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Everything posted by Arndtwe

  1. my friends dad told me about it, thats about it
  2. my friends dad told me about it, thats about it
  3. i found a cache on accedent today, when i was looking for a stage in a multi.
  4. i found one today while doing a multi near my house. it was really wierd. weird, but cool.
  5. i would sugest a garmin GPSmap60CSX, they are absolutly AMAZING!
  6. hobby lobby and bead shops usually have them, and if your like me and are a male you could always ask your mom or girlfriend to go for you
  7. almost 15
  8. ooooooooh, thats what those are for! sweet thanks starbrand!
  9. i found a shark bottle opener
  10. my friends dad got a GPS for his birthday and was showing it to me and told me there was game called geocaching so i checked it out and now i cache. but he doesnt cache, not yet anyway. ive been trying to get him intrested but he doesnt to be right now, oh well
  11. my friends dad got a GPS for his birthday and was showing it to me and told me there was game called geocaching so i checked it out and now i cache. but he doesnt cache, not yet anyway. ive been trying to get him intrested but he doesnt to be right now, oh well
  12. i always thought that a steel GPS that was about an inch and a half tall would be cool
  13. there are always exceptions to this game, sometimes you just need to ask. contact your reviewer, explain the exactly what you want. usually they will say ok.
  14. hobby lobby or a bead shop
  15. i carry a pack full of suplies for fixing caches/placing caches/finding caches its pretty handy
  16. geocoins are great ftf prizes
  17. http://sissy-n-cr.com/store.shtml this place works well
  18. jsut google it
  19. sweeeeeet!!!
  20. sadly, often times people just do it when "they get around to it" or when they "feel" like it, at least around here it's that way. i say, keep doing what your doing. there isn't much to be done about it. i guess you could contact your reviewer or the owner, but it's probably just a waste of time.
  21. nope. only the logs kept on GC.com
  22. only if you want to. its not required that trade at all. you play the game how you want to, but if you do trade, trade up or even.
  23. there is one near my house that is a fire hydrant right in front of a fire station, its byy far the coolest cache i've found, so far
  24. RFPD dog's delight so far but the container was awsome, but i wont say anything else because it will give it away
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