals harm the coins? What are the downsides of PVC other than the smell? If none, then this looks like a winner material. Before I go that route though, can anyone add some personal and or technical experience?
so far i've had the best luck with lead dog...dissapointed with armor brand (they tend to split down the middle) and supersafe didn't hold up well either.
ILYKThat's strange, the ones I got have Lead Dog stamped on them. Maybe they make them in differnt materials. I'll have to do some looking around. What about Mylar? is that stuff better or worse?
I have recently gotten addicted to geocoins, and have started my own collection. It is small, but growing quickly and I wanted to get a binder with those vinyl coin pages that you always see people bring to events and the like.
I just purchased a few pages online and they were a good cost... but they are crap. They feel almost brittle and do not hold onto the coins well. The first time I closed the book (with only one page, 3/4 of the way full), a coin flew out on the table. Luckily it was not one that easily scratches and all is fine.
I guess my question is: which ones are best? Where did you buy yours and what are the specifications? I really need to get some good ones so I can do this the right way. I am thinking something that is made from the same material that individual coins come in (like the pouches from Direct Mint). These are very flexible and a little grabby which keeps the coins securely in place, and will stretch a little to fit those 'fatter' coins. Not really too concerned with cost, but obviously cheaper is better.
I have done a little bit of searching but didn't see anything that I was looking for in the forums here, and everything online has very generic descriptions. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
P.S. The pages that I got are found here
I did find a cache today, but it was muggled. Or removed for the winter but not archived. It was under a tree and there was a depression in the earth. Next to that was a couple of flat rocks that would have covered the cache.
I found it but there was no container and therefore no log to sign. I looked around a bit but didn't find it. It was muggled. Can I log it as a found? I did post a "needs maintainance" however.
Technically,, this doesn't make any sense. If was muggled, missing or removed for winter, then it wasn't there and you did not 'find' it. This would most appropriately be logged as 'did not find' with a note about what you just posted. Then maybe even a 'needs maintenance ' log after that.
I think a new icon for 'solved' caches would be great! Maybe somthing like an exclamation point, and this icon would be on top of the corrected coordinates.
I have been researching Geocaching for quite some time and I am hoping that the kids and I are going to have the time to start exploring in the next few weeks. My main question is what to do with the kids, they are 7 & 5. Do we do it as a family and log all of our finds together, or do we open up accounts for each of them in case I only have one of them with me when we find a cache? I know I may be reading too far into this, but I also want to make it as interesting as possible for them.
On a side note, any in the market for a GPS should check out the deals at Cabelas right now. They've got some great markdowns on the Garmin line.
Personally, our family uses one account (this one). It makes it easier if you ever get a PM and wish to find PMO caches. It is cheaper to get a PM for one account than 3, obviously. I would stick with 1 family account, but that is just my opinion.
Edit: I see you have a PM already. I would keep the one account and log everyone's finds as one "found" log to each cache under it.
Edited again: Welcome to the hobby, the adventure, the addiction: Geocaching! I really should start being more friendly to new members.
This shouldn't make a difference... non PM's can still log PMO caches online, they just can't view the description and read the logs like normal. The one PM account could get access to the caches you find as a family, and everyone can still log it as a 'find'.
Edit for clarity.
It's just an annoying process though...
Not really...
New Map-how to refresh
in How do I...?
Posted · Edited by Arndtwe
If you zoom in/out it will accomplish the same thing. No need to refresh or have the button either.
So it doesn't matter why I want any given feature, I should just get it? Seriously? Wow. This company, gives us so much already without asking for a penny. You know, we used to have paper maps and use compasses some time ago. All these great features and services to make it easier, and all people do is complain about it.