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Posts posted by Arndtwe
if it annoys you you can buy an external antenna, something that is very useful
use gorilla tape for all things!
if you have more ammo cans on your floor then money
thats probably NOT a good idea
not a cache in some dark hole that you cant see into!
funny when your wearing a tin foil hat nobody ever asks
haha thats a good idea
I've been looking for a neodymium magnet that I could use to attach an Altoids tin to the side of a metal building. This might work.
Check out the warning and shipping message.
yeah!, and there only $200
worst: tnardyh erif eht fo htron hgih eenk
the cache was about foot high and 80 feet north of the fire hydrant
I have a pen called a "space pen" that is supposed to work to specs something like that...-30 to 250 degrees, upsidedown, on wet surfaces. www.spacepen.com as for cheap, nope. But I would look for any pressurized pen. A google search turned this up: http://store.everestgear.com/eqrir037.html
agreed! that is a very good pen, ihave on that i use for caching. it works great because you wright on lose wet soggy log books
and its not all that expensive, mine was only $16
ive made a cache out of a log that i plit in half then drilled a hole for a micri container to fit inside of it, so far it has good reviews by the people that have found it. i soon hope to place a cache that looks like an electrical box on an old combine chasis near my house, its out in the middle of the woods close to cemetary that no one ever goes to. i htink that people will like that one to. i hope.
i chose mine becuase its the same as my email
nope none yet
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